
Asics Collaborates With Sneaker Lab For Unique Mamee Monster Sneaker Drop

Asics Collaborates With Sneaker Lab For Unique Mamee Monster Sneaker Drop

Asics與Sneaker Lab合作推出獨特的Mamee Monster運動鞋系列
Business Today ·  10/28 17:16

Japanese sportswear brand Asics has collaborated with the popular Malaysian sneaker event Sneaker Lah to release Asics Skyhand OG sneakers themed after the iconic Mamee Monster noodle snacks.

日本運動服飾品牌Asics與馬來西亞知名運動鞋活動Sneaker Lah合作,推出以標誌性Mamee Monster方便麪零食爲主題的Asics Skyhand OG運動鞋。

Everything about the sneakers screams Mamee Monster, from the noodle-shaped shoelaces to the heel tabs that look like Mamee Monster seasoning packets. The midsoles of the shoes are specked, bringing to mind Mamee Monster's seasoning powder.

這雙運動鞋的一切都散發着Mamee Monster的風格,從鞋帶的麪條形狀到看起來像Mamee Monster調味包的後跟標籤。鞋子的中底上佈滿顆粒,讓人聯想到Mamee Monster的調味粉。

Accessories, such as pin sets and lace dubraes, will come packaged just like the snack's seasoning foil.


According to Sneaker Lah founder Bryan Chin, there's even a hidden noodle design underneath the first layer of canvas of the shoe – which can only be seen when cut open.There are two ways to snag the sneakers.

根據Sneaker Lah創始人Bryan Chin表示,鞋子的第一層帆布下方甚至隱藏着麪條圖案設計,只有在割開後才能看到。有兩種方法可以獲得這雙鞋子。

The first requires you to enter Sneaker Lah's online raffle which will be held from 10pm on Oct 29 to 9.59pm on Oct 31 via its website.

第一種方式是參加Sneaker Lah的在線抽獎,活動將於10月29日晚上10點至10月31日晚上9點59分在其網站上舉行。

The second way requires you to head to the upcoming Sneaker Lah event happening from Nov 2 and 3 at the Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre in Kuala Lumpur.

第二種方式是前往即將在11月2日和3日在吉隆坡馬來西亞國際貿易展覽中心舉辦的Sneaker Lah活動。



