
CTEK Charging: The Power Behind a Successful Show

CTEK Charging: The Power Behind a Successful Show

PR Newswire ·  10/26 02:00

Tips for a Successful SEMA Show


CHICAGO, Oct. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The SEMA Show is one of the most anticipated automotive events of the year, where the world's top builders, manufacturers, and enthusiasts come together to showcase the latest innovations in the industry. With hundreds of cars on display for days, one crucial but often overlooked element is effective battery management. A dead battery or unreliable power can bring even the most stunning vehicle to a halt.

芝加哥,2024年10月25日/ PRNewswire/ - SEMA展會是一年中最受期待的汽車活動之一,全球頂尖建築師、製造商和愛好者聚集一堂,展示行業最新創新。數百輛汽車陳列多天,一個至關重要但常被忽視的要素是有效的電池管理。一塊耗盡電力或不可靠的電池甚至會使最令人震驚的車輛陷入停頓。

SEMA is an opportunity to present your vehicle at its best, and with so much riding on a successful presentation, proper battery management is essential. CTEK's range of smart chargers and monitoring tools provide a reliable solution for exhibitors, ensuring vehicles are charged, protected, and ready to showcase. Whether it's for high-performance cars, classic restorations, or cutting-edge electric vehicles, keeping vehicles in optimal condition is key to success. CTEK, the leading global brand in vehicle charging technology, has emerged as an essential partner for ensuring vehicles remain charged and ready throughout the show.

SEMA是展示車輛最佳狀態的機會,對於一個成功展示來說,適當的電池管理至關重要。 CTEK的智能充電器和監控工具系列爲參展商提供可靠解決方案,確保車輛充電、受保護並隨時展示。無論是高性能汽車、經典翻新還是前沿電動汽車,保持車輛在最佳狀態下至關重要。CTEk,作爲全球領先的車輛充電技術品牌,已成爲確保車輛整個展會期間保持充電並隨時準備好的重要合作伙伴。

At this year's event, several prominent auto specialists have chosen CTEK to guarantee their vehicles perform at their best. Kevin McDonnell, Director of Operations at Boden Autohaus, highlighted the critical role CTEK plays in maintaining their vehicles: "We want to make sure everything is kept in tip-top shape. So that's why we've chosen CTEK."

在今年的活動中,幾位傑出的汽車專家選擇了CTEk,以確保他們的車輛表現最佳。 Boden Autohaus運營總監凱文·麥克唐納爾強調了CTEk在維護他們車輛方面的關鍵作用:「我們希望確保一切都保持在最佳狀態。這就是爲什麼我們選擇CTEk的原因。」

CTEK's range of chargers ensures that vehicles are not only fully powered but also protected from any potential damage caused by improper charging. The brand's state-of-the-art technology extends battery life and optimizes performance, making it the go-to choice for top-tier auto professionals.


Rob Lindsey, owner of RJ Fab, shared his appreciation for CTEK's reliability: "Thanks CTEK Charging for keeping us charged up!"

RJ Fab所有者羅布·林賽感謝CTEk的可靠性:「感謝CTEk Charging讓我們保持充電狀態!」

CTEK, the global leader in battery charging solutions, is sharing essential tips to ensure your vehicle stays powered up and ready to impress throughout the show like the pros.


Charge Before Arrival It's crucial to start the SEMA show with a fully charged battery. Before transporting your vehicle to the event, make sure it's fully charged using a reliable charger. CTEK's smart chargers, like the CT5 TIME TO GO or the MXS 5.0, provide safe, efficient charging and ensure your battery is in prime condition before the event begins.

在到達SEMA展會之前充電至關重要。在運輸車輛前往活動地點之前,請確保使用可靠的充電器充滿電。CTEK的智能充電器,如CT5 TIME TO GO或MXS 5.0,提供安全、高效的充電,確保在活動開始前電池處於最佳狀態。

Maintain Charge During the Show With vehicles often sitting idle during shows, the risk of battery drain is high. To avoid embarrassment and ensure your car is ready at all times, use a maintenance charger like the CTEK MXS 5.0 during the event. These smart chargers are designed to deliver a steady charge without overloading or damaging your battery, keeping it at optimal levels throughout the show.

