
Deloitte Global's Future of Cyber Survey Shows How Organizations Around the World Are Adapting to a Shifting Threat Landscape by Amplifying the CISO Role and Prioritizing Cyber-savvy Boards

Deloitte Global's Future of Cyber Survey Shows How Organizations Around the World Are Adapting to a Shifting Threat Landscape by Amplifying the CISO Role and Prioritizing Cyber-savvy Boards

PR Newswire ·  12:01
  • High- cyber-maturity organizations expect to achieve their business outcomes by 27% more on average than global respondents overall.
  • The threat landscape is evolving as reported threats related to data-loss- impacted 28% of organizations in 2024, up by 14% vs. last year.
  • 57% of respondents anticipate increasing their budget for cybersecurity over the next 12 to 24 months.
  • 高度網絡安全概念的組織預計,其業務成果的實現平均比全球受訪者高出27%。
  • 威脅形勢正在發生變化,與數據丟失相關的報告威脅影響到28%的組織,較去年增長了14%。
  • 57%的受訪者預計在接下來的12到24個月內增加網絡安全預算。

NEW YORK, Oct. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Deloitte Global released the fourth edition of the Global Future of Cyber Survey report, which found that cybersecurity is increasingly becoming a cornerstone of many organizations' growth strategies and business plans amidst today's advanced and complex threat landscape. The findings from Deloitte Global's largest cyber-related survey to date show how decision-makers are shifting their responses to cyber threats. Among other strategies, businesses are increasing the responsibility and strategic influence assigned to chief information security officers (CISOs), promoting further involvement from the board on cybersecurity-related matters, and turning to measures like artificial intelligence (AI).

2024年10月21日,紐約 / PRNewswire / -- 今天,德勤全球發佈了《全球未來網絡調查報告》的第四版,發現網絡安全日益成爲許多組織增長戰略和業務計劃的基石,尤其是在當今複雜和先進的威脅形勢下。德勤全球迄今爲止最大規模的與網絡安全相關的調查結果顯示,決策者們正在調整應對網絡威脅的策略。除其他策略外,企業正在增加首席信息安全官(CISO)的責任和戰略影響力,並在網絡安全相關事務上促使董事會更多參與,並轉向採用人工智能等措施。

In recent years, the ever-evolving tech environment has led Deloitte to identify organizations based on their level of cyber-maturity in the survey findings. Key indicators of a high-performing, cyber-mature organization include increased efforts of cyber planning, implementation of key cybersecurity activities, cyber engagement at the board level, and deployment of AI within their cyber programs. This year's survey reinforces the urgency of securing cyber systems, as 25% of respondents from cyber-mature businesses reported 11 or more cybersecurity incidents in the past year, a 7% increase of incidents since the 2023 survey.

近年來,不斷演變的科技環境促使德勤在調查結果中根據組織的網絡安全概念水平對其進行識別。高性能、網絡安全概念成熟的組織的關鍵指標包括加大網絡規劃的努力、實施關鍵網絡安全活動、董事會層面的網絡安全參與以及在其網絡計劃中部署人工智能。今年的調查加強了保護網絡系統的緊迫性,因爲來自網絡安全成熟業務的25%的受訪者報告過去一年中發生了 11次或更多次網絡安全事件,這是自2023年調查以來事件增加了7%。

Stemming from the climbing number of cyberattacks, the report underlines the growing responsibilities CISOs are having as important allies to their CEOs and boards, particularly as their influence expands across an increasingly tech-savvy C-suite. One aspect in making the role exceedingly important has been the growing wave of AI-generated threats, which can target enterprises to exploit vulnerabilities by impersonating trusted sources. While the CISO's expertise gains value, organizations are turning simultaneously to AI-enabled tools to strengthen cybersecurity and combat risks. Each of this suggests an increasingly integrated cyber function across business and technology:


  • Around one-third of respondents report a significant increase in CISO involvement during strategic conversations about tech-related capabilities in the past year.
  • Over the last decade CISOs have traditionally reported to the chief information officer (CIO), however they are increasingly gaining the ear and trust of CEOs, as 20% of decision-makers revealed their CISOs now report directly to their CEO.
  • Cyber is playing a large role in securing an organization's investment in tech capabilities, particularly when it comes to priority areas such as cloud (48%), Generative AI (41%), and data analytics (41%).
  • On average 39% of respondents are using AI capabilities in their cybersecurity programs to a large extent
  • 在過去的一年中,約三分之一的受訪者表示,在有關科技相關能力的戰略對話中,CISO的參與明顯增加。
  • 在過去的十年裏,CISO們通常向首席信息官(CIO)彙報,然而,他們越來越獲得CEO的傾聽和信任,20%的決策者透露,他們的CISO現在直接向CEO彙報。
  • 網絡安全概念在確保組織對技術能力的投資中發揮着重要作用,特別是在涉及雲(48%)、生成式人工智能(41%)和數據分析(41%)等優先領域時。
  • 平均而言,39%的受訪者在很大程度上在其網絡安全方案中使用人工智能能力。

