
ROSCon 2024: Orbbec Unveils GMSL2/FAKRA Stereo Vision 3D Camera Gemini 335Lg for AMRs and Robotic Arms

ROSCon 2024: Orbbec Unveils GMSL2/FAKRA Stereo Vision 3D Camera Gemini 335Lg for AMRs and Robotic Arms

ROSCon 2024:Orbbec推出GMSL2/FAKRA立體視覺3d攝像頭Gemini 335Lg,適用於AMRs和機械臂
PR Newswire ·  17:57

Featuring GMSL2 serializer and FAKRA connector, the Gemini 335Lg offers secure and reliable connectivity, designed to enhance the performance of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and robotic arms in challenging environments.

Gemini 335Lg採用GMSL2串行器和FAKRA連接器,提供安全可靠的連接,旨在增強自主移動機器人(AMR)和機械臂在複雜環境中的性能。

ODENSE, Denmark, Oct. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Orbbec, a global leader in 3D vision systems, announced the launch of the Gemini 335Lg Stereo Vision 3D Camera at ROSCon 2024. As the latest addition to the Gemini 330 series, the Gemini 335Lg utilizes advanced Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link 2 (GMSL2) and a FAKRA connector, ensuring secure and reliable connectivity for autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) in fulfillment centers, warehouses, and factories, as well as for robotic arms in complex tasks such as bin-picking and palletizing/de-palletizing.

丹麥奧登塞,2024年10月21日/PRNewswire/-- Orbbec,全球三維視覺系統領導者,宣佈在ROSCon 2024推出Gemini 335Lg立體視覺3D攝像頭。作爲Gemini 330系列的最新成員,Gemini 335Lg使用先進的Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link 2(GMSL2)和FAKRA連接器,確保自主移動機器人(AMR)在配送中心、倉庫和工廠以及機械臂在揀選箱和托盤裝卸等複雜任務中具有安全可靠的連接。

ROSCon 2024: Orbbec Unveils GMSL2/FAKRA Stereo Vision 3D Camera Gemini 335Lg for AMRs and Robotic Arms
ROSCon 2024:Orbbec推出GMSL2/FAKRA立體視覺3d攝像頭Gemini 335Lg,適用於AMRs和機械臂

The Gemini 330 series offers versatile 3D solutions, focusing on AMRs and robotic arms. These cameras operate in both passive and active laser-illuminated modes, ensuring high-quality depth and RGB output in challenging indoor and outdoor lighting conditions.

Gemini 330系列提供多功能的3D解決方案,專注於AMR和機械臂。這些攝像頭可在被動和主動激光照明模式下運作,在室內和室外挑戰性光照條件下能夠提供高質量的深度和RGB輸出。

Key Features of Gemini 335Lg:

Gemini 335Lg的主要特點:

Built-in Depth Processing: Equipped with Orbbec's latest depth engine, ASIC MX6800, the camera processes high-resolution depth maps internally, freeing up bandwidth on the host processor for AI and robotics tasks.

內置深度處理:配備Orbbec最新的深度引擎,ASIC MX6800,攝像頭在內部處理高分辨率深度圖,爲AI和機器人任務釋放主機處理器的帶寬。

Stable and Smooth Data Transmission: This GMSL2/FAKRA-powered and IP65-rated Gemini 335Lg supports high-speed transmission (bandwidth up to 6Gbps) and long-distance connection (up to 15 meters). It is also vibration-resistant and resilient in harsh environments, effectively preventing disconnections during high-speed movement, long-distance transmissions, and challenging conditions with uneven terrain, dust and water, and electromagnetic interference.

穩定流暢的數據傳輸:這款基於GMSL2/FAKRA並具有IP65等級的Gemini 335Lg支持高速傳輸(帶寬高達6Gbps)和長距離連接(最長達15米)。它還具有抗震動的特點,在惡劣環境中表現出色,有效防止在高速移動、長距離傳輸和具有不平整地形、灰塵和水以及電磁干擾等挑戰性條件下出現斷開連接。

Streamlined Multi-Device Collaboration: The Gemini 335Lg supports the simultaneous connection of up to 16 cameras, providing precise synchronization of depth and color streams across devices for complex multi-camera setups.

