
New OT Security Solutions From Palo Alto Networks Address Growing Cybersecurity Threats to Industrial Operations

New OT Security Solutions From Palo Alto Networks Address Growing Cybersecurity Threats to Industrial Operations

palo alto networks推出的新型安防-半導體解決方案,解決工業運營面臨的日益增長的網絡安全概念威脅
PR Newswire ·  10/21 20:15

Powered by Precision AI, new capabilities protect OT remote operations, mitigate risk for critical OT assets and extend security into harsh industrial environments

由Precision AI提供支持,新功能可保護Ot的遠程運營,減輕關鍵Ot資產的風險,並將安全性擴展到苛刻的工業環境中。

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Oct. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The convergence of IT and operational technology (OT) and the digital transformation of OT have created new opportunities for innovation and efficiency in critical Industrial Automation and Control Systems. However, these advancements also broaden the potential attack surface, making it even more crucial to improve and extend security for OT environments. Palo Alto Networks (NASDAQ: PANW), the global cybersecurity leader, today introduced new capabilities in its OT Security solution, including the industry's only fully integrated, risk-based guided virtual patching solution, powered by Precision AI, the Prisma Access Browser with Privileged Remote Access and a suite of ruggedized, ML-powered Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFWs) built to withstand harsh industrial settings where traditional firewalls often cannot operate.

加州聖克拉拉,2024年10月21日 / PRNewswire / - It和運營技術(OT)的融合以及Ot的數字轉型爲關鍵工業自動化和控制系統的創新和效率創造了新的機遇。然而,這些進步也擴大了潛在的攻擊面,使改進和擴展Ot環境的安全性變得更加關鍵。全球網絡安全領導者Palo Alto Networks(NASDAQ:PANW)今天在其 Ot安全解決方案中介紹了新功能,包括行業內唯一完全集成、基於風險的引導式虛擬打補丁解決方案,由 Precision AI提供支持,Prisma Access瀏覽器具有特權遠程訪問功能,以及一套堅固的、由ML驅動的下一代防火牆(NGFW),專爲能夠經受嚴苛工業環境的條件而設計,傳統防火牆通常無法運行。

According to the 2024 State of OT Security report from Palo Alto Networks and ABI Research, 70% of industrial organizations experienced a cyberattack on their OT environment in the last year. Almost 25% of these organizations suffered attacks that led to operational shutdowns and disrupted business continuity.

根據美國國立精神衛生研究所,4.4%的美國成年人在生命中的某個時刻曾經歷過雙相情感障礙,這意味着美國約有1400萬人患有雙相情感障礙-約佔100個人中的1個。遺傳在雙相情感障礙中起着重要作用,其遺傳性估計在44-90%之間。23andMe的新報告基於一種名爲多基因風險評分(PRS)的統計模型,該模型是通過自有研究數據庫開發的。雙相情感障礙PRS報告根據成千上萬種不同的基因變體以及客戶的遺傳祖源和出生性別計算個體被診斷爲該疾病的可能性。該報告是23andMe爲其23andMe +高級會員提供的其他精神健康PRS報告之後推出的,包括焦慮,驚恐發作和抑鬱症的報告。2024年Ot安全狀況 根據Palo Alto Networks和ABI Research的報告,70%的工業組織在過去一年中遭遇了對其Ot環境的網絡安全攻擊。近25%的組織遭受了導致運營中斷和業務連續性受到干擾的攻擊。

Anand Oswal, SVP and GM, Network Security, Palo Alto Networks:
"The rise in the frequency and sophistication of OT attacks, often driven by AI, highlights the urgent need for robust, OT-specific security measures. Organizations must implement comprehensive solutions that ensure real-time visibility, end-to-end protection and simplified security management. Palo Alto Networks OT Security solution, powered by Precision AI, secures both OT and converged IT/OT in a consistent way to combat these challenges and protect critical infrastructure."