"The rise of AI and other evolving technologies has significantly transformed the threat landscape. As threats become more sophisticated and impactful to core business, CISOs are increasingly required to adopt a more strategic role driving cross business risk prioritization and mitigation," says Emily Mossburg, Deloitte Global Cyber Leader. "The close relationship between CISOs and CEOs is a testament to the role security plays in a business's long-term success. Today, CISOs are not only protectors against outside threats, but key players helping their organization find success by integrating cyber considerations in the strategic decision-making process."

「人工智能和其他不斷髮展的技術的崛起顯著改變了威脅形勢。隨着威脅變得更加複雜且對核心業務影響更大,CISO越來越需要扮演更具戰略性的角色,推動跨業務風險優先級和緩解風險。」 Deloitte全球網絡安全負責人Emily Mossburg表示。 「CISO與CEO之間密切的關係證明了安全在企業長期成功中的作用。今天,CISO不僅是抵禦外部威脅的保護者,而且是通過在戰略決策過程中整合網絡安全考慮幫助其組織找到成功的關鍵參與者。」

Organizations continue to embrace cyber as an essential component of their enterprise tech stack, budgeting strategies, and future business plans. They also increasingly rely on technology-driven programs to fuel growth and innovation. As business leaders realize the potential of cyber, the report finds:


  • The top three expected outcomes from cybersecurity initiatives are protecting intellectual property (46%), improving threat detection and response (44%), and increasing efficiency and agility (44%).
  • Overall, 83% of respondents agree or completely agree that measures like qualitative risk assessments and benchmarking are an integral part of their overall cybersecurity strategy.
  • 58% of respondents also expect to begin integrating cybersecurity spending with budgets for other programs, such as digital transformation initiatives, IT programs, and cloud investments.
  • 網絡安全方案中最預期的三個結果是保護知識產權(46%)、改善威脅檢測和應對(44%)以及提高效率和敏捷性(44%)
  • 總體而言,83%的受訪者同意或完全同意,如定性風險評估和基準測試之類的措施是其整體網絡安全策略中不可或缺的一部分。
  • 58%的受訪者還預計將開始將網絡安全支出與其他計劃的預算整合,比如數字轉型計劃、IT計劃和雲投資。

"This year's report highlights how the connection between cybersecurity and business outcomes continues to grow stronger, enabling cyber to have greater impacts in achieving organizational objectives" adds Mossburg. "The increased reliance organizations have on their technology-driven programs is evolving the CISO roles and their cyber initiatives into essential components in driving business growth in a tech-powered future."

"今年的報告突顯了網絡安全與業務結果之間的聯繫繼續加強,使網絡安全能夠更大程度地影響實現組織目標" 補充Mossburg。"組織對其技術驅動的計劃更加依賴,正在將CISO角色和他們的網絡安全倡議發展成爲推動未來技術驅動業務增長的重要組成部分。"

The Future of Cyber findings exhibit how cybersecurity is integral to building trust in a tech-powered future and point to why organizations should continually invest in areas throughout their business to increase cyber efficiency and overall growth. Specifically, organizations should focus on hiring and developing cyber talent, executing thorough digital planning, and collaborating with extended ecosystems, all while incorporating cyber into strategic business initiatives. For more information, please visit Global Future of Cyber Survey, 4th Edition.


Deloitte Global designed its fourth edition of the Global Future of Cyber Survey based on the complexity of today's business and technology landscape, focusing on the needs of enterprise leaders who may recognize the importance of cyber yet struggle to harness its value. Deloitte Global based its report on a survey of nearly 1,200 cyber decision-makers at the director level or higher (C-suite executives and C-suite direct reports), across 43 countries and 6 industries limited to organizations with at least 1,000 employees and US$500 million in annual revenue.

Deloitte Global根據當今複雜的商業和技術環境設計了全球網絡安全未來的第四版調查,專注於企業領導人的需求,他們可能意識到網絡安全的重要性,但卻難以利用其價值。 Deloitte Global的報告基於對近1,200名網絡決策者(董事級或更高級別的C-suite高管和C-suite直接報告)的調查,跨越43個國家和6個行業,僅限於至少擁有1,000名員工和50000萬美元年收入的組織。

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