
NVIDIA Brings Generative AI Tools, Simulation and Perception Workflows to ROS Developer Ecosystem

NVIDIA Brings Generative AI Tools, Simulation and Perception Workflows to ROS Developer Ecosystem

英偉達 ·  10/22 12:00

At ROSCon in Odense, one of Denmark's oldest cities and a hub of automation, NVIDIA and its robotics ecosystem partners announced generative AI tools ,simulation, and perception workflows for Robot Operating System (ROS) developers.

在丹麥最古老的城市奧登斯舉辦的ROSCon會議上,NVIDIA及其機器人生態夥伴宣佈爲Robot Operating System (ROS)開發人員提供生成式AI工具、模擬和感知工作流。

Among the reveals were new generative AI nodes and workflows for ROS developers deploying to the NVIDIA Jetson platform for edge AI and robotics. Generative AI enables robots to perceive and understand the context of their surroundings, communicate naturally with humans and make adaptive decisions autonomously.

揭示中爲ROS開發人員提供了部署到NVIDIA Jetson平台的新生成式AI節點和工作流,用於邊緣人工智能和機器人技術。生成式AI使機器人能夠感知和理解周圍環境的語境,自然地與人類交流,並自主做出適應性決策。

Generative AI Comes to ROS Community


ReMEmbR, built on ROS 2, uses generative AI to enhance robotic reasoning and action. It combines large language models (LLMs), vision language models (VLMs) and retrieval-augmented generation to allow robots to build and query long-term semantic memories and improve their ability to navigate and interact with their environments.

ReMEmbR基於ROS 2構建,利用生成式AI增強了機器人的推理和行動。它結合大型語言模型(LLMs)、視覺語言模型(VLMs)和檢索增強生成,使機器人能夠構建和查詢長期語義記憶,並提高其在環境中導航和互動的能力。

The speech recognition capability is powered by the WhisperTRT ROS 2 node. This node uses NVIDIA TensorRT to optimize OpenAI's Whisper model to enable low-latency inference on NVIDIA Jetson, resulting in responsive human-robot interaction.

語音識別功能由WhisperTRt ROS 2節點提供動力。該節點使用NVIDIA TensorRt優化OpenAI的Whisper模型,以實現在NVIDIA Jetson上低延遲的推斷,從而產生響應靈敏的人機交互。

The ROS 2 robots with voice control project uses the NVIDIA Riva ASR-TTS service to make robots understand and respond to spoken commands. The NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory independently demonstrated ROSA, an AI-powered agent for ROS, operating on its Nebula-SPOT robot and the NVIDIA Nova Carter robot in NVIDIA Isaac Sim.

ROS 2具有語音控制功能的機器人項目使用NVIDIA Riva ASR-TTS服務,使機器人能夠理解和響應口頭命令。美國國家航空航天局獨立展示了ROS上運行的AI代理ROSAAgent,該代理在其Nebula-SPOt機器人和NVIDIA Isaac Sim中運行的NVIDIA Nova Carter機器人上運行。

At ROSCon, Canonical is demonstrating NanoOWL, a zero-shot object detection model running on the NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano system-on-module. It allows robots to identify a broad range of objects in real time, without relying on predefined categories.

在ROSCon上,Canonical展示了NanoOWL,這是一個在NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano系統級模塊上運行的零樣本目標檢測模型。它允許機器人實時識別各種物體,而無需依賴預定義類別。

Developers can get started today with ROS 2 Nodes for Generative AI, which brings NVIDIA Jetson-optimized LLMs and VLMs to enhance robot capabilities.

開發人員可以從今天開始使用ROS 2節點來進行生成人工智能,這將帶來適用於NVIDIA Jetson的LLMs和VLMs,以增強機器人的能力。

Enhancing ROS Workflows With a 'Sim-First' Approach



Simulation is critical to safely test and validate AI-enabled robots before deployment. NVIDIA Isaac Sim, a robotics simulation platform built on OpenUSD, provides ROS developers a virtual environment to test robots by easily connecting them to their ROS packages. A new Beginner's Guide to ROS 2 Workflows With Isaac Sim, which illustrates the end-to-end workflow for robot simulation and testing, is now available.

在部署之前,模擬對於安全地測試和驗證啓用人工智能的機器人至關重要。NVIDIA Isaac Sim是基於OpenUSD構建的機器人仿真平台,爲ROS開發人員提供了一個虛擬環境,通過簡單地將它們連接到其ROS軟件包,來測試機器人。一份新的關於使用Isaac Sim進行ROS 2工作流程的入門指南已經推出,其中詳細說明了機器人仿真和測試的端到端工作流程。

Foxglove, a member of the NVIDIA Inception program for startups, demonstrated an integration that helps developers visualize and debug simulation data in real time using Foxglove's custom extension, built on Isaac Sim.

Foxglove是NVIDIA Inception創業公司計劃的成員,展示了集成功能,幫助開發人員使用基於Isaac Sim構建的Foxglove自定義擴展實時可視化和調試仿真數據。

New Capabilities for Isaac ROS 3.2

Isaac ROS 3.2的新功能

NVIDIA Isaac ROS, built on the open-source ROS 2 software framework, is a suite of accelerated computing packages and AI models for robotics development. The upcoming 3.2 release enhances robot perception, manipulation and environment mapping.