Anand Oswal,Palo Alto Networks網絡安全高級副總裁兼總經理:
「Ot攻擊的頻率和複雜程度的增加,通常受到人工智能驅動,突顯了對強大的Ot特定安全措施的迫切需求。組織必須實施全面解決方案,確保實時可見性,端到端保護和簡化的安全管理。由Precision AI提供支持的Palo Alto Networks Ot安全解決方案以一致的方式保護Ot和融合IT/Ot,以應對這些挑戰並保護關鍵基礎設施。」

Sid Snitkin, Vice President, Cybersecurity Services, ARC Industrial Cybersecurity:
"Operational technology environments are becoming increasingly complex and interconnected, making them more susceptible to cyber threats. The ability to deploy AI-powered tools like guided virtual patching is a game-changer for industrial cybersecurity. It enables organizations to address vulnerabilities in real-time without the costly and often disruptive downtime that traditional patching methods would require. This approach not only reduces risks but also enhances the overall resilience of OT infrastructures."

Sid Snitkin,ARC工業網絡安全服務副總裁:

Palo Alto Networks OT Security solution safeguards all OT environments, including networks, assets, remote operations and 5G networks. It also provides specific visibility and capabilities to help customers simplify operations and increase efficiency.

Palo Alto Networks Ot安全解決方案確保所有Ot環境的安全,包括網絡、資產、遠程運營和5g網絡。它還提供特定的可見性和功能,幫助客戶簡化操作並提高效率。

New features include the ability to:


  • Enhance remote operations with secure and easy-to-deploy access for OT: Privileged Remote Access delivered through the new Prisma Access Browser will empower OT security teams managing remote operations. This solution simplifies deployment and strengthens security by providing secure, immediate access to critical OT systems for all authorized users, including contractors and partners. It supports just-in-time access and session recording for essential workflows, ensuring that mission-critical environments are safeguarded while making remote access easier to manage.
  • Quickly address critical OT vulnerabilities without interrupting operations: Keeping legacy OT assets secure can be challenging, especially when patches risk disrupting operations. Guided Virtual Patching with Industrial OT Security allows security teams to mitigate critical vulnerabilities swiftly without causing downtime. Powered by Precision AI, it automates asset inventory, assesses risks and prioritizes vulnerabilities to enable protection of hard-to-patch systems between regular patch cycles or maintenance windows. This prevents interruptions as well as extends the lifespan of these assets, ensuring that critical operations remain uninterrupted and secure.
  • Protect remote industrial assets in harsh environments: Industrial operations sometimes need to happen in tough conditions, facing rain, wind and extreme temperatures. The ruggedized PA-400R Series firewalls offer reliable security tailored for harsh, space-constrained environments like utility substations and factory floors. Easy to install—even on DIN rails—they include models with 5G connectivity to keep remote sites connected. With features like fail-to-wire capabilities, these firewalls ensure continuous security and connectivity, helping reduce costs while protecting critical infrastructure.
  • 通過新的安全無障礙特權遠程訪問來增強遠程運營:通過 Prisma Access瀏覽器 將增強物聯網安全團隊管理遠程操作的能力。此解決方案通過爲所有授權用戶(包括承包商和合作夥伴)提供安全、即時訪問關鍵物聯網系統,簡化部署並加強安全性。支持按需訪問和會話錄製以進行關鍵工作流程,確保保護關鍵任務環境的同時使遠程訪問更易於管理。
  • 在不中斷運營的情況下快速解決關鍵物聯網漏洞:保護傳統物聯網資產的安全可能具有挑戰性,尤其在補丁可能導致操作中斷的情況下。通過Guided Virtual Patching, 工業物聯網安全 允許安全團隊迅速減輕關鍵漏洞而不會造成停機。利用Precision AI技術,自動化資產清單、評估風險並優先處理漏洞,從而在常規補丁週期或維護窗口之間保護難以補丁化的系統。這可防止中斷,並延長這些資產的壽命,確保關鍵操作保持不中斷和安全。
  • 保護惡劣環境中的遠程工業資產:工業操作有時需要在惡劣條件下進行,面臨雨雪、風雨和極端溫度。 經過特製設計的PA-400R系列防火牆 爲嚴苛、空間受限的環境(如公用事業分站和工廠車間)量身定製可靠的安全性。易於安裝—甚至可以安裝在DIN導軌上—其中包括具有5G連接性能的型號,以確保遠程站點連接。藉助故障切換功能等功能,這些防火牆確保持續的安全性和連接性,有助於降低成本同時保護關鍵的基礎設施。

During the Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Cybersecurity Conference this week, attendees can learn more about the power of Palo Alto Networks new capabilities, as well as experience an interactive tour of our OT CyberWall. In addition, Qiang Huang, head of product management, IoT Security at Palo Alto Networks, will be delivering a keynote about "Navigating the OT Security Nexus: AI, Digital Transformation, and Emerging Threats" at 9:55 a.m. ET on Tuesday, October 22.

