
Zepp Health Launches Enhanced Zepp App 9: Elevating Personalized Health and Wellness for Amazfit Users Worldwide

Zepp Health Launches Enhanced Zepp App 9: Elevating Personalized Health and Wellness for Amazfit Users Worldwide

華米科技推出升級版Zepp App 9:提升全球Amazfit用戶的個性化健康與健身體驗
PR Newswire ·  2024/10/31 23:00

MILPITAS, Calif., Oct. 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Zepp Health Corporation ("Zepp Health") (NYSE: ZEPP), a global leader in smart wearables and health technology, today announced the launch of the enhanced Zepp App 9. This latest app version is designed to deliver a more personalized health, wellness, and fitness experience, empowering Amazfit users worldwide to understand their health trends and make informed lifestyle decisions. Zepp App 9 is available on iOS and Android platforms and compatible with all Amazfit devices.

加利福尼亞州米爾皮塔斯,2024年10月31日/美通社/——華米科技公司("華米科技")(紐交所:ZEPP),全球智能穿戴和健康科技領導者,今日宣佈推出升級版Zepp App 9。這款最新應用程序版本旨在提供更個性化的健康、健康和健身體驗,賦予全球Amazfit用戶了解其健康趨勢並做出明智生活決策的能力。Zepp App 9可在iOS和Android平台上使用,並與所有Amazfit設備兼容。

Key Enhancements in Zepp App 9:

Zepp App 9的關鍵增強功能:


A New, Improved Free Zepp App Core Experience

全新、改進的免費Zepp App核心體驗

  • Enhanced User Interface: The new, streamlined interface features color-coded statistics, daily snapshots, and trend insights for seamless navigation and improved data comprehension. Users can easily access their top scores at a glance on the homepage and access in-depth pages for a deeper understanding of their daily fitness.
  • Enhanced Smart Analytics: Real-time data analysis and personalized health recommendations, supported by advanced algorithms, provide deeper insights and practical suggestions for improving users' health and wellness. This includes access to aspects of Zepp Aura including personalized sleep music, meditation support, and one message per day to an AI sleep assistant. Users can also access the Zepp Coach a complimentary feature that offers general workout guidance.
  • 增強的用戶界面:全新簡化的界面具有顏色編碼的統計數據、每日快照和趨勢見解,便於瀏覽和提高數據理解。用戶可以輕鬆地在主頁上一覽其最高得分,並訪問深入頁面以更深入地了解他們的日常健身情況。
  • 增強的智能分析:實時數據分析和個性化的健康建議,由先進算法支持,提供更深入的見解和實用建議,以改善用戶的健康和健康。這包括訪問Zepp Aura的一些功能,包括個性化的睡眠音樂、冥想支持,以及每天一條消息發送給AI睡眠助手。用戶還可以訪問Zepp Coach,這是一項免費功能,提供一般性的鍛鍊指導。

Exertion & Heart Health Monitoring


  • Exertion Score: A daily personalized exertion score is set based on each user's recovery and readiness, encouraging them to reach optimal fitness goals. It dynamically adjusts daily and provides targeted workout recommendations to maximize fitness performance.
  • Heart Health Dashboard: The Heart Health Dashboard offers a detailed overview of key cardiovascular metrics, including heart rate, resting heart rate, heart rate variability, and blood oxygen and glucose levels, giving users an in-depth understanding of their cardiovascular fitness.
  • 運動得分:根據每位用戶的恢復和準備情況設定每日個性化的運動得分,鼓勵他們達到最佳的健身目標。它每天動態調整並提供針對性的鍛鍊建議,以最大程度地提高健身表現。
  • 心臟健康-儀表板:心臟健康儀表板提供了關鍵心血管指標的詳細概覽,包括心率、靜息心率、心率變異性、血氧和葡萄糖水平,幫助用戶深入了解他們的心血管健康。

Add-On Services & Features for Enhanced Sleep, Recovery, and Fitness Insights


Users can unlock even greater value through a range of new add-on services and features designed to elevate their Amazfit experience. These include:


Zepp Aura Premium Service


Embedded within the Aura tab, Zepp Aura functions as a virtual sleep specialist, offering premium users advanced sleep reports and AI-powered personalized recommendations to improve well-being. It also provides access to an unlimited library of sleep and meditative music to enhance relaxation and sleep quality. Unlike other platforms, Zepp Aura ensures full data transparency, leveraging existing information from the free Sleep Score page to deliver insights, trends, and actionable guidance, with no data hidden behind paywalls.


