
PA Resources Expands Capacity By 50% As Global Aluminium Market Set To Double By 2034

PA Resources Expands Capacity By 50% As Global Aluminium Market Set To Double By 2034

Business Today ·  2024/11/22 09:11

P.A. Resources Bhd, Malaysia's leading aluminium extruder company, is set to expand its capacity by 50% through a new plant funded through borrowings and internal financing as the group's quarterly revenue for the first quarter of FY2024/251 grew 8.8% quarter-on-quarter (QoQ) and 23.4% year-on-year (YoY) to RM159.7 million driven by increase in productivity which in turn boosted sales, according to a press statement circulated by the company.

馬來西亞領先的鋁擠出機公司P.A. Resources Bhd將通過借款和內部融資融資的新工廠將其產能擴大50%。根據該集團發佈的新聞聲明,該集團2024/251財年第一季度的季度收入同比(QoQ)增長8.8%,同比增長23.4%,達到15970萬令吉公司。

"The global aluminium extrusion market is expected to double by 2034, driven by increasing demand in key sectors such as construction, automotive, aerospace, agriculture and renewable energy. P.A. Resources is well-positioned to capitalise on these growth opportunities. We are on track to expand capacity by up to 50% through our new plant, with funding primarily sourced from borrowings and internally generated funds. Additionally, the recent granting of a zero-dumping rate status on our aluminium extrusion products exported to the USA will further enhance our pricing competitiveness," said Group Managing Director (MD) Tan Sri Lau Kuan Kam.

「受建築、汽車、航空航天、農業和可再生能源等關鍵領域需求增長的推動,到2034年,全球鋁擠壓市場預計將翻一番。P.A. Resources完全有能力抓住這些增長機會。我們有望通過新工廠將產能擴大多達50%,資金主要來自借款和內部產生的資金。此外,最近對我們出口到美國的鋁擠壓產品給予零傾銷稅地位,這將進一步增強我們的定價競爭力。」 集團董事總經理(總經理)Tan Sri Lau Kuan Kuan Kam說。

During the quarter under review, the group posted RM4.6 million in profit after tax (PAT), which is lower than the RM8.7 million recorded in the previous quarter, yet higher than the RM4.1 million recorded in the corresponding quarter last year. The decline was mainly due to foreign exchange (forex) rate translation/conversion losses amounting to RM18.1 million in the first quarter ended 30 Septmber 2025. This loss arising from book value rate at RM4.729 per dollar against the prevailing forex conversion rate at RM4.119 per dollar.


Commenting on the results, the MD noted, "We take proactive measures to manage currency volatility amongst others by entering into forward contracts on our revenue and also keeping in dollar cash for purchase of materials. All these measures have mitigated the forex losses."


  1. FY2024/25: Financial year ending 30 June 2025 ︎

  1. 2024/25 財年:截至 2025 年 6 月 30 日的財政年度 ︎