工業控制系統(ICS)網絡安全大會 本週,與會者可以了解 Palo Alto Networks 新功能的威力,以及體驗我們的 Ot CyberWall 的互動之旅。此外,Palo Alto Networks 物聯網(IoT)安全產品管理負責人黃強將於10月22日星期二上午9:55在「Navigating the Ot Security Nexus: 人工智能、數字化轉型和新興威脅」主題演講。

To learn more, read our blog or visit the Palo Alto Networks OT Security.

要了解更多,請閱讀我們的《課堂》或訪問Palo Alto Networks零信任OT安全網站。博客 或訪問 Palo Alto Networks 物聯網安全.

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關注palo alto networks X (曾用名Twitter),, LinkedIn, Facebook和頁面。Instagram.

About Palo Alto Networks
Palo Alto Networks is the global cybersecurity leader, committed to making each day safer than the one before with industry-leading, AI-powered solutions in network security, cloud security and security operations. Powered by Precision AI, our technologies deliver precise threat detection and swift response, minimizing false positives and enhancing security effectiveness. Our platformization approach integrates diverse security solutions into a unified, scalable platform, streamlining management and providing operational efficiencies with comprehensive protection. From defending network perimeters to safeguarding cloud environments and ensuring rapid incident response, Palo Alto Networks empowers businesses to achieve Zero Trust security and confidently embrace digital transformation in an ever-evolving threat landscape. This unwavering commitment to security and innovation makes us the cybersecurity partner of choice.

關於Palo Alto Networks
Palo Alto Networks是全球網絡安全領域的領導者,致力於提供行業領先的基於人工智能的網絡安全解決方案、雲安全解決方案和安全運營解決方案,以使每一天都比前一天更安全。由Precision AI驅動,我們的技術提供精確的威脅檢測和快速響應,最大程度地減少誤報和增強安全效果。我們的平台化方法將多樣化的安全解決方案集成到一個統一、可擴展的平台中,簡化管理,並提供具有全面保護的操作效率。從保衛網絡邊界到保護雲環境,再到確保快速響應安全事件,Palo Alto Networks賦予企業實現零信任安全並在不斷演變的威脅環境中自信地擁抱數字化轉型的能力。我們對安全和創新的承諾使我們成爲最佳的網絡安全合作伙伴。

At Palo Alto Networks, we're committed to bringing together the very best people in service of our mission, so we're also proud to be the cybersecurity workplace of choice, recognized among Newsweek's Most Loved Workplaces (2021-2024), with a score of 100 on the Disability Equality Index (2024, 2023, 2022), and HRC Best Places for LGBTQ+ Equality (2022). For more information, visit .

在Palo Alto Networks,我們致力於匯聚最優秀的人才,爲實現我們的使命服務,因此我們也自豪地成爲網絡安全概念首選的工作場所,被認可爲Newsweek的最受喜愛的工作場所(2021-2024年),在殘疾人平等指數(2024年、2023年、2022年)上得分100分,以及HRC LGBTQ+平等最佳工作場所(2022年)。欲了解更多信息,請訪問.

Palo Alto Networks, Precision AI, Prisma, and the Palo Alto Networks logo are trademarks of Palo Alto Networks, Inc. in the United States and in jurisdictions throughout the world. All other trademarks, trade names, or service marks used or mentioned herein belong to their respective owners.

Palo Alto Networks、Precision AI、Prisma和Palo Alto Networks標誌是Palo Alto Networks, Inc.在美國和世界各地司法管轄區的商標。此處使用或提及的所有其他商標、商號或服務標誌屬於其各自所有者。

SOURCE Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

消息來源:Palo Alto Networks, Inc。




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