Mini-Apps and Watch Faces


Zepp App 9 expands device customization with mini-apps and watch faces available through the Zepp Store and device tab. Users can instantly download these upgrades to personalize their devices, reflecting their unique style and preferences. With new content added each quarter, users have endless possibilities to refresh their devices and create an Amazfit experience that's truly their own.

Zepp 應用9通過Zepp商店和設備選項卡提供迷你應用程序和錶盤,擴展設備定製功能。用戶可以立即下載這些升級,個性化設備,反映他們獨特的風格和偏好。每季度都會增加新內容,用戶可以不斷刷新設備,打造一個真正屬於他們自己的Amazfit體驗。

Exclusive Device Upgrades


Zepp Health now offers exclusive discounts on future device purchases through the Device tab, allowing users to seamlessly upgrade to the latest innovations. This feature ensures users stay current with new technology while enjoying special offers that make it easier to expand their Amazfit ecosystem.

華米科技現在通過 設備 標籤提供獨家優惠,使用戶可以順利升級到最新的創新產品。這一功能確保用戶始終保持與新技術同步,同時享受特別優惠,使其更輕鬆地擴大其Amazfit生態系統。

Third-Party App Integration: The Zepp App seamlessly integrates with leading fitness platforms, including Strava, adidas Running, and TrainingPeaks, to provide users with a complete view of their health and wellness journey.

第三方應用集成:Zepp應用與領先的健身平台(包括Strava、adidas Running和TrainingPeaks)無縫集成,爲用戶提供完整的健康和健身之旅視圖。

Data Protection and Privacy


The Zepp App ensures that users' health data is collected, processed, and stored securely, adhering to the highest data protection standards and it does place user information behind paywalls. All personal health information is securely stored using Amazon Web Services (AWS) in North America, the EU, and other regions. The app is also GDPR-compliant*, ensuring transparency and maintaining users' trust.

Zepp應用確保用戶的健康數據安全地收集、處理和存儲,遵守最高的數據保護標準,不會將用戶信息置於付費牆後。所有個人健康信息均使用亞馬遜網絡服務(AWS)在北美、歐盟和其他地區安全存儲。該應用也符合GDPR*,確保透明度並保持用戶的 trust。



Zepp App 9 is now available for download on iOS and Android platforms. Users can update through their respective app stores to access these new features and enhance their health and wellness journey.

Zepp應用 9現已在iOS和Android平台上提供下載。 用戶可通過各自的應用商店進行更新,以訪問這些新功能並增強健康和健身之旅。

About Zepp Health


Zepp Health (NYSE: ZEPP), a global smart wearable and health technology leader, empowers users to live their healthiest lives by optimizing their health, fitness, and wellness journeys through its leading consumer brands, Amazfit, Zepp Clarity, and Zepp Aura. Powered by its proprietary Zepp Digital Health Management Platform, which includes the Zepp OS, AI chips, biometric sensors, and data algorithms, it delivers cloud-based 24/7 actionable insights and guidance to help users attain their wellness goals.

華米科技 (紐交所: ZEPP),是全球智能穿戴和健康技術領導者,通過其領先的消費者品牌Amazfit、Zepp Clarity和Zepp Aura,賦予用戶通過其專有的華米互聯網醫療管理平台(包括Zepp OS、人工智能芯片、生物傳感器和數據算法),提供基於雲的全天候可操作洞察和指導,幫助用戶實現其健康目標。

With outstanding craftsmanship, Amazfit smartwatches have won many design awards, including the iF Design Award and the Red Dot Design Award. Launched in 2015, Amazfit is today embraced by millions of users.

Amazfit智能手錶以其傑出的工藝贏得了許多設計獎項,包括iF設計獎和紅點設計獎。 Amazfit於2015年推出,今天已經被數百萬用戶接受。

To date, Zepp Health has shipped over 200 million units and its products are available in 90+ countries. Founded in 2013, Zepp Health has 1000+ employees and offices across the Americas, EMEA, and APAC regions. For more information, visit .




*GDPR compliance is when an organization meets the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for handling personal data. The GDPR is a European Union (EU) law that went into effect in 2018 and is considered one of the world's most comprehensive data protection laws.



來源 華米




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