
Chuan Park Sells 70% of Units at Weekend Launch

Chuan Park Sells 70% of Units at Weekend Launch

Singapore Business Review ·  2024/11/11 15:02

The property achieved an average price of over $2,500 psf.


Chuan Park sold over 70% of its 916 units during its weekend launch.

Chuan Park在週末推出期間出售了其916套單位的超過70%。

The developer, Kingsford Group, said that the project achieved an average price of over $2,500 per sq ft (psf).


Chuan Park offers 2-bedroom to 5-bedroom units with a price range of $1.6m to $4.3m.

Chuan Park提供2房到5房單元,價格區間爲$160萬至$430萬。

The most popular units are the 2-bedders and 3-bedders which have sold around 70%, followed by the 4-bedders which have sold over 60%.


"The highly anticipated project in 14 years in Lorong Chuan is estimated to have attracted more than 20,000 visitors during its preview. This could be the highest number of visitorship in recent years. More than 2,800 cheques were collected from interested buyers," Mark Yip, CEO of Huttons Asia said.

「在Lorong Chuan有史以來最受期待的項目估計在預展期間吸引了超過20,000名訪客。這可能是近年來訪客人數最多的一次。來自感興趣買家的支票超過2,800張,」Huttons 亞洲CEO馬克·葉(Mark Yip)表示。

"We think Chuan Park saw record-breaking sales because it ticked many boxes for mass-market homebuyers, who mostly prioritise accessibility to amenities and schools, and having excellent public transport connectivity," Ismail Gafoor, CEO of PropNex said.

「我們認爲Chuan Park創紀錄的銷售額,是因爲它滿足了大衆市場購房者的許多需求,他們主要看重便利設施和學校的便利性,以及優質的公共運輸樞紐,」PropNex首席執行官 Ismail Gafoor表示。

