
SoftBank-Backed Jellysmack Restructures, Lays Off Employees, And Scales Back Creator Program On Meta Platforms

SoftBank-Backed Jellysmack Restructures, Lays Off Employees, And Scales Back Creator Program On Meta Platforms

軟銀支持的Jellysmack進行重組,裁員,並在meta platforms上縮減創作者計劃
Benzinga ·  2024/10/22 12:59

In a bid to restructure its operations, Jellysmack, a SoftBank Group (OTC:SFTBF) (OTC:SFTBY)-backed creator-economy startup, is laying off employees and reducing its creator program.


What Happened: Jellysmack is undergoing a reorganization and will be downsizing its workforce, reported Business Insider. The company has confirmed that 22 U.S.-based employees will be affected, with French employees also facing potential layoffs in the coming months.

發生了什麼: Jellysmack正在進行重新組織,並將裁減其員工人數,據商業內幕報道。公司已確認將有22名美國員工受到影響,法國員工在未來幾個月也可能面臨裁員。

The company is shifting its focus to its content business, which includes YouTube channels like Gamology, House of Bounce, Beauty Studio, and Oh My Goal. It is scaling back a program that helped creators earn money by posting content on Meta Platforms Inc (NASDAQ:META)-owned apps like Facebook.

該公司正將重點轉向其內容業務,其中包括類似Gamology、House of Bounce、Beauty Studio和Oh My Goal的YouTube頻道。它正在縮減一個幫助創作者通過在Meta Platforms Inc(納斯達克:META)旗下應用如Facebook上發佈內容賺錢的計劃。

"Jellysmack is making organizational adjustments to better align resources with key areas of growth," a company representative said according to the report. "Jellysmack's goal is to prioritize and invest in our business units that hold IP, given their continued success on YouTube."

據報道,一位公司代表表示:"Jellysmack正在進行組織調整,以更好地調配資源至增長關鍵領域。" "Jellysmack的目標是優先考慮並投資於持有知識產權的業務部門,鑑於它們在YouTube上的持續成功。"

This move comes after Jellysmack faced challenges in its business, including a decrease in monetization across platforms. The company, which initially focused on creating its own YouTube content, shifted to working with other creators to edit and recirculate their content across platforms like Facebook and Snap Inc's (NYSE:SNAP) Snapchat to capture additional ad revenue.

在Jellysmack面臨業務挑戰(包括跨平台貨幣化下降)之後,該公司最初專注於創建自己的YouTube內容,轉而與其他創作者合作,在平台間編輯和再循環他們的內容,如Facebook和Snap Inc(紐交所:SNAP)的Snapchat,以獲得額外的廣告收入。

Why It Matters: Jellysmack's decision to restructure its operations and focus on its content business comes at a time when the creator economy is undergoing significant changes. Meta Platforms Inc. has also been restructuring its operations and laying off employees across Instagram, WhatsApp, and Reality Labs. This is part of a broader trend of tech companies reevaluating their strategies and operations, which has been ongoing for some time.

意義何在: Jellysmack決定重新調整其業務並專注於其內容業務之際,創作者經濟正在經歷重大變革。Meta Platforms Inc.也一直在進行業務重組,在Instagram、WhatsApp和Reality Labs裁員。這是科技公司重新評估其戰略和業務的更廣泛趨勢的一部分,這一過程已持續一段時間。

This was part of a strategic reshuffle aimed at boosting efficiency. The company has also been undergoing a prolonged process of evaluating individual employee performance for 2023, with the reviews now concluding. This has left many employees anxious about their job security.


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This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Kaustubh Bagalkote

本報道使用Benzinga Neuro生成,並由Kaustubh Bagalkote

