
Stardust Solar Announces Definitive Agreement to Acquire Solar Grids' Assets, Expected to Add 49 New U.S. Franchise Territories

Stardust Solar Announces Definitive Agreement to Acquire Solar Grids' Assets, Expected to Add 49 New U.S. Franchise Territories

newsfile ·  2024/11/26 21:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 26, 2024) - Stardust Solar Energy Inc. (TSXV: SUN) ("Stardust Solar" or the "Company"), a leading provider of residential solar energy solutions, today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement dated November 25, 2024 (the "Definitive Agreement") between, inter alia, the Company and Solar Grids Development LLC ("Solar Grids") to acquire 100% of the assets of Solar Grids, a U.S.-based solar energy company specializing in solar installations and franchise development (the "Acquisition"). The Company anticipates the Acquisition will close on or prior to November 30, 2024.

溫哥華,英屬哥倫比亞--(資訊公司 - 2024年11月26日) - Stardust 太陽能公司(tsxv: sun)("Stardust 太陽能"或"公司"),是一家領先的住宅 太陽能 解決方案提供商,今天宣佈已於2024年11月25日簽署了一項正式協議("正式協議"),該協議涉及公司與Solar Grids Development LLC("Solar Grids")之間達成的協議,收購Solar Grids 100%的 資產。Solar Grids是一家總部位於美國的 太陽能 公司,專注於 太陽能 安裝和特許經營發展("收購")。公司預計收購將在2024年11月30日或之前完成。

The Acquisition is expected to accelerate Stardust Solar's expansion into the U.S. solar market, adding an expected 49 new franchise territories and increasing the Company's total franchise network to approximately 80 locations across North America. Solar Grids currently operates in the high-demand regions of Colorado, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, which are expected to contribute immediately to Stardust Solar's revenue growth.

此次收購預計將加速Stardust 太陽能在美國 太陽能 市場的擴張,新增49個特許經營區域,並將公司的特許經營網絡增加到覆蓋北美約80個地點。Solar Grids目前在科羅拉多州、愛荷華州、密歇根州、內布拉斯加州、俄亥俄州和賓夕法尼亞州等需求旺盛的地區運營,這些地區預計將立即促進Stardust 太陽能的營業收入增長。

"This Acquisition will represent a significant step forward in our strategic plan to expand our franchise footprint and accelerate solar energy adoption across North America," said Mark Tadros, Chairman and CEO of Stardust Solar. "Solar Grids has established a strong brand with a well-organized franchise network, and we are excited to integrate their operations and expertise into our growing ecosystem."

「此次收購將成爲我們戰略計劃中的重要一步,旨在擴大我們的特許經營網絡,加速 太陽能 在北美的採用,」 Stardust 太陽能董事長兼首席執行官Mark Tadros表示。「Solar Grids已經建立了強大的品牌和一個組織良好的特許經營網絡,我們很高興能夠將他們的運營和專業知識整合到我們不斷壯大的生態系統中。」

Synergies and Strategic Benefits
The Acquisition is expected to present significant synergies for Stardust Solar and its franchise network. By integrating the new franchises under its franchise agreement, Stardust Solar is expected to enhance its purchasing power, adding margin from product sales to the latest U.S. Franchises while enabling franchisees to offer competitive pricing to their customers. Additionally, the Acquisition is expected to allow newly integrated franchises to become certified Tesla Powerwall distributors, among other partnership benefits offered by Stardust Solar to franchisees, creating new potential revenue streams and strengthening the product offering across the network.

