
Fineqia Limited Reports 30% Increase in DABI's Net Asset Value Since Its Appointment as Investment Advisor

Fineqia Limited Reports 30% Increase in DABI's Net Asset Value Since Its Appointment as Investment Advisor

Fineqia Limited報告DABI自被任命爲投資顧問以來,淨資產增值了30%
newsfile ·  2024/11/30 00:18

London, United Kingdom--(Newsfile Corp. - November 29, 2024) - Fineqia International Inc. (CSE: FNQ) (OTC: FNQQF) (FSE: FNQA) (the "Company" or "Fineqia"), the digital asset and investment business, announces significant performance improvements in the Digital Asset Blockchain Infrastructure ("DABI") Actively Managed Certificate ("AMC") since its U.K. subsidiary Fineqia Limited ("Fineqia Ltd") was appointed as the Investment Advisor on Feb. 8, 2024.

英國倫敦(Newsfile corp. - 2024年11月29日)- Fineqia國際公司(CSE:FNQ)(OTC:FNQQF)(FSE:FNQA)("公司"或"Fineqia"),數字資產和投資業務,宣佈數字資產區塊鏈基礎設施("DABI")主動管理證書("AMC")自其英國子公司Fineqia有限公司("Fineqia Ltd")於2024年2月8日被任命爲投資顧問以來,取得顯著的績效改善。

As of Nov. 21, 2024, the Net Asset Value ("NAV") of the DABI AMC has increased 30%, representing the valuable partnership between Fineqia Ltd and Sermont Asset Management ("Sermont"). The joint effort of both companies is reflected in the success of recent portfolio adjustments, optimising the composition of the basket of its underlying crypto assets to achieve superior growth, while adhering to its risk management framework.

截至2024年11月21日,DABI AMC的淨資產值("NAV")增長了30%,代表Fineqia Ltd和Sermont資產管理("Sermont")之間寶貴的合作伙伴關係。兩家公司的共同努力體現在最近的投資組合調整的成功中,優化了其基礎加密資產組合的構成,實現了較高的增長,同時遵循其風險管理框架。

"Our collaboration with Fineqia Ltd has been instrumental in refining the portfolio and ensuring that its composition reflects both current market dynamics and long-term growth potential," said Volkar Zaworka, chief executive officer and chief investment officer of Sermont. "By driving the inclusion of high-performing blockchain infrastructure tokens, we've positioned the portfolio for superior performance, all while maintaining a strong risk management approach. This partnership highlights our commitment to delivering innovative and profitable solutions in the digital asset space."

"我們與Fineqia Ltd的合作在完善投資組合方面起到了關鍵作用,確保其構成既反映了當前市場動態,又具有長期增長潛力,"Sermont首席執行官兼首席投資官Volkar Zaworka表示。"通過推動包括高表現區塊鏈基礎設施代幣的納入,我們已經將投資組合定位爲卓越表現,同時保持了強大的風險管理方法。這一合作突顯了我們致力於在數字資產領域提供創新和有利可圖解決方案的承諾。"

The current DABI portfolio has been refined to focus on top-performing blockchain infrastructure tokens, where Fineqia Ltd has contributed with their understanding of market trends and the evolving digital asset industry. Key components of the portfolio include:

當前的DABI投資組合已經優化,側重於表現優異的區塊鏈基礎設施代幣,Fineqia Ltd則通過其對市場趨勢和不斷髮展的數字資產行業的理解做出了貢獻。投資組合的關鍵組成部分包括:

  • Bitcoin (BTC): 37.9%
  • Ethereum (ETH): 10.7%
  • Solana (SOL): 9.1%
  • Cardano: 11%
  • 比特幣(BTC):37.9%
  • 以太幣(ETH):10.7%
  • Solana(SOL):9.1%
  • 艾達幣:11%

Fineqia Ltd's expertise in blockchain technology and digital assets along with Sermont's progressive approach to wealth management has driven the successful repositioning of the portfolio to include Solana (SOL) and Near Protocol (NEAR), while incorporating other strategic adjustments that align with trends in the blockchain infrastructure sector.

Fineqia Ltd在區塊鏈概念和數字資產方面的專業知識,結合Sermont對财富管理的前衛方法,成功地調整了投資組合,包括Solana(SOL)和Near Protocol(NEAR),同時融入其他戰略調整,與區塊鏈製造行業趨勢保持一致。

"We've applied our in-depth market knowledge to help generate superior returns," said Bundeep Singh Rangar, chief executive officer of Fineqia International Inc. "This success establishes a track record for Fineqia to attract more investors to DABI and garner more investment advisory mandates."

