
Appointment of Evelyn Angelle to Bird's Board of Directors

Appointment of Evelyn Angelle to Bird's Board of Directors

任命Evelyn Angelle爲Bird的董事會成員
GlobeNewswire ·  2024/11/26 23:00

MISSISSAUGA, Ontario, Nov. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bird Construction Inc. (TSX: BDT) is pleased to announce the appointment of Evelyn Angelle to its Board of Directors (the "Board"), effective immediately. Ms. Angelle will fill a vacancy on the Board, bringing the total number of directors to 10.

安大略省密西沙加,2024年11月26日(全球新聞網)——鳥建築公司(tsx: bdt)很高興地宣佈任命Evelyn Angelle爲董事會("董事會")成員,即刻生效。Angelle女士將填補董事會的一個空缺,使董事人數總計達到10人。

Ms. Angelle, a private investor, philanthropist and director, joins the Board with a distinguished background in public company finance and public accounting, having held senior leadership positions at Halliburton Company after a 15-year career in the audit practice of Ernst & Young LLP. A certified public accountant in Texas and certified management accountant, Ms. Angelle's expertise will be instrumental as Bird continues to pursue its strategic growth initiatives.

Angelle女士是一位私人投資者、慈善家和董事,憑藉其在上市公司財務和公共會計方面的卓越背景加入董事會,在哈里伯頓公司擔任高級管理職位,並在安永會計師事務所(Ernst & Young LLP)擁有15年的審計實踐經驗。作爲德克薩斯州的註冊會計師和註冊管理會計師,Angelle女士的專業知識將在鳥公司繼續追求其戰略增長計劃時發揮重要作用。

"We are delighted to welcome Evelyn Angelle to our Board of Directors," said Paul Raboud, Chairman of Bird Construction Inc. "With her extensive experience in public accounting and senior financial roles as well as her knowledge of supply chain management and investor relations, we are confident that she will make significant contributions to our Board and its Committees as we continue to execute on our strategic priorities and drive value for our shareholders."

「我們很高興歡迎Evelyn Angelle加入我們的董事會,」鳥建築公司的董事長Paul Raboud表示。「憑藉她在公共會計和高級財務角色方面的豐富經驗,以及她對供應鏈管理和投資者關係的了解,我們相信她將爲我們董事會及其委員會做出重大貢獻,因爲我們繼續在執行戰略優先事項和爲股東創造價值。」

Ms. Angelle will immediately join the Board's Audit Committee and Health, Safety and Environment Committee. Mr. Richard Bird will continue to serve as Audit Committee Chair in an interim capacity.


About Evelyn Angelle


Ms. Angelle is an independent corporate director. She currently serves as a director of Forum Energy Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: FET), where she chairs the Audit Committee and is a member of the Nominating, Governance and Sustainability Committee. Ms. Angelle also serves as a member of the Board of Directors, and as a member of the Audit Committee, of STEP Energy Services, Ltd. (TSX: STEP), an oilfield services company. Ms. Angelle serves on the Board of Managers of Amp Americas II Holdings LLC, a privately held renewable natural gas company, where she chairs the Audit Committee. Through her career, Ms. Angelle served in numerous executive roles, including as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of BJ Services Company LLC, and Senior Vice President, Supply Chain, for Halliburton. Prior to that, she served as Senior Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer, and Vice President of Investor Relations, both with Halliburton. Before joining Halliburton, Ms. Angelle worked for 15 years in the audit practice of Ernst & Young LLP, specializing in serving large, multinational public companies. She is a graduate of St. Mary's College (Notre Dame), where she holds a degree in Accounting. Additionally, she holds a certificate in Cyber Security Oversight from Carnegie Mellon University.

安傑爾女士是一位獨立的企業董事。她目前擔任論壇能源科技公司(紐交所:FET)的董事,主持審計委員會,並且是提名、治理與可持續發展委員會的成員。安傑爾女士還在STEP能源服務公司(tsx:STEP)的董事會任職,並擔任審計委員會成員,這是一家油田服務公司。安傑爾女士還在Amp Americas II Holdings LLC的管理委員會任職,這是一傢俬人持有的可再生天然氣公司,她在該公司擔任審計委員會的主席。在她的職業生涯中,安傑爾女士擔任過多個高管職務,包括BJ服務公司 LLC的執行副總裁兼首席財務官,以及哈里伯頓的供應鏈高級副總裁。在此之前,她擔任哈里伯頓的高級副總裁和首席會計官,以及投資者關係副總裁。加入哈里伯頓之前,安傑爾女士在安永會計師事務所工作了15年,專注於爲大型跨國上市公司提供審計服務。她是聖瑪麗學院(聖母大學)的畢業生,獲得會計學位。此外,她還獲得了卡內基梅隆大學的網絡安全監督證書。

Beyond her corporate roles, Ms. Angelle is actively engaged in charitable organizations, serving on the Board of Directors and executive committees of Junior Achievement of Southeast Texas and Junior Achievement USA. Ms. Angelle is a member of the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD), where she was awarded the distinguished Board Leadership Fellow designation.


"I am honored to join the Board of Directors at Bird Construction Inc. and look forward to working with the Board and management team to support the company's strategic vision," said Ms. Angelle. "I am excited to become part of Bird's strong 100-year foundation and to build on its tradition of trust."


The Toronto Stock Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


For further information contact:
T.L. McKibbon, President & CEO or
W.R. Gingrich, CFO
Bird Construction Inc.
5700 Explorer Drive, Suite 400
Mississauga, ON L4W 0C6
Phone: (905) 602-4122

t.L. McKibbon,總裁兼首席執行官 或
W.R. Gingrich,首席財務官
5700 Explorer Drive, Suite 400
密西沙加, ON L4W 0C6
電話: (905) 602-4122

About Bird Construction

關於Bird Construction

Bird (TSX: BDT) is a leading Canadian construction and maintenance company operating from coast-to-coast-to-coast. Servicing all of Canada's major markets through a collaborative, safety-first approach, Bird provides a comprehensive range of construction services, self-perform capabilities, and innovative solutions to the industrial, buildings, and infrastructure markets. For over 100 years, Bird has been a people-focused company with an unwavering commitment to safety and a high level of service that provides long-term value for all stakeholders.