此次收購預計將爲Stardust 太陽能及其特許經營網絡帶來顯著的協同效應。通過將新特許經營整合到其特許經營協議下,Stardust 太陽能預計將增強其採購能力,爲最新美國特許經營增添產品銷售利潤,同時使特許經營能夠爲其客戶提供具有競爭力的定價。此外,此次收購預計將使新整合的特許經營能夠成爲獲得特斯拉Powerwall認證的分銷商,以及其他由Stardust 太陽能提供給特許經營的合作伙伴利益,從而創造新的潛在營收來源,並強化該網絡中的產品供應。

"Joining forces with Stardust Solar provides an excellent platform for growth," said Justin Kaiser, CEO of Solar Grids. "The combined franchise model empowers us to concentrate entirely on growth, accelerate scaling efforts, and create greater opportunities for success while expanding our capacity to drive the transition to solar energy across the U.S."

「與凱撒文化太陽能合作爲增長提供了一個極好的平台,」太陽能網格的首席執行官Justin Kaiser說道。「聯合特許經營模式使我們能夠完全專注於增長,加快擴展努力,並創造更大的成功機會,同時擴大我們推動美國太陽能轉型的能力。」

Terms of the Acquisition:


Pursuant to the terms of the Definitive Agreement, Stardust Solar will acquire, among other things:


  • All rights, titles, and interests in Solar Grids' assets, including franchise agreements, intellectual property, and goodwill.
  • Digital and physical assets contributing to the Solar Grids brand identity.
  • Websites, training curricula, and business management systems supporting franchise operations (collectively, the "Purchased Assets").
  • 太陽能網格的資產的所有權、權利和利益,包括特許經營協議、知識產權和商譽。
  • 有助於太陽能網格品牌形象的數字和實物資產。
  • 支持特許經營運營的網站、培訓課程和業務管理系統(統稱爲「購買資產」)。

As consideration for the Purchased Assets, the Company will issue to Solar Grids an aggregate of 4,000,000 common shares in the capital of the Company (the "Consideration Shares") at a deemed price of $0.25 per Consideration Share (subject to the policies of the TSXV). 85% of the Consideration Shares (the "Closing Shares") will be issued on the closing date of the Acquisition (the "Closing Date"), and the remaining 15% of the Consideration Shares will be issued on the date that is thirty-sixth months following the Closing Date (provided that if such date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or statutory holiday, the applicable Consideration Shares shall be issued on the following business day).

作爲購買資產的對價,公司將向太陽能網格發行總計4,000,000股公司普通股(「對價股份」),每股對價股份的評估價格爲$0.25(受tsxv政策的影響)。 85%的對價股份(「成交股份」)將在收購成交日期(「成交日期」)發行,其餘15%的對價股份將在成交日期後的第36個月發行(如果該日期恰逢星期六、星期日或法定假日,相關的對價股份將在下一個工作日發行)。

The Acquisition is an arm's length transaction for the purposes of the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV") and no finder's fees are payable in connection with the Acquisition. The Company expects that the Acquisition will meet the criteria of an "Expedited Acquisition" under TSXV Policy 5.3 - Acquisitions and Dispositions of Non-Cash Assets and remains subject to the TSXV's final acceptance. All securities issuable in connection with the Acquisition will be subject to a hold period of four months and one day after the date of issuance. In addition, the Closing Shares will be subject to voluntary restrictions on transfer commencing on the date of issuance, with 400,000 of such Closing Shares being released from such voluntary restrictions on the Closing Date and an additional 600,000 of such Closing Shares being released from such voluntary restrictions every six (6) months thereafter for a period of thirty (30) months from the Closing Date.

本次收購是根據tsxv政策進行的臂長交易,與本次收購無關的中介費用不予支付。公司預計本次收購將符合tsxv政策5.3 - 非現金資產的收購和處置的「加速收購」標準,並仍需獲得tsxv的最終接受。與本次收購相關的所有可發行證券將在發行日期後經歷四個月及一天的持有期。此外,成交股份將在發行日期開始受到自願轉讓限制,其中400,000股份將於成交日期解除這樣的自願限制,後續每六(6)個月將解除另外600,000股份的自願限制,持續三十(30)個月。

In addition to the Definitive Agreement, Justin Kaiser and Larry Schroder, the Solar Grids founders, will enter into three-year consulting agreements with Stardust Solar. Their roles will focus on driving new franchise sales in the U.S. market, with commissions based on sales leads.