「我們應用了我們的深入市場知識來幫助創造卓越回報,」Fineqia International Inc的首席執行官Bundeep Singh Rangar表示。「這一成功爲Fineqia建立了吸引更多投資者進入DABI並獲得更多投資顧問業務的業績記錄。」

Portfolio Composition on Feb. 8, 2024
Portfolio Composition on Nov. 21, 2024
Top 10 Constituents Ticker Weight Top 10 Constituents Ticker Weight
Bitcoin BTC 28.4% Bitcoin BTC 37.9%
Ethereum ETH 16.1% Cardano ADA 11.0%
Cardano ADA 8.8% Ethereum ETH 10.7%
Polkadot DOT 8.6% Solana SOL 9.1%
Chainlink LINK 8.0% Polkadot DOT 5.8%
Polygon MATIC 7.0% Near Protocol NEAR 5.6%
Uniswap UNI 6.7% Chainlink LINK 5.5%
Internet Computer ICP 4.8% Uniswap UNI 4.9%
Fantom FTM 3.0% Internet Computer ICP 3.4%
Tezos XTZ 2.9% Polygon POL 3.2%
Other Other 5.8% Other Other 2.8%
前10個成分股 逐筆明細 權重 前十大成分股 逐筆明細 權重
比特幣 BTC 28.4% 比特幣 BTC 37.9%
以太幣 ETH 16.1% 艾達幣 ADA 11.0%
艾達幣 艾達幣 8.8% 以太幣 以太幣 10.7%
波卡幣 波卡幣 8.6% solana SOL 9.1%
chainlink LINK 8.0% 波卡幣 DOT 5.8%
polygon MATIC 7.0% Near Protocol NEAR 5.6%
uniswap UNI 6.7% chainlink LINK 5.5%
Internet Computer ICP 4.8% uniswap uni 4.9%
fantom FTM 3.0% internet computer ICP 3.4%
tezos XTZ 2.9% polygon POL 3.2%
其他 其他 5.8% 其他 其他 2.8%

The NAV increase is a result of the change in composition and asset appreciation.


For further details on DABI's performance and to learn more about the portfolio composition, please contact


About Fineqia International Inc.

關於Fineqia International Inc.

Fineqia International Inc. () is a digital asset business that builds and targets investments in early and growth stage technology companies that will be part of the next generation of the Internet. Publicly listed in Canada (CSE: FNQ) with quoted symbols on the Nasdaq and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Fineqia's International Inc.'s portfolio of investments includes businesses at the forefront of tokenization, blockchain technology, RWAs, AI, and fintech. Fineqia International Inc.'s VC fund in formation, Glass Ventures, backs category-defining Web 3.0 and Web 4.0 companies built by world-class entrepreneurs. and .

Fineqia International Inc.()是一家數字資產業務,專注於構建並投資下一代互聯網的早期和成長階段的科技公司。Fineqia International Inc.在加拿大(CSE: FNQ)上市,在納斯達克和法蘭克福證券交易所上有報價標識,其投資組合包括處於數字資產領先地位的企業,涉及通證化、區塊鏈技術、RWAs、人工智能和金融科技。Fineqia International Inc.的VC基金,Glass Ventures正在成立中,支持由世界一流企業家創建的定義Web 3.0和Web 4.0公司。

About Fineqia Limited (UK)

關於Fineqia Limited(英國)

Fineqia Limited is the UK-based, wholly owned subsidiary of Fineqia International Inc., established to conduct regulated and consulting activities in the United Kingdom. Fineqia Limited operates as an appointed representative of Kession Capital Ltd, which is authorised and regulated by the UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

Fineqia Limited是Fineqia International Inc.在英國建立的全資子公司,旨在開展受監管和諮詢業務。 Fineqia Limited作爲Kession Capital Ltd的指定代表,受英國金融行爲監管局(FCA)授權和監管。

About Sermont Asset Management

關於Sermont Asset Management

Sermont Asset Management, a proud member of the SERCOR Group, was founded in 1996 and remains a 100% family-owned and operated firm, now in its second generation of leadership. Fully regulated by the Liechtenstein Financial Market Authority (FMA), Sermont Asset Management offers a bespoke approach to wealth management. As a boutique firm, Sermont Asset Management specializes in bridging the gap between traditional financial services and the rapidly evolving digital landscape, providing clients with innovative solutions for navigating the future of finance.

