
Fox Corporation's President of Advertising Sales Jeff Collins Announces Strategic Realignment of Team

Fox Corporation's President of Advertising Sales Jeff Collins Announces Strategic Realignment of Team

福克斯公司 ·  10/23 12:00

Move Enhances Advertiser Connection to the FOX Portfolio of Premium Content and OneFOX Audience Network, Driving Innovative and Impactful Results


New York, NY – October 23, 2024 – Fox Corporation's (Nasdaq: FOXA, FOX) President of Advertising Sales, Marketing and Brand Partnerships Jeff Collins today announced a strategic realignment of his team designed to strengthen advertisers' connection to FOX's engaged and growing audiences across its linear and digital portfolio of world-class content. It reflects the company's commitment to better serve advertisers in the rapidly evolving media landscape.

紐約,紐約 - 2024年10月23日 - 福克斯公司(納斯達克:FOXA,FOX)廣告銷售,營銷和品牌合作總裁傑夫·柯林斯今天宣佈了他的團隊的戰略重組,旨在加強廣告商與FOX受衆日益增長的受衆之間的聯繫,跨越其線性和數字組合的世界級內容。這反映了公司致力於更好地爲在不斷髮展的媒體格局中服務的廣告客戶。

"The new structure reimagines a modern-day Sales organization. It's designed to strengthen our team's ability to deliver next-level results for our advertisers by deepening their connection to our loyal audiences and the 'can't miss' moments across FOX's Sports, News and Entertainment properties," said Collins.


The move is part of Collins' overarching strategy to build on the OneFOX value proposition by offering advertisers access to cutting-edge technology and a world-class team dedicated to ensuring the best outcomes for their brands.


The structure maintains its team of sales executives dedicated to FOX's content verticals in Sports, News, Entertainment and Tubi while moving to a cross-portfolio oriented model in areas focused on operations, technology and strategy. A more unified approach across these functions allows for more scalable ad products, as well as advanced data and measurement capabilities, resulting in a simpler, more impactful experience for advertisers.


It includes the addition of several executives in newly created positions, along with some expanded roles for current FOX Advertising executives.


Joining the FOX Advertising Sales team are:


  • Ebony Moore as Senior Vice President, Client Services – Moore will lead Client Services ensuring high-level support for FOX's valued clients. Most recently, Moore was Senior Vice President, Digital/Linear Planning, Account Service and Audience Based Targeting at Warner Bros. Discovery.
  • 埃邦尼·穆爾 - 擔任高級副總裁,客戶服務 - 穆爾將領導客戶服務,確保高水平支持FOX的重要客戶。穆爾最近任職於華納兄弟探索公司的高級副總裁,數字/線性規劃,帳戶服務和基於受衆定位。
  • Brian Schepis as Senior Vice President, Yield Management – Schepis will develop yield management strategies across the FOX portfolio. He joins from Warner Bros. Discovery where he served as Vice President, Digital Pricing and Inventory.
  • Brian Schepis擔任高級副總裁、出貨管理- Schepis將在FOX系列中制定出貨管理策略。他來自華納兄弟探索,曾擔任數字定價和庫存副總裁。

Moore and Schepis will report to Michael Falco, Executive Vice President Revenue Management & Strategy who takes on an expanded role overseeing these two new positions as well as adding oversight of FOX News Media revenue management to his remit.

Moore和Schepis將向執行副總裁Revenue Management & Strategy Michael Falco彙報,他將承擔擴展職責,監督這兩個新職位,同時增加對FOX News Media營收管理的監督。

  • Matthew Jamison as Senior Vice President, Ad Sales Strategy and Partnership – As part of the Business Strategy team, Jamison will work closely with Collins' leadership team to create FOX's go-to-market ad sales strategy, partner with the Ad Rise team on developing innovative ad products and deepen FOX's relationship with partners in the media ecosystem. Jamison joins from DIRECTV where he was Vice President, Head of Partnerships.
  • Matthew Jamison擔任高級副總裁、廣告銷售策略和合作夥伴關係- 作爲業務戰略團隊的一部分,Jamison將與Collins的領導團隊緊密合作,制定FOX的市場營銷廣告銷售策略,並與Ad Rise團隊合作開發創新廣告產品,加深FOX與媒體生態系統合作伙伴的關係。Jamison來自DIRECTV,曾擔任合作伙伴關係負責人副總裁。

Joining Jamison in expanded roles on the Strategy team are FOX's Senior Vice President, Advanced Television Solutions Darren Sherriff and Senior Vice President, Business Development Chris Casscells.

加入戰略團隊的Jamison的擴展角色有FOX的高級副總裁、高級電視方案Darren Sherriff和高級副總裁、業務發展Chris Casscells。

Sherriff will oversee addressable television, data-driven linear and advanced currencies while Casscells will lead business development and spearhead new business initiatives across the FOX portfolio for the ad sales team.


  • Kym Frank as Senior Vice President, Ad Sales Research – Frank will lead a centralized, cross-platform research and measurement team developing attribution models and analytics that inform and shape future ad innovation. Previously, she served as Global Chief Experience Officer (Chief Research Officer) at MOTIONWORKS.
  • Kym Frank擔任高級副總裁、廣告銷售研究- Frank將領導一個集中的跨平台研究和測量團隊,開發歸因模型和分析,幫助塑造未來廣告創新。此前,她擔任MOTIONWORKS全球首席體驗官(首席研究官)。

About OneFOX:


OneFOX seamlessly connects Marketers and their brands to Fox Corporation's portfolio of best-in-class Sports, News and Entertainment content, and its engaged and growing audiences, guided by FOX's leading Sales team of subject matter experts who leverage cutting edge technology, meaningful data and creative thinking to deliver the most powerful results for advertising partners.


About Fox Corporation

關於Fox Corporation

Fox Corporation produces and distributes compelling news, sports, and entertainment content through its primary iconic domestic brands, including FOX News Media, FOX Sports, FOX Entertainment, FOX Television Stations and Tubi Media Group. These brands hold cultural significance with consumers and commercial importance for distributors and advertisers. The breadth and depth of our footprint allows us to deliver content that engages and informs audiences, develop deeper consumer relationships, and create more compelling product offerings. FOX maintains an impressive track record of news, sports, and entertainment industry success that shapes our strategy to capitalize on existing strengths and invest in new initiatives. For more information about Fox Corporation, please visit .

關於TIME TIME是一個擁有101年曆史的全球媒體品牌,通過其標誌性雜誌和數字平台在全球範圍內共同觸達超過1.2億的受衆。憑藉對世界上最有影響力的人物的無與倫比的接觸,消費者和合作夥伴的信任以及無可匹敵的召集力,TIME的使命是講述塑造和改善世界的人和思想的基本故事。今天,TIME還包括獲得艾美獎的電影和電視部門TIME Studios;建立在強大的TIME100和年度人物特許經營權的基礎上的顯着擴大的現場事件業務,併爲兒童提供有重點的新聞,爲教師和家庭提供有價值的資源;屢獲殊榮的品牌內容工作室Red Border Studios;網站構建平台TIME Sites;可持續性和氣候行動部門TIME CO2;電子商務和內容平台TIME Stamped等。

Press Contact:


Kathy Kelly-Brown
FOX Ad Sales Communications


