
Hottest Free iPhone Apps In America Right Now: Block Blast, Threads, And ChatGPT Lead The Pack

Hottest Free iPhone Apps In America Right Now: Block Blast, Threads, And ChatGPT Lead The Pack

目前在美國最熱門的免費iPhone應用:Block Blast、Threads和chatgpt概念股位居前列
Benzinga ·  2024/12/02 18:06
The latest rankings of the most popular free apps on Apple Inc.'s (NASDAQ:AAPL) iPhone in the U.S. reveal a strong inclination toward games, social media platforms, and productivity tools.
What Happened: As of Nov. 28, 2024, here are the U.S. App Store's 10 most popular free iPhone apps:
發生了什麼:截至2024年11月28日,美國App Store最受歡迎的10款免費iPhone應用如下:
Block Blast: Developed by Artemis Limited, Block Blast is a puzzle game that combines block and jigsaw elements. The game offers offline play, simple controls, and smooth visuals, making it a quick and relaxing way to pass the time.
Block Blast:由Artemis Limited開發,Block Blast是一款結合了塊和拼圖元素的益智遊戲。該遊戲提供離線遊戲模式,控制簡單,視覺效果順暢,是打發時間的快速放鬆方式。
Threads: Created by Meta Platforms, Inc.'s (NASDAQ:META) Instagram, Threads...