Sermont Asset Management是SERCOR集團自豪的成員,成立於1996年,仍然是一家百分之百家族擁有和經營的公司,現已進入第二代領導層。Sermont Asset Management完全受列支敦士登金融市場監管局(FMA)監管,提供量身定製的财富管理服務。作爲一家精品公司,Sermont Asset Management專注於彌合傳統金融服務與快速發展的數字領域之間的鴻溝,爲客戶提供應對金融未來的創新解決方案。



Katarina Kupcikova, Marketing & Communications Manager
T. +44 7806 730 769

Katarina Kupcikova,市場和通信經理
T. +44 7806 730 769



Some statements in this release may contain forward-looking information (as defined under applicable Canadian Securities Laws) ("forward-looking statements"). All statements, other than of historical fact, that address activities, events or developments that Fineqia Intl. (the "Company") believes, expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future (including, without limitation, statements regarding potential acquisitions and financings) are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are generally identifiable by use of the words "may", "will", "should", "continue", "expect", "anticipate", "estimate", "believe", "intend", "plan" or "project" or the negative of these words or other variations on these words or comparable terminology. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control or predict, that may cause the actual results of the Company to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from current expectations include, among other things, without limitation, the failure to obtain sufficient financing, and other risks disclosed in the Company's public disclosure record on file with the relevant securities regulatory authorities. Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which it is made except as may be required by applicable securities laws. The Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking statement except to the extent required by applicable securities laws.

本發佈中的某些表述可能包含前瞻性信息(根據適用的加拿大證券法定義)("前瞻性陳述")。除歷史事實之外,Fineqia Intl.("公司")認爲,預計或可能在未來發生的活動、事件或發展(包括但不限於關於潛在收購和融資的表述)均屬於前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述通常可通過使用"可能"、"將"、"應該"、"繼續"、"期待"、"預計"、"估計"、"相信"、"打算"、"計劃"或"項目"等詞語或這些詞語的否定形式或其他這些詞語的變體來明確定。前瞻性陳述受到許多超出公司控制或預測能力的風險和不確定性的影響,這可能會導致公司的實際結果與前瞻性陳述中討論的結果大相徑庭。可能導致實際結果或事件與當前預期大相徑庭的因素包括但不限於未能獲得足夠融資,在公司與相關證券監管機構備案的公共披露記錄中披露的其他風險。任何前瞻性陳述僅反映其所作之日的情況,除適用證券法要求的情況外,公司不承擔更新任何前瞻性陳述的意圖或義務。



Crypto assets are unregulated investment products prone to sudden and substantial value fluctuations, presenting a high risk of total loss of the invested capital. As the underlying components of the Digital Asset Blockchain Infrastructure (DABI) Actively Managed Certificate (AMC) are unregulated, investors are unlikely to have access to regulatory protections or investor compensation schemes. If you are unsure whether these assets are suitable for your individual circumstances, it is highly recommended to obtain independent financial and legal advice.


The information presented herein is not intended as a financial promotion. This material has been produced for circulation to a limited number of professional investors and journalists.


Fineqia Limited is not a crypto asset exchange and is not registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) as such. This material is general economic commentary and does not constitute a recommendation to buy, sell or otherwise transact in any of the assets discussed above. This material has been produced for general information by Fineqia Limited. In respect to the information contained in this press release, neither Fineqia Limited nor Kession Capital Limited will be responsible for providing the protections provided to clients of Fineqia Limited or Kession Capital Limited, nor for advising any other person in connection with the contents of this press release and except to the extent required by applicable law, including the rules of the FCA, owes no duty of care to any third parties.

Fineqia有限公司不是加密資產交易所,也未在金融行爲監管局(FCA)進行註冊。本材料爲一般經濟評論,不構成買入、賣出或以其他方式交易前述任何資產的推薦。本材料由Fineqia有限公司製作供一般信息使用。關於此新聞稿中包含的信息,Fineqia有限公司和Kession Capital有限公司均不會對Fineqia有限公司或Kession Capital有限公司的客戶提供的保護負責,也不會就與本新聞稿內容有關向任何其他人提供建議,在適用法律的範圍內,包括FCA規則,不對任何第三方承擔任何責任。

