Reported Earlier, "Fiat-To-Crypto In Seconds With Apple Pay; Coinbase Launches Apple Pay For All Fiat-To-Crypto Purchases Via Coinbase Onramp"
Reported Earlier, "Fiat-To-Crypto In Seconds With Apple Pay; Coinbase Launches Apple Pay For All Fiat-To-Crypto Purchases Via Coinbase Onramp"
Today, we're excited to announce the launch of Apple Pay for all fiat-to-crypto purchases via Coinbase Onramp, the easiest tool to build onramps into your existing products.
今天,我們很高興地宣佈通過Coinbase Onramp推出蘋果支付,支持所有法幣兌換加密貨幣的購買,這是您現有產品中最簡單的接入工具。
Onboarding to crypto can be a pain for your users: it can take a long time, require them to go through lengthy KYC (often requiring back and forth interactions), and use multiple apps to name just a few of the headaches. The process has a lot of friction, and as a result, users abandon ship. But not with Coinbase Onramp.
對用戶而言,上手加密貨幣可能會很痛苦:這可能需要很長時間,要求他們經歷繁瑣的KYC(通常需要來回互動),並使用多個應用程序,僅這些都是讓人頭疼的問題。這個過程有很多摩擦,因此用戶會放棄。然而,使用Coinbase Onramp就不一樣了。
Coinbase Onramp takes the hassle out of fiat-to-crypto conversions with lightweight KYC for eligible purchases, free USDC on and offramping, and access to the most popular payment methods. With Apple Pay, getting onchain only takes seconds. Take a look at just how easy and quick it is on Moonshot, an app using Onramp to help users get onchain frictionlessly.
Coinbase Onramp通過爲符合條件的購買提供輕量化KYC,免手續費的USDC進出金,以及接入最流行的支付方式,消除了法幣到加密貨幣轉換的麻煩。使用蘋果支付,上鍊只需幾秒鐘。請看看Moonshot應用程序是如何使用Onramp讓用戶無縫上鍊的,操作既簡單又快捷。
Instantly bring money onchain with Apple Pay
Coinbase Onramp makes it easy to build fiat onramps into your app so you can focus on what matters most — building your app. For eligible purchases, we provide lightweight KYC to make the process of getting onchain even simpler. To turbocharge this feature for your users, we've now integrated Apple Pay as a payment method.
Coinbase Onramp 使得將法幣入金集成到您的應用中變得簡單,這樣您就可以專注於最重要的事情——構建您的應用。對於合格的購買,我們提供輕量化的 KYC,以使上鍊過程更爲簡便。爲了爲您的用戶增強此功能,我們現在集成了蘋果支付作爲支付方式。
Here's what that means for you and your users:
All of this on top of free USDC on and offramping for your users!
所有板塊的用戶還可以享受免費的 USDC 上線和下線服務!
How to get started
If you're an existing app using Coinbase Onramp, there's nothing you need to do. Your users will automatically see Apple Pay appear as an option when making an eligible purchase.
如果您是正在使用Coinbase Onramp的現有應用,您無需做任何事情。您的用戶在進行符合條件的購買時將自動看到Apple Pay作爲選項。
Not on Onramp yet? Get set up with our quickstart. Or try our one-click-buy for an even faster experience!
Have feedback, questions, or features you want to see us include in Coinbase Onramp? Reach out to us on Discord or schedule time to speak with our product team directly here.
有反饋、問題或希望我們在Coinbase Onramp中包含的功能嗎?請通過Discord與我們聯繫或安排時間直接與我們的產品團隊交談。