Disney To Rally Around 20%? Here Are 10 Top Analyst Forecasts For Friday
Disney To Rally Around 20%? Here Are 10 Top Analyst Forecasts For Friday
Top Wall Street analysts changed their outlook on these top names. For a complete view of all analyst rating changes, including upgrades and downgrades, please see our analyst ratings page.
- Goldman Sachs boosted the price target for Tarsus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:TARS) from $36 to $41. Goldman Sachs analyst Andrea Tan maintained a Neutral rating. Tarsus Pharmaceuticals shares closed at $46.65 on Thursday. See how other analysts view this stock.
- Deutsche Bank boosted the price target for The Walt Disney Company (NYSE:DIS) from $115 to $131. Deutsche Bank analyst Bryan Kraft maintained a Buy rating. Disney shares closed at $109.12 on Wednesday. See how other analysts view this stock.
- Needham raised Agilysys, Inc. (NASDAQ:AGYS) price target from $125 to $145. Needham analyst Mayank Tandon maintained a Buy rating. Agilysys shares settled at $120.84 on Wednesday. See how other analysts view this stock.
- Needham cut Applied Materials, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMAT) price target from $240 to $225. Needham analyst Charles Shi maintained a Buy rating. Applied Materials shares closed at $186.00 on Thursday. See how other analysts view this stock.
- Piper Sandler boosted Mastercard Incorporated (NYSE:MA) price target from $565 to $575. Piper Sandler analyst Arvind Ramnani maintained an Overweight rating. Mastercard shares closed at $520.40 on Thursday. See how other analysts view this stock.
- Benchmark boosted Tower Semiconductor Ltd. (NASDAQ:TSEM) price target from $55 to $60. Benchmark analyst Cody Acree maintained a Buy rating. Tower Semiconductor shares closed at $46.30 on Thursday. See how other analysts view this stock.
- Morgan Stanley cut the price target for SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:SEDG) from $23 to $9. Morgan Stanley analyst Andrew Percoco downgraded the stock from Equal-Weight to Underweight. SolarEdge shares settled at $12.83 on Thursday. See how other analysts view this stock.
- Baird boosted Biogen Inc. (NASDAQ:BIIB) price target from $294 to $300. Baird analyst Brian Skorney maintained an Outperform rating. Biogen shares closed at $164.89 on Thursday. See how other analysts view this stock.
- Baird raised the price target for Palo Alto Networks, Inc. (NASDAQ:PANW) from $385 to $425. Baird analyst Shrenik Kothari maintained an Outperform rating. Palo Alto shares closed at $394.39 on Thursday. See how other analysts view this stock.
- HC Wainwright & Co. cut Genelux Corporation (NASDAQ:GNLX) price target from $32 to $30. HC Wainwright & Co. analyst Emily Bodnar maintained a Buy rating. Genelux shares closed at $2.94 on Thursday. See how other analysts view this stock.
- 高盛將tarsus pharmaceuticals, Inc. (納斯達克:TARS)的目標價格從36美元上調至41美元。高盛分析師Andrea Tan維持了中立評級。tarsus pharmaceuticals的股票在週四收於46.65美元。看看其他分析師對該股票的看法。
- 德意志銀行將華特迪士尼公司(紐交所:DIS)的目標價格從115美元上調至131美元。德意志銀行分析師Bryan Kraft維持了買入評級。迪士尼的股票在週三收於109.12美元。看看其他分析師對該股票的看法。
- Needham將阿吉賽斯(納斯達克:AGYS)的目標價格從125美元上調至145美元。Needham分析師Mayank Tandon維持了買入評級。阿吉賽斯的股票在週三收於120.84美元。看看其他分析師對該股票的看法。
- Needham將應用材料公司(納斯達克:AMAT)的目標價格從240美元下調至225美元。Needham分析師Charles Shi維持了買入評級。應用材料的股票在週四收於186.00美元。看看其他分析師對該股票的看法。
- 派傑投資將萬事達公司(紐交所:MA)的目標價格從565美元上調至575美元。派傑投資分析師Arvind Ramnani維持了增持評級。萬事達的股票在週四收於520.40美元。看看其他分析師對該股票的看法。
- Benchmark將tower半導體有限公司(納斯達克:TSEM)的目標價格從55美元上調至60美元。Benchmark分析師Cody Acree維持了買入評級。tower半導體的股票在週四收於46.30美元。看看其他分析師對該股票的看法。
- 摩根士丹利將SolarEdge technologies, Inc.(納斯達克:SEDG)的目標價格從23美元下調至9美元。摩根士丹利分析師Andrew Percoco將該股票從等權重降級至減持。SolarEdge的股票在週四收於12.83美元。看看其他分析師對該股票的看法。
- 貝爾德將渤健公司(納斯達克:BIIB)的目標價格從294美元上調至300美元。貝爾德分析師布賴恩·斯科爾尼維持了跑贏大盤評級。渤健公司的股票在週四收盤時爲164.89美元。看看其他分析師如何看待這隻股票。
- 貝爾德將帕洛阿爾託網絡公司(納斯達克:PANW)的目標價格從385美元上調至425美元。貝爾德分析師施雷尼克·科塔裏維持了跑贏大盤評級。帕洛阿爾託的股票在週四收盤時爲394.39美元。看看其他分析師如何看待這隻股票。
- HC Wainwright & Co.將Genelux公司(納斯達克:GNLX)的目標價格從32美元下調至30美元。HC Wainwright & Co.分析師艾米麗·博德納維持了買入評級。Genelux的股票在週四收盤時爲2.94美元。看看其他分析師如何看待這隻股票。
Considering buying DIS stock? Here's what analysts think:

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