簡化的多設備協作:Gemini 335Lg支持最多16台攝像頭同時連接,爲複雜的多攝像頭設置提供深度和顏色流的精確同步。

Out-of-the-Box Experience: Fully compatible with the latest NVIDIA Jetson, ROS, and ROS2 platforms, the Gemini 335Lg offers seamless integration, whether connecting through a GMSL2 camera board or directly to a complete system. The platform continues to expand to support a broad range of customer needs.

開箱即用體驗:Gemini 335Lg與最新的NVIDIA Jetson、ROS和ROS2平台完全兼容,提供無縫集成,無論是通過GMSL2攝像頭板連接還是直接連接到完整系統。該平台繼續擴展以支持廣泛的客戶需求。

USB Support: Building on the foundation of the Gemini 335L, the Gemini 335Lg maintains the USB Type-C interface and data streaming performance while adding support for GMSL2 and FAKRA. Both cameras utilize a unified SDK, enabling seamless application development and validation on the Gemini 335Lg using existing work developed for the Gemini 335L.

USB支持:在Gemini 335L的基礎上,Gemini 335Lg保持了USB Type-C接口和數據流性能,同時增加了對GMSL2和FAKRA的支持。兩個攝像頭均使用統一的SDK,使得在Gemini 335Lg上使用已爲Gemini 335L開發的現有工作進行無縫應用開發和驗證成爲可能。

"We are excited to introduce the Gemini 335Lg at ROSCon 2024," said Michael McSweeney, Vice President of Sales at Orbbec. "This new addition reflects our commitment to enhancing robotics solutions with advanced technology, offering greater stability and reliability for AMRs and robotic arms."

「我們很高興在2024年的ROSCon上介紹Gemini 335Lg,」 Orbbec銷售副總裁Michael McSweeney說道。「這一新產品的推出反映了我們致力於通過先進技術增強機器人解決方案,爲AMR和機器人臂提供更穩定可靠性的承諾。」

The Gemini 335Lg will be showcased at ROSCon 2024 as part of Orbbec's collaboration with Universal Robots through their new UR AI Accelerator. The AI Accelerator integrates the Gemini 335Lg with Universal Robots PolyScope X software and is powered by NVIDIA Isaac accelerated libraries and AI models, running on the NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin system-on-module. The AI Accelerator provides developers with an extensible platform to build applications, accelerate research and reduce time to market of AI products.

Gemini 335Lg將在ROSCon 2024上展示,作爲Orbbec與Universal Robots合作的一部分,通過他們的新UR人工智能加速器。人工智能加速器將Gemini 335Lg與Universal Robots PolyScope X軟件集成,由NVIDIA Isaac加速庫和AI模型提供動力,在NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin系統級模塊上運行。人工智能加速器爲開發人員提供了一個可擴展的平台,用於構建應用程序,加速研究,並縮短AI產品的上市時間。

Visit Gemini 335Lg for details.

訪問Gemini 335Lg了解詳情。

About Orbbec


Founded in 2013, Orbbec has been on a mission to democratize robotics and AI vision technology, offering products with exceptional performance and value spanning structured light, stereo vision and ToF technologies. Robotics vision AI developers and enterprises have deployed Orbbec products in thousands of robots, manufacturing, logistics, retail, 3D scanning, healthtech and fitness solutions. With in-house R&D, state-of-the-art factory, supply chain management and global support, Orbbec also offers ODM engagements for custom and embedded designs. Follow Orbbec on X, Facebook, and LinkedIn for the latest updates and innovations in robotics and AI vision technology.

成立於2013年,Orbbec一直致力於使機器人和AI視覺技術民主化,提供卓越性能和價值的產品,涵蓋結構光、立體視覺和ToF技術。機器人視覺AI開發人員和企業已經在成千上萬臺機器人、製造業、物流、零售、3D掃描、醫療技術和健身解決方案中部署了Orbbec的產品。憑藉內部研發、先進的工廠、供應鏈管理和全球支持,Orbbec還爲定製和嵌入式設計提供ODM合作。關注Orbbec X, FacebookLinkedIn 獲取機器人和人工智能視覺技術領域的最新更新和創新。






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