
Singtel and Ericsson Streamline Network-as-a-Service for Telcos and Enterprise Customers

Singtel and Ericsson Streamline Network-as-a-Service for Telcos and Enterprise Customers

愛立信 ·  10/23 12:00

Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) and Singtel have signed a Memorandum of understanding (MoU) to offer a self-service, API-enabled, zero-touch and real-time solution for ordering, provisioning and assuring communications services via Singtel's award-winning all-in-one orchestration platform for 5G edge computing and cloud services, Paragon, and Ericsson's Service Orchestration and Assurance. Communication Service Providers (CSPs) globally can use the cloud-native solution to modernize and simplify the ways to provision new wireless communications services like network slicing and service assurance for enterprise customers, leading to new monetization opportunities for telcos.


Currently, manual provisioning of network services by CSPs is the norm, with a self-service option seen as too complex or costly to develop. The combined solution will enable enterprise customers to order and manage their own communications services through Singtel's Paragon platform in a low-friction environment where requests are immediately executed in the network via Ericsson Service Orchestration and Assurance. Developed under the principles of being modular and extensible, the solution is also automated to ensure it fits a wide range of use cases and network changes, works effectively with diverse topologies in CSP networks, and can support hybrid, complex or multi-vendor environments.


Mats Karlsson, Head of Solution Area Business and Operations Support Systems, Ericsson, says: "Breaking through challenges experienced by enterprises and CSPs alike when it comes to the creation and adoption of new and valuable 5G-enabled services is a clear priority in the global telecoms market today. We see in this collaboration with Singtel the potential for greatly increased interest, uptake and profitability of 5G services for enterprises. Singtel's innovative, multi-faceted Paragon platform and Ericsson Service Orchestration and Assurance are complementary components that, together, offer the perfect combination in answer to many of the adoption challenges we see holding enterprises and CSPs back, and we look forward to working with the ecosystem and early adopters to perfect the ideas and capabilities represented in the MoU."

愛立信業務和運營支持系統部門負責人Mats Karlsson表示:「突破企業和CSP在創建和採納新的有價值的5g服務方面所面臨的挑戰,是當今全球電信市場的明確優先事項。我們在與新電信的合作中看到了極大的潛力,可以增加企業對5g服務的興趣、採納和盈利。新電信創新多方位的Paragon平台和愛立信的服務編排與保證是互補的組成部分,共同爲許多阻礙企業和CSP發展的採納挑戰提供了完美的答案,我們期待着與生態系統和早期採用者合作,完善諒解備忘錄中所代表的想法和能力。」

Manoj Prasanna Kumar, Chief Technology Officer, Singtel Digital InfraCo says: "Singtel's Paragon platform has enabled transformation for many telcos and put them in a lead position in their markets, to roll out next-generation enterprise applications and services. We are glad to have the strong support of many technology partners and now a global network leader Ericsson in the Paragon ecosystem. This strategic partnership between Ericsson and Singtel bringing together Singtel's Paragon platform and Ericsson Service Orchestration and Assurance, will strengthen the joint value proposition and make it easier and faster for Telcos to rollout their 5G, edge and network API use cases. The combined offering will enable seamless roll out of Paragon's advanced network and edge capabilities to global CSP's to enable them monetize their infrastructure rapidly."

新電信數字製造行業首席技術官Manoj Prasanna Kumar表示:「新電信的Paragon平台已經成爲許多電信運營商實現轉型的關鍵,並使它們在市場中處於領先地位,以推出下一代企業應用和服務。我們很高興得到許多技術合作夥伴以及全球網絡領導者愛立信在Paragon生態系統中的大力支持。愛立信和新電信之間的戰略合作將結合新電信的Paragon平台和愛立信的服務編排和保障,加強了聯合的價值主張,使電信運營商更容易、更快地推出他們的5g概念、邊緣計算和網絡API使用案例。這一合作方案將使Paragon先進網絡和邊緣功能無縫推出到全球通信服務提供商,幫助他們迅速實現基礎設施的貨幣化。」

The Paragon platform will feature a self-service portal or API catalogue for enterprise customers to order and manage their dedicated and distinctive 5G-enabled services including management of the connectivity lifecycle and quality of service, analytics on consumption and performance of connections, as well as an autopilot engine to automate the management of connectivity consumption and performance of individual connections. Ericsson Service Orchestration and Assurance, along with its associated consulting and delivery services, will manage the provisioning of network profiles and subscriptions, life-cycle management of network slices and reporting of assurance metrics to demonstrate service performance. Individually, the components have proven effective at scale with CSPs around the world in reducing network creation times (sometimes to minutes instead of days) while helping to generate new revenues and reduce operations costs.


The solution conforms to the TM Forum Open Digital Architecture and utilizes industry-standard APIs including TM Forum Open APIs. The use of standardized APIs ensures seamless communication and integration between the two products and facilitate the exchange of service orders, service catalog entities, topology, and inventory information. Both Ericsson and Singtel are major drivers of industry fora including O-RAN, GSMA, 3GPP, CAMARA, Bridge Alliance and TM Forum.

該解決方案符合Tm Forum開放數字架構,利用了包括Tm Forum開放API在內的行業標準API。標準化API的使用確保了兩個產品之間的無縫通信和集成,促進了服務訂單、服務目錄實體、拓撲和清單信息的交換。愛立信和新電信都是行業論壇的主要推動者,包括O-RAN、GSMA、3GPP、CAMARA、Bridge Alliance和Tm Forum。

The partners invite interested CSPs to contact Singtel or Ericsson to understand how to take advantage of this solution to drive enterprise business.




Deliver powerful, optimized and profitable user experiences with differentiated connectivity


Service orchestration and assurance drives efficiency


Service Orchestration and Assurance


Ericsson launches Service Orchestration and Assurance to fuel CSP innovation


Singtel Paragon






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