The closing of the Acquisition is subject to customary closing conditions, including the receipt of TSXV approval and other regulatory approvals.


New Franchises Acquired:


State Franchisees Territories Year Established
Colorado Areno Kirkendoll II and Solar Grids Development LLC 1 2023
Michigan Michigan Solar and Roofing, LLC and Solar Grids Development LLC 40 2023
Iowa Solar Grids Quad Cities and Solar Grids Development LLC 1 2023
Florida MMS Solar LLC and Solar Grids Development LLC 1 2023
Nebraska Tim Coleman and Solar Grids Development LLC 1 2020
Pennsylvania Topp Home, LLC and Solar Grids Development LLC 5 2022
特許經營商 領土 成立年份
科羅拉多州 Areno Kirkendoll II 和 太陽能網絡開發有限責任公司 1 2023
密歇根州 密歇根太陽能與屋頂有限責任公司和太陽能網絡開發有限責任公司 40 2023
愛荷華州 太陽能格網四個城市和太陽能格網發展有限責任公司 1 2023
佛羅里達 MMS太陽能有限責任公司和太陽能格網發展有限責任公司 1 2023
內布拉斯加州 tim coleman 和 太陽能網格開發有限責任公司 1 2020
賓夕法尼亞 Topp Home, LLC 和 太陽能網格開發有限責任公司 5 2022

About Solar Grids Development LLC


Solar Grids is a leading franchise system that specializes in solar energy installations. The company has built a strong brand presence and customer loyalty among its franchisees, providing solar entrepreneurs with nationwide training, support, and infrastructure.


About Stardust Solar

關於Stardust Solar

Stardust is a North American franchisor of renewable energy installation services, including solar panels (PV), energy storage systems, and electric vehicle supply equipment. Stardust lends its brand and business management services to entrepreneurs looking to enter the renewable energy industry. Stardust franchisees install and maintain clean energy systems for residential and commercial purposes. As a franchisor, Stardust supplies its franchisees with the following products: solar PV equipment, energy storage equipment, and electric vehicle supply equipment. In addition, Stardust supports its franchisees with many services from corporate headquarters, including marketing, sales, engineering, plan sets, customer service, and project management.


Media and Investor Contacts:


Mark Tadros
Chief Executive Officer, Chairman and Director


For further information or media requests, please contact:
Glen Nelson,
Investor Relations and Communications:
t: (403) 763-9797




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關於BMEX Gold Inc。 BMEX Gold Inc.是一家加拿大初創的採礦勘探公司,其主要目標是在加拿大釀造友好的採礦區域——魁北克省獲得、勘探和開發可行的黃金和金屬基地項目。BMEX目前將全部精力投入到其兩個項目中,兩個項目均位於富有成效的阿比蒂比綠巖帶內: 金圖(King Tut)項目由120個毗鄰的權利主張組成,佔地5,206公頃; 鄧洛普灣(Dunlop Bay)項目由76個礦權主張組成,覆蓋4,226公頃。 BMEX普通股在TSX-V交易所上交易,股票代碼爲"BMEX",在法蘭克福交易所上用"8M0"表示。

The information in this news release includes certain information and statements about management's view of future events, expectations, plans and prospects that constitute forward-looking statements, including statements relating to the Company's business plans and expected future growth, the completion of the Acquisition on the terms described herein or at all, the expected closing date of the Acquisition and the expected benefits of the Acquisition. These statements are based upon assumptions that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Because of these risks and uncertainties and as a result of a variety of factors, the actual results, expectations, achievements or performance may differ materially from those anticipated and indicated by these forward-looking statements. Any number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward‐looking statements as well as future results. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in forward-looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurances that the expectations of any forward-looking statements will prove to be correct. Except as required by law, the Company disclaims any intention. It assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, whether as a result of new information, future events, changes in assumptions, changes in factors affecting such forward-looking statements or otherwise.


