
New ICIMS Research Reveals Increased Candidate Demand for Part-Time Work Across Retail and Transportation

New ICIMS Research Reveals Increased Candidate Demand for Part-Time Work Across Retail and Transportation

PR Newswire ·  10/21 21:00

The iCIMS October 2024 Workforce Report uncovers how employers and candidates are preparing for the upcoming holiday shopping season

iCIMS 2024年10月的勞動力報告揭示了僱主和候選人如何爲即將到來的節日購物季做準備

HOLMDEL, N.J., Oct. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- How are consumers feeling as they head toward retail's busiest time of the year? Will they shop in-store or online? And are they looking for seasonal jobs to help pay the bills? iCIMS, a leading provider of talent acquisition technology, today released the iCIMS Insights October 2024 Workforce Report, exploring employer and candidate sentiment around seasonal hiring as well as consumer expectations for the customer and candidate experiences.

新澤西州霍爾姆德爾,2024年10月21日 /美通社/ - 消費者在即將迎來零售業最繁忙的時期時是什麼感受?他們會選擇線下購物還是線上購物?他們是否在尋找季節性工作來幫助支付賬單?領先的人才招聘技術提供商iCIMS今天發佈了iCIMS 2024年10月勞動力報告,探討了僱主和候選人對季節性招聘的看法,以及消費者對客戶和候選人體驗的期望。

"All eyes continue to focus on the labor market, with iCIMS data showing overall job openings at a higher level than last September, with applications holding steady and hires down," says Rhea Moss, global head of workforce and customer insights, iCIMS. "Yet, key industries impacting the holiday shopping experience show job seeker demand far outweighing openings and hires. To give shoppers the service they've come to expect, employers must have their staffing in place."

"所有人繼續關注勞動力市場,iCIMS的數據顯示,整體職位空缺比去年9月同期水平更高,申請保持穩定,錄用人數下降," iCIMS全球勞動力與客戶洞察主管蕾婭·莫斯說。 "然而,影響節日購物體驗的重要行業顯示,求職者需求遠遠超過職位空缺和錄用人數。爲了給顧客提供他們期望的服務,僱主必須安排好他們的員工配備。"

Job seekers are bullish about nabbing a job in retail, with applications up 70% since Sept. 2022 and 15% from last year.

求職者對在零售業找工作充滿信心,自2022年9月以來,申請人數增加了70 %,比去年同期增加了15 %。

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Key holiday hiring trends drawn from iCIMS' proprietary data derived from thousands of organizations include:


  • Retail applications surge over two years. Job seekers are bullish about nabbing a job in retail, with applications up 70% since September 2022 and 15% from last year. However, employers do not show the same level of enthusiasm. Retail openings and hires are down from two years ago, falling 25% and 23%, respectively.
  • Openings for transportation jobs are on the rise. The transportation industry saw a 15% uptick in job openings since last September, which could be good news for online shoppers waiting for their holiday packages to arrive. While applications are up 35% from September 2022, hiring is down 17% over the same period of time and remains consistent with last year's levels.
  • Younger generations are dominating the applicant pool. Gen Z made up the largest pool of retail and transportation applicants by age, and the bulk of applicants for both segments were under 35. Despite older workers coming out of retirement, only 11% of retail and transportation applicants in September were over 54.
  • Part-time job openings lag. Full-time job openings grew 5% between September 2023 and September 2024, while part-time openings only squeaked 1% higher during the same period.
  • 零售業申請激增兩年。求職者對在零售業找工作充滿信心,自2022年9月以來,申請人數增加了70 %,比去年同期增加了15 %。然而,僱主並沒有表現出同樣程度的熱情。零售業的職位空缺和錄用人數較兩年前下降,分別下降了25 % 和 23 %。
  • 運輸工作的空缺在增加。交通運輸行業自去年9月以來職位空缺增加了15 %,這對等待假日包裹送達的線上購物者來說可能是個好消息。雖然自2022年9月以來申請量增加了35 %,但錄用人數比同期下降了17%,並與去年的水平保持一致。
  • 年輕一代主導了申請人群。 Z代佔了零售和運輸申請人中年齡最大的群體,這兩個領域的大部分申請人年齡都在35歲以下。儘管年長的員工重新投入工作,但在9月份,只有11%的零售和運輸申請人年齡超過54歲。
  • 兼職工作空缺嚴重滯後。2023年9月至2024年9月間,全職工作機會增長了5%,而同期兼職工作機會僅增長了1%。

