
3 Monthly-Paying Dividend Stocks to Boost Your Passive Income

3 Monthly-Paying Dividend Stocks to Boost Your Passive Income

3家每月支付股息的股票,助您增加 passsive 收入
The Motley Fool ·  2024/11/23 15:45

The Bank of Canada has cut its benchmark interest rates four times since June. Amid falling interest rates, investors should look to invest in monthly-paying dividend stocks to earn a stable passive income. Meanwhile, the following three Canadian stocks pay monthly dividends at higher yields, thus making them excellent buys.

加拿大銀行自6月以來已經四次減息。在利率下降的情況下,投資者應該考慮投資於每月支付股息的股票,以賺取穩定的 passsive 收入。同時,以下三隻加拿大股票每月支付高收益的股息,使它們成爲優質購買。

NorthWest Healthcare Properties REIT

NorthWest Healthcare Properties REIT

NorthWest Healthcare Properties REIT (TSX:NWH.UN) owns and manages 186 healthcare properties across seven countries. It has signed long-term lease contracts with government-backed tenants, thus enjoying healthy occupancy and collection rates. Its weighted average lease expiry (WALE) stands at 13.4 years. Around 85% of its rent is inflation-indexed, thus shielding its financials against rising prices.

NorthWest Healthcare Properties REIt (TSX:NWH.UN) 擁有並管理着7個國家的186個醫療保健資產。它與由政府支持的租戶簽訂了長期租賃合同,享有健康的入住率和收款率。其加權平均租賃到期日(WALE)爲13.4年。約85%的租金按通脹指數調整,從而保護其財務免受價格上漲的影響。

Moreover, NWH continues to strengthen its financial position through its non-core assets sales program. This year, the company has disposed of 50 properties across North America, Australia, Europe, and the United Kingdom, thus generating $1.3 billion in net sales. The company has utilized these cash flows to lower its leverage. It has also put 19 other properties worth $122.8 million for sale, which it expects to dispose of in 12 months.

此外,NWH 通過非核心資產銷售計劃繼續強化其財務狀況。今年,該公司已在北美、澳大利亞、歐洲和英國出售了50個資產,淨銷售額達到13億美元。該公司利用這些現金流降低了其槓桿率。同時,該公司還準備出售價值12280萬美元的其他19個資產,預計將在12個月內處置。

Moreover, NWH is developing next-generation properties that can deliver long-term earnings growth. Given its improving financial position and healthy growth prospects, I believe its future dividend payouts will be safer. Meanwhile, the company offers a juicy forward dividend yield of 7.36%, thus making it an excellent buy for income-seeking investors.


Whitecap Resources

Whitecap Resources公司

Second on my list is Whitecap Resources (TSX:WCP), which reported an impressive third-quarter performance last month. Its total average production for the third quarter increased by 10.4% to 173,302 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d). However, its revenue and fund flows declined compared to the previous year's quarter due to lower average realized prices. Amid solid operational performance, the company has raised its 2024 production guidance. The new guidance represents a 10.2% increase from 2023.


Moreover, WCP has planned to make a capital investment of $1.1-$1.2 billion in 2025, strengthening its production capabilities. These investments could support its production growth, with the management projecting its 2025 average production to be between 176,000 boe/d and 180,000 boe/d. The midpoint of the guidance represents a 3.2% year-over-year growth. Amid its solid operating performance, the management hopes to generate $1.6-$1.7 billion of funds flow next year with WTI (West Texas Intermediate) crude at US$70/barrel and AECO natural gas prices at $2.50/GJ (gigajoules). Considering its healthy cash flows, I believe WCP could continue rewarding its shareholders with healthy dividends. With a monthly dividend of $0.0608/share, it currently offers a forward dividend yield of 6.99%.

此外,WCP計劃在2025年投資1.1-12億美元,增強其生產能力。這些投資可能支持其生產增長,管理層預計2025年的平均產量在176,000桶boe/d至180,000桶boe/d之間。指引中值代表同比增長3.2%。在其良好的運營表現中,管理層希望在WTI(西德克薩斯州中間價)原油價格爲每桶70美元和AECO天然氣價格爲每GJ 2.50美元的情況下,明年產生1.6-17億美元的資金流量。鑑於其健康的現金流,我認爲WCP可能會繼續向股東支付豐厚的股息。每股月度股息爲0.0608美元,目前提供6.99%的前瞻性股息收益率。



Extendicare (TSX:EXE) is my final pick. The company reported an excellent third-quarter performance last week, with its topline growing by 11.3%. Increased LTC (long-term-care) funding, volume growth and rate increases in LTC and home health care, and growth in managed services drove its revenue. Supported by its topline growth and lower administrative expenses, its adjusted EBITDA grew 42.4% to $36.1 million. Also, its AFFO (adjusted fund flows from operations) increased to $23.1 million from $12.3 million in the previous year's quarters.

Extendicare(tsx:EXE)是我的最後選擇。公司上週報告稱,其營業額增長了11.3%。 Ltc(長期護理)資金增加,Ltc和家庭醫療的成交量增加以及費率提高,管理服務的增長推動了其營收。受營收增長和較低行政費用的支持,其調整後的息稅折舊及攤銷前利潤(EBITDA)增長了42.4% 至3610萬美元。此外,其經調整的運營資金淨流入(AFFO)從前一年同期的1230萬美元增至2310萬美元。

Further, Extendicare is constructing a 256-bed LTC home in St. Catharines, Ontario, to replace its 152-bed Class C home. The company expects to open the facility in the first quarter of 2027. It is also planning to begin the construction of two additional homes this quarter. Considering its healthy financials and growth prospects, I believe Extendicare would continue rewarding its shareholders with healthy dividends. It now pays a monthly dividend of $0.04/share, translating into a forward dividend yield of 4.69%.


