
Coca-Cola FEMSA, S.A.B. De C.V. (KOF) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Coca-Cola FEMSA, S.A.B. De C.V. (KOF) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

可口可樂凡薩瓶裝(Coca-Cola FEMSA, S.A.b. De C.V.)2024年第三季度業績會交流摘要
富途資訊 ·  10/26 03:17  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Coca-Cola FEMSA, S.A.B. De C.V. (KOF) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • Despite volume declines in several territories including Mexico, Colombia, and Uruguay, Coca-Cola FEMSA reported a revenue growth of 10.7%, reaching MXN69.6 billion for Q3.

  • Gross profit increased 11.3% to MXN32.1 billion with a corresponding growth in margin by 20 basis points, reaching 46.1%.

  • Operating income rose by 13.9% to MXN9.6 billion, leading to a margin expansion of 30 basis points to 13.8%.

  • Net income for the majority increased by 8.9%, amounting to MXN5.9 billion, predominantly driven by operating income growth, with some offsets from financial results and taxes.

  • 儘管包括墨西哥、哥倫比亞和烏拉圭在內的多個地區成交量下降,可口可樂凡薩報告第三季度營業收入增長10.7%,達到696億墨西哥披索。

  • 毛利潤增長11.3%,達到321億墨西哥披索,對應利潤率增長20個點子,達到46.1%。

  • 營業收入增長13.9%,達到96億墨西哥披索,導致利潤率擴張30個點子,達到13.8%。

  • 大部分淨利潤增長8.9%,達到59億墨西哥披索,主要受到營業收入增長的推動,受到一些財務成果和稅收的抵消。

Business Progress:


  • Focusing on digital transformation, Juntos+ now has 1.2 million active users. 56% of Coca-Cola FEMSA's customer base are digital buyers, a significant leap from the previous quarter.

  • Expansion of manufacturing and warehouse capacities, particularly in Mexico, with new bottling lines and distribution centers slated to accommodate growing demand.

  • Growth in Guatemala by 7.5% was supported by market-specific initiatives catering to local consumption trends and demographics.

  • 專注於數字化轉型,Juntos+現在擁有120萬活躍用戶。可口可樂凡薩的客戶群中,57%是數碼購買者,較上一季度有顯著增長。

  • 製造業和倉儲能力的擴張,特別是在墨西哥,在新的裝瓶生產線和配送中心的規劃下,以應對不斷增長的需求。

  • 在危地馬拉的增長達到7.5%,得益於針對當地消費趨勢和人口統計特點的市場特定舉措的支持。



  • Juntos+ and Juntos+ Advisor are rapidly being adopted across territories, enhancing the digital experience and optimizing sales processes through advanced AI modeling and analytics.

  • Strategic investments in infrastructure to support long-term growth, particularly in Mexico and Guatemala, aim at improving production capabilities and route-to-market efficiencies.

  • Juntos+和Juntos+ Advisor 正迅速在各地被採納,通過先進的人工智能建模和分析,提升數字體驗,優化銷售流程。

  • 在墨西哥和危地馬拉特別進行基礎設施的戰略性投資,旨在提升生產能力和市場供應效率,以支持長期增長。



  • Unfavorable weather conditions and economic slowdowns, especially in Mexico, led to volume declines and impacted consumption patterns.

  • The instability of local currencies such as the Argentine peso and the Brazilian real posed challenges in terms of currency translation impact on revenues and costs.

  • 不利的天氣條件和經濟放緩,尤其是在墨西哥,導致成交量下降並影響了消費模式。

  • 例如阿根廷披索和巴西雷亞爾等當地貨幣的不穩定性對營業收入和成本的貨幣轉換影響構成了挑戰。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