Based on a survey of 1,000 US adults conducted this month, the new report also provides a look into consumer expectations for the upcoming holiday shopping season, as well as job seeker sentiment around seasonal hiring:


  • Customer service matters, big time. Almost eight out of ten consumers say that customer service is important to the holiday shopping experience. Millennials place the most value on customer service, with 44% saying it's "very" important to their experience, compared to 32% of baby boomers saying the same.
  • Shopping in-store is not dead. Eighteen percent of respondents plan to shop in-store this holiday season, while 25% plan to shop online. Fifty-seven percent are planning for a combination of both.
  • Job seekers do not want eight-hour shifts. Seventy-two percent of adults prefer part-time seasonal work over full-time seasonal work. Female adults were more likely to choose part-time seasonal work (79%) compared to 65% of male adults.
  • Seasonal workers have to buy presents, too. What motivates workers to look for seasonal roles? A majority of adults (67%) said that competitive pay was the top driver, followed by employee discounts (50%) and a pleasant work environment (53%). However, they are concerned about inconsistent hours or scheduling conflicts (53%), inadequate compensation (42%) and high workload or stress levels (46%).
  • 客戶服務至關重要。近八成消費者表示客戶服務對節日購物體驗很重要。千禧一代最重視客戶服務,有44%的人表示客戶服務對他們的體驗「非常」重要,而只有32%的嬰兒潮一代表示同樣重要。
  • 實體店購物並未消亡。百分之十八的受訪者計劃在今年節日購物季在實體店購物,而有25%計劃在線上購物。百分之五十七的人計劃兩者兼而有之。
  • 求職者不願意做八小時的輪班。百分之七十二的成年人更喜歡兼職季節性工作而不是全職季節性工作。女性成年人更可能選擇兼職季節性工作(79%),而男性成年人中爲65%。
  • 季節性工作者也要買禮物。是什麼激勵工作者尋找季節性角色?大多數成年人(67%)表示競爭性報酬是最重要的驅動力,其次是員工折扣(50%)和愉快的工作環境(53%)。然而,他們擔心不確定的工作時間或排班衝突(53%)、薪酬不足(42%)和高工作量或壓力水平(46%)。

Download the iCIMS Insights October 2024 Workforce Report. For a deeper dive, visit the iCIMS booth at Gartner ReimagineHR Conference Oct. 28–30 in Orlando, FL. Attendees can hear from Rhea Moss, who will take the stage at 3 p.m. ET with iCIMS customer Chris Elliott, managing director of talent acquisition and HR transformation & change at Charles Schwab, to break down the latest labor market data and debunk workforce and hiring myths.

立即下載2024年10月的iCIMS洞察力工作報告。爲了更深入了解,請訪問加特納重塑人力資源會議的iCIMS展臺,時間是10月28日至30日,在佛羅里達州奧蘭多。與iCIMS客戶Chris Elliott一起,iCIMS人才招聘與人力資源轉型與變革董事查理施瓦布管理主任Rhea Moss將在美國東部時間下午3點登臺,解讀最新的勞動力市場數據,並揭穿有關勞動力和招聘傳說。

About iCIMS, Inc.
iCIMS is a leading provider of talent acquisition technology that enables organizations everywhere to build winning workforces. For over 20 years, iCIMS has been at the forefront of talent acquisition transformation. iCIMS empowers thousands of organizations worldwide with the right tools to meet their evolving needs across the talent journey and drive business success. Its AI-powered hiring platform is designed to improve efficiency, cut recruiting costs and build exceptional experiences for candidates and recruiters. For more information, visit

關於iCIMS, Inc.
iCIMS是一家領先的人才招聘技術提供商,讓各地組織能夠打造成功的團隊。 20多年來,iCIMS一直處於人才招聘變革的前沿。 iCIMS爲全球數千家組織提供合適的工具,以滿足他們在人才發展過程中不斷變化的需求,並推動業務成功。 其基於人工智能的招聘平台旨在提高效率,降低招聘成本,併爲候選人和招聘人員構建出色的體驗。 欲了解更多信息,請訪問

Carlee Capawana
Director of Corporate Communications, iCIMS
[email protected]

Carlee Capawana
[email protected]


資訊來源iCIMS, Inc.




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