Ge-Shen Records 57% Rise In Q3 Net Profit, Reduces Asset With Land Disposal
Ge-Shen Records 57% Rise In Q3 Net Profit, Reduces Asset With Land Disposal

Ge-Shen Corporation Berhad reported a 57% increase in net profit, growing from RM 2.21 million a year ago to RM 3.47 million in Q3 FY24. Revenue for the quarter also grew by 3.5%, rising from RM 65.59 million a year ago to RM 67.86 million.
The improvement it said was driven by increased revenue contributions from both existing manufacturing plants in Penang and Vietnam, as well as from the Group's newly acquired subsidiary in Kedah.
Compared with the preceding quarter, the Group's revenue has decreased by 9.7% or RM 7.27 million from RM 75.13 million in Q2 this year. The decline is attributable to the delay in delivery orders at customers' request. Ge-Shen also highlighted the foreign exchange losses due to the weakening of the U.S. dollar in the past quarter, which has impacted quarterly growth./
"While we have taken measures to improve our supply chain and focus on higher margin areas such as medical devices and EMS, we remain confident that our diverse product range will sustain our growth and profitability, the Group is on track to achieve better results this year compared to FY2023" Dr. Adrian Foong, Chief Executive Officer of Ge-Shen said.
Ge-Shen首席執行官Adrian Foong博士說:「儘管我們已採取措施改善供應鏈,並專注於醫療器械和EMS等利潤率更高的領域,但我們仍然相信,我們多樣化的產品系列將維持我們的增長和盈利能力,與2023財年相比,集團今年有望取得更好的業績。」
In a statement today, Ge-Shen noted that, with the recent conclusion of its EGM, the Group has diversified its offerings to include high-performance connectors and components, focusing on expanding into high-speed data product manufacturing,
which is crucial for the rapidly growing data center and telecommunications industries.
On a separate note, the Group via its 100% owned subsidiaries, Ge-Shen Plastic (M) Sdn. Bhd. has proposed to dispose of a piece of industrial land in Tebrau, Johor Bahru for RM 7.6 million on 30th October 2024. The proposed disposal is expected to result in a net gain of approximately RM 5.28 million and will contribute positively to the Group's earning and net asset per share Shares of Ge-Shen closed at RM 3.80, giving it a market capitalisation of RM 488 million. Year to date, the counter has risen by 228%.
另一方面,該集團通過其100%控股的子公司Ge-Shen塑料(M)Sdn。Bhd. 已提議於2024年10月30日以760萬令吉的價格出售位於柔佛州新山特布勞的一塊工業用地。擬議的出售預計將帶來約528萬令吉的淨收益,並將爲集團的收益和每股淨資產做出積極貢獻。Ge-Shen的股價收於3.80令吉,市值爲48800萬令吉。今年迄今爲止,該計數器已上漲228%。