
Rollstack Raises $11M Series A to Automate Your Presentations With AI

Rollstack Raises $11M Series A to Automate Your Presentations With AI

PR Newswire ·  10/21 21:00

NEW YORK, Oct. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Rollstack, a company making it easy to automatically create and update data-driven slide decks and documents, announced $11 million in Series A funding led by global software investor Insight Partners, with participation from existing investor Y Combinator. With the new funds, Rollstack plans to further invest in its AI capabilities to automate mundane data tasks for businesses.

2024年10月21日,紐約/PRNewswire報道——專注於簡化自動創建和更新數據驅動演示文稿和文檔的公司Rollstack宣佈獲得由全球軟件投資者Insight Partners領投的1100萬美元A輪融資,現有投資方Y Combinator也參與了投資。憑藉新的資金,Rollstack計劃進一步投資於其人工智能能力,以自動化企業的日常數據任務。

Despite innovation in enterprise data infrastructure, a disconnect remains between the tools used to analyze data and the media where insights are ultimately consumed (the "consumption" layer). As a result, highly paid data analysts may spend anywhere from 20-30% of their time copy-pasting charts from Excel, screenshotting BI tools, or manually plugging data to create documents needed for informed decision-making across the organization. Too much of data analysts' preparation time is spent on data wrangling, leaving very little for deriving actionable insights and ideation.


Rollstack aims to address this problem by enabling users to directly embed data and visualizations from BI and analytics tools, such as Tableau, Looker or Excel, into slide decks and document platforms like PowerPoint and Google Slides. It then allows users to update them with the latest data in one click, or configure automated updates every week, month, or quarter. Additionally, Rollstack's scaled creation feature allows teams to turn a deck or a document into a template to generate multiple versions. For example, Customer Success teams use the feature to create and distribute monthly or quarterly business reviews for clients at scale seamlessly. Recently, Rollstack rolled out generative AI features that marry business and data context to provide insights and recommendations directly into your presentations.


"Rollstack already automates more than 80% of our users' workflows, and we are on a path to 100%," says Nabil Jallouli, CEO of Rollstack. "While most enterprise automation stops at the BI layer, Rollstack extends it to the consumption layer—automating PowerPoint, Google Slides, Word, and Google Docs to give decision-makers the insights they need, exactly when they need them. We are thrilled to partner with Insight to bring this vision to fruition; they have a deep understanding of both data infrastructure and business document workflow."

Rollstack首席執行官Nabil Jallouli表示:「Rollstack已經自動化了超過80%的用戶工作流程,我們正在朝着100%的目標邁進。儘管大多數企業自動化都止步於BI層,但Rollstack將其擴展到消費層—自動化PowerPoint、Google幻燈片、Word和Google文檔,以使決策者在需要時直接獲得所需的見解。我們很高興能與Insight合作,實現這一願景;他們對數據基礎設施和商業文件工作流程有着深刻的理解。」

"Rollstack is elegantly solving a massive and universal problem relevant to businesses," says Kamran Pirasteh, Vice President at Insight Partners. "Rollstack saves data analysts a ton of time by removing otherwise manual and tedious processes to update presentations. Every enterprise can and should be using Rollstack to eliminate this needless work. We're thrilled to be partnering with Nabil and team to help make that happen." As part of the investment, Pirasteh will join the company's Board of Directors.

"Rollstack正在優雅地解決一個與業務相關的重大普遍問題,"說的是Insight Partners的副總裁Kamran Pirasteh。"Rollstack通過消除更新演示文稿時通常需要手動且繁瑣的流程,爲數據分析人員節省了大量時間。每家企業都可以且應該使用Rollstack來消除這種不必要的工作。我們很高興能與Nabil和團隊合作,幫助實現這一目標。"作爲投資的一部分,Pirasteh將加入公司的董事會。

The Series A comes less than a year after Rollstack's seed round, which it raised after participating in Y Combinator's W23 batch. Rollstack's fast growth comes from its customer base which includes mid-sized to large Fortune 500 companies, such as SoFi and Rollstack has automated thousands of decks and documents, saving clients countless hours and delivering millions of dollars in productivity gains.

A輪融資完成不到一年後,Rollstack的種子輪融資完成,之後參與了Y Combinator的W23批次。Rollstack的快速增長源自其客戶群,包括中型到大型財富500強公司,如SoFi和。Rollstack已經自動化了成千上萬個演示文稿和文件,爲客戶節省了無數小時,創造了數百萬美元的生產力增益。

About Rollstack:
Rollstack is a software company specializing in automating slide decks and document reporting. Headquartered in New York City, the company was a part of Y Combinator. Rollstack connects Business Intelligence tools such as Tableau, PowerBI or Looker to PowerPoint and Google Slides and uses AI to automate them. Rollstack supports some of the world's leading organizations including Fortune 500 companies with its enterprise-grade platform (SOC II, GDPR, and HIPAA compliant). Rollstack is backed by Insight Partners, Y Combinator, and notable angels from companies like BlackRock, Microsoft, Pinterest, Indeed, and AngelList. For more information, visit or follow @rollstack on X or LinkedIn.

Rollstack是一家專注於自動化幻燈片演示文稿和文檔報告的軟件公司。總部位於紐約市,該公司是Y Combinator的一部分。Rollstack將諸如Tableau、PowerBI或Looker之類的商業智能工具與PowerPoint和Google幻燈片相連接,並利用人工智能對其進行自動化。Rollstack通過其企業級平台(符合SOC II、GDPR和HIPAA標準)支持一些世界領先的組織,包括財富500強公司。Rollstack得到了Insight Partners,Y Combinator以及來自BlackRock、微軟、Pinterest、Indeed和AngelList等公司的顯赫天使的支持。欲了解更多信息,請訪問rollstack.com或關注X上的@rollstack。

About Insight Partners
Insight Partners is a global software investor partnering with high-growth technology, software, and Internet startup and ScaleUp companies that are driving transformative change in their industries. As of June 30, 2024, the firm has over $80B in regulatory assets under management. Insight Partners has invested in more than 800 companies worldwide and has seen over 55 portfolio companies achieve an IPO. Headquartered in New York City, Insight has offices in London, Tel Aviv, and the Bay Area. Insight's mission is to find, fund, and work successfully with visionary executives, providing them with tailored, hands-on software expertise along their growth journey, from their first investment to IPO. For more information on Insight and all its investments, visit or follow us on X @insightpartners.

關於 Insight Partners
Insight Partners是一家全球軟件投資者,與高增長的技術、軟件和互聯網初創公司以及大規模擴張企業合作,推動其所在行業的變革。截至2024年6月30日,該公司管理的監管資產超過800億美元。Insight Partners在全球投資了800多家公司,其中有55多家組合公司實現了IPO。總部設在紐約市,Insight在倫敦、特拉維夫和舊金山設有辦事處。Insight的使命是找到、投資併成功與有遠見的高管合作,爲他們提供量身定製的、親自指導的軟件專業知識,幫助他們沿着從首次投資到IPO的增長曆程取得成功。有關Insight及其全部投資的更多信息,請訪問insightpartners.com或在X上關注我們@insightpartners。

SOURCE Rollstack

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