在展會期間保持充電。在展會期間,車輛經常空置,電池耗盡的風險很高。爲避免尷尬並確保您的汽車隨時準備就緒,請在活動期間使用像CTEk MXS 5.0這樣的維護充電器。這些智能充電器旨在提供穩定的充電,不會過載或損壞您的電池,保持其在整個展會期間處於最佳水平。

Monitor Battery Health It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of SEMA, but battery health should remain a priority. CTEKs PRO25S or MXS 5.0 also allow you to monitor your vehicle's battery status in real-time. This way, you can detect potential issues early and avoid any last-minute hiccups.

監控電池健康。沉浸在SEMA展會的激動中很容易忽略電池健康問題,但電池健康應該始終是首要任務。CTEK的PRO25S或MXS 5.0還允許您實時監測車輛電池狀態。這樣,您可以及時發現潛在問題,避免任何臨時問題。

Avoid Quick-Fix Charging Solutions While it might be tempting to rely on quick charging solutions, these can do more harm than good. Always use smart chargers that automatically adjust to the needs of your battery, ensuring a safe and gradual charge. CTEK's technology is specifically designed to extend battery life and prevent overcharging, ensuring your vehicle is always ready to perform.


Protect Against Power Interruptions Unexpected power loss can be a major issue during large events like SEMA. To safeguard your vehicle, use a CTEK PRO25S to ensure your battery receives continuous power even during high-demand situations. This is especially important if your vehicle relies on complex electronics or if you're frequently showcasing features that consume energy.

防止電力中斷。在SEMA等大型活動期間,意外斷電可能是一個重大問題。爲保護您的車輛,使用CTEk PRO25S,即使在高需求情況下也確保電池持續供電。特別是如果您的車輛依賴複雜的電子設備,或者經常展示消耗能源的功能時,這一點尤爲重要。

From high-demand environments like auto shows to everyday garage use, CTEK is committed to providing industry-leading charging solutions that ensure your vehicle's battery health is maintained to the highest standard. With the confidence that their cars will stay powered and protected, professionals like McDonnell and Lindsey can focus on what matters most: delivering an unforgettable experience to show attendees.


For more information about CTEK's participation in the SEMA Show 2024, please visit .


About CTEK


• Established in Dalarna, Sweden, CTEK is the leading global brand in vehicle charging solutions.
• CTEK offers products ranging from 12V and 24V battery chargers to charging solutions for electrical vehicles. CTEK's E-mobility solutions range from individual EV chargers to larger corporate and commercial installations with multiple charging stations, that require load balancing and integrate seamlessly with monitoring and payment equipment.
• CTEK's products are sold via a carefully selected network of global distributors and retailers: as original equipment; supplied to more than 50 of the world's leading vehicle manufacturers; and through charge point operators, property owners and other organizations/individuals providing EV charging infrastructure.
• CTEK takes pride in its unique culture based on a passion for innovation and a deep commitment to supporting the transition to a greener mobility, by adhering to industry leading ESG standards.

• 總部位於瑞典達拉納,CTEK是全球領先的車輛充電解決方案品牌。
• CTEK提供從12V和24V電池充電器到電動車充電解決方案的產品。 CTEK的E-mobility解決方案從單獨的EV充電樁到更大型的企業和商業安裝,擁有多個充電站,需要負載均衡並與監控和支付設備無縫集成。
• CTEK的產品通過嚴格挑選的全球經銷商和零售商銷售:作爲原始設備供應給全球50多家領先的汽車製造商;以及通過充電點運營商、物業所有者和提供EV充電基礎設施的其他組織/個人銷售。
• CTEK以其獨特的文化而自豪,這種文化基於對創新的激情和對支持邁向更加綠色出行方式的承諾,遵循行業領先的ESG標準。

Press Contact:


Michelle Suzuki

Michelle Suzuki






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