NVIDIA Isaac ROS是建立在開源ROS 2軟件框架上的一套用於機器人開發的加速計算軟件包和人工智能模型。即將推出的3.2版本將加強機器人的感知、操作和環境映射。

Key improvements to NVIDIA Isaac Manipulator include new reference workflows that integrate FoundationPose and cuMotion to accelerate development of pick-and-place and object-following pipelines in robotics.

NVIDIA Isaac Manipulator的關鍵改進包括整合FoundationPose和cuMotion的新參考工作流,加速了機器人中拾取放置和目標跟隨流程的開發。

Another is to NVIDIA Isaac Perceptor, which features a new visual SLAM reference workflow, enhanced multi-camera detection and 3D reconstruction to improve an autonomous mobile robot's (AMR) environmental awareness and performance in dynamic settings like warehouses.

另一個方法是使用英偉達Isaac Perceptor,該產品具有新的視覺SLAm參考工作流程,增強的多攝像頭檢測和3D重建,以提高自主移動機器人(AMR)在倉庫等動態環境中的環保意識和性能。

Partners Adopting NVIDIA Isaac



Robotics companies are integrating NVIDIA Isaac accelerated libraries and AI models into their platforms.


  • Universal Robots, a Teradyne Robotics company, launched a new AI Accelerator toolkit to enable the development of AI-powered cobot applications.
  • Miso Robotics is using Isaac ROS to speed up its AI-powered robotic french fry-making Flippy Fry Station and drive advances in efficiency and accuracy in food service automation.
  • is partnering with RGo Robotics and NVIDIA to create a production-ready AMR using Isaac Perceptor.
  • Main Street Autonomy is using Isaac Perceptor to streamline sensor calibration.
  • Orbbec announced its Perceptor Developer Kit, an out-of-the-box AMR solution for Isaac Perceptor.
  • LIPS Corporation has introduced a multi-camera perception devkit for improved AMR navigation.
  • Canonical highlighted a fully certified Ubuntu environment for ROS developers, offering long-term support out of the box.

    Connecting With Partners at ROSCon

    ROS community members and partners, including Canonical, Ekumen, Foxglove, Intrinsic, Open Navigation, Siemens and Teradyne Robotics, will be in Denmark presenting workshops, talks, booth demos and sessions. Highlights include:

  • "Nav2 User Meetup" Birds of a Feather session with Steve Macenski from Open Navigation LLC
  • "ROS in Large-Scale Factory Automation" with Michael Gentner from BMW AG and Carsten Braunroth from Siemens AG
  • "Integrating AI in Robot Manipulation Workflows" Birds of a Feather session with Kalyan Vadrevu from NVIDIA
  • "Accelerating Robot Learning at Scale in Simulation" Birds of a Feather session with Markus Wuensch from NVIDIA
  • "On Use of Nav2 Docking" with Open Navigation's Macenski
  • 泰瑞達機器人公司旗下的通用機器人推出了新的AI加速工具包,以支持AI驅動的合作機器人應用程序的開發。
  • Miso Robotics正在使用Isaac ROS加速其使用AI技術的機器人炸薯條製作設備Flippy Fry Station,並推動食品服務自動化方面的效率和準確性的進步。
  • Wheel.me正在與RGo Robotics和英偉達合作,使用Isaac Perceptor打造一款可投產的自主移動機器人。
  • Main Street Autonomy正在使用Isaac Perceptor來簡化傳感器校準。
  • Orbbec宣佈推出Perceptor開發者套件,這是適用於Isaac Perceptor的開箱即用型AMR解決方案。
  • LIPS公司推出了一種多攝像頭感知開發套件,旨在改善AMR導航。
  • Canonical推出了專爲ROS開發人員設計的完全認證的Ubuntu環境,提供開箱即用的長期支持。


    ROS社區成員和合作夥伴,包括Canonical、Ekumen、Foxglove、Intrinsic、Open Navigation、西門子(adr)和泰瑞達機器人,將在丹麥展示研討會、演講、展臺演示和會議。亮點包括:

  • 「Nav2用戶聚會」由Open Navigation有限責任公司的Steve Macenski主持的同行會話
  • 「大規模工廠自動化中的ROS」由寶馬股份公司的Michael Gentner和西門子(adr)的Carsten Braunroth主持
  • 「將人工智能集成到機器人操作流程中」由英偉達的Kalyan Vadrevu主持的同行會話
  • 來自NVIDIA的Markus Wuensch主持的"在模擬中加速機器人學習規模"羽翼之會
  • "關於Nav2對接的使用",由Open Navigation的Macenski主持

Additionally, Teradyne Robotics and NVIDIA are co-hosting a lunch and evening reception on Tuesday, Oct. 22, in Odense, Denmark.

此外,Teradyne 機器人 和 NVIDIA 將於10月22日星期二在丹麥奧登斯共同主持午餐和晚間招待會

The Open Source Robotics Foundation (OSRF) organizes ROSCon. NVIDIA is a supporter of Open Robotics, the umbrella organization for OSRF and all its initiatives.

開源機器人基金會(OSRF)組織ROSCon。NVIDIA 是開放機器人的支持者,該組織是OSRF及其所有倡議項目的總機構

For the latest updates, visit the ROSCon page.


Categories: Robotics
類別: 機器人
Tags: NVIDIA Isaac Sim
標籤: NVIDIA Isaac Sim

