
Malaysian Tycoon And Maxis Owner Ananda Krishnan Passes Away

Malaysian Tycoon And Maxis Owner Ananda Krishnan Passes Away

Business Today ·  2024/11/28 14:48

Ananda Krishnan, one of Malaysia's most prominent billionaires, passed away peacefully on Thursday at the age of 86, according to a statement by Usaha Tegas Sdn Bhd, his private investment vehicle. The family has requested privacy during their time of mourning.

馬來西亞最顯赫的億萬富翁之一安南達·克里希南(Ananda Krishnan)於週四安然離世,享年86歲。根據他的私人投資公司漢普商行(Usaha Tegas Sdn Bhd)的聲明,家人請求在哀悼期間得到隱私。

"He has made significant contributions to nation-building and the corporate world," Usaha Tegas said. "His philanthropic initiatives have touched many lives."


A Harvard Business School alumnus, Ananda founded several iconic Malaysian companies, including Maxis Bhd, Malaysia's second-largest mobile operator, and Astro Malaysia Holdings Bhd, a leading broadcasting and media firm. He also owned a substantial stake in oilfield services provider Bumi Armada Bhd.

哈佛商學院校友安南達創立了幾家馬來西亞標誌性公司,包括大馬第二大移動運營商馬來西亞無限發展有限公司(Maxis Bhd)和領先的廣播和媒體公司Astro馬來西亞控股有限公司(Astro Malaysia Holdings Bhd)。他還持有石油鑽探服務提供商英美達有限公司(Bumi Armada Bhd)的大部分股份。

In April, Forbes ranked Ananda as Malaysia's third-richest person, with a net worth of US$5.1 billion (RM22.66 billion), trailing only Robert Kuok and Quek Leng Chan.


Despite his immense wealth and influence, Ananda shied away from media attention throughout his life. He spent much of his time between Malaysia and France with his wife. Media reports suggest that his two daughters were not interested in taking over his businesses, while his only son is a Buddhist monk in Thailand.


Ananda's rise to prominence was closely linked to the economic boom of the 1980s and 1990s, during which he became associated with former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. His portfolio extended beyond telecommunications to include ventures in oil and gas, solidifying his position as a corporate titan.

安南達崛起的過程與20世紀80年代和90年代的經濟繁榮密切相關,並與前首相敦馬哈迪·穆罕默德(Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad)結下了不解之緣。他的投資組合不僅限於電信業,還涉足石油和天然氣領域,鞏固了他作爲一位企業巨頭的地位。

Usaha Tegas described his passing as a great loss to the nation, highlighting the indelible mark he left on Malaysia's corporate and philanthropic landscape.


