
Nvidia, Google And Microsoft To Present AI Tools Aimed At Reducing Healthcare Worker Burnout At Las Vegas Conference

Nvidia, Google And Microsoft To Present AI Tools Aimed At Reducing Healthcare Worker Burnout At Las Vegas Conference

Benzinga ·  13:50

Leading tech firms, including Nvidia Corporation (NASDAQ:NVDA), Alphabet Inc's Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) (NASDAQ:GOOG), and Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT), are preparing to showcase their artificial intelligence (AI) tools at the forthcoming HLTH healthcare technology conference in Las Vegas.

包括英偉達公司(納斯達克代碼爲NVDA)、Alphabet Inc的谷歌(納斯達克代碼爲GOOGL)(納斯達克代碼爲GOOG)和微軟公司(納斯達克代碼爲MSFT)在即將舉行的拉斯維加斯HLTH醫療科技大會上準備展示他們的人工智能工具。

What Happened: The conference, set to kick off on Sunday, is anticipated to draw over 12,000 industry leaders, CNBC reported. The tech giants aim to demonstrate how their AI solutions can help reduce the administrative load on healthcare professionals, thereby freeing up crucial time.


Healthcare workers are currently grappling with excessive documentation, a major factor leading to industry burnout and a predicted shortfall of 100,000 healthcare workers by 2028, according to consulting firm Mercer. Tech companies are confident that their AI tools can help mitigate this problem.


Google, on Thursday, announced the general availability of Vertex AI Search for Healthcare, a tool that enables developers to build applications to assist doctors in swiftly searching for information across various medical records. Google also published survey results showing that clinicians spend nearly 28 hours a week on administrative tasks, with 80% of providers asserting that this work takes away from patient care time.

谷歌在週四宣佈了針對醫療保健的Vertex AI Search工具的一般可用性,該工具使開發人員能夠構建應用程序,幫助醫生快速搜索各種醫療記錄中的信息。谷歌還發布了調查結果,顯示臨床醫生每週花近28小時處理行政任務,80%的提供者聲稱這項工作會佔用患者護理時間。

Why It Matters: The healthcare industry has been increasingly turning to AI to address its challenges. Google, for example, has been using AI to detect illnesses through sound, such as coughs and sneezes, with its Health Acoustic Representations (HeAR) model.

爲什麼重要:醫療保健行業越來越多地求助於人工智能來解決其挑戰。例如,谷歌一直在利用人工智能通過聲音(如咳嗽和打噴嚏)來檢測疾病,其Health Acoustic Representations(HeAR)模型。

Earlier this month, Microsoft unveiled its suite of tools designed to lessen clinicians' administrative workload. These tools, most of which are still under development, include medical imaging models, a healthcare agent service, and an automated documentation solution for nurses.


AI scribe tools such as DAX Copilot, provided by Microsoft's subsidiary Nuance Communications, have seen a surge in popularity this year. These tools employ AI to transcribe doctors' interactions with patients into clinical notes and summaries, reducing the need for doctors to manually record these notes.

微軟子公司Nuance Communications提供的DAX Copilot等人工智能抄寫工具在今年急劇增長。這些工具利用人工智能將醫生與患者的互動抄錄成臨床筆記和摘要,減少醫生手動記錄這些筆記的需求。

Nvidia is also gearing up to address the workload of doctors and nurses at the HLTH conference. Kimberly Powell, Nvidia's vice president of healthcare, will give a keynote on Monday detailing how generative AI can assist healthcare professionals in devoting more time to patient care.

英偉達也準備在HLTH大會上解決醫生和護士的工作負荷。英偉達醫療部副總裁Kimberly Powell將於週一發表主題演講,詳細介紹生成式人工智能如何幫助醫療專業人員更多時間專注於患者護理。

Photo: – Yuri A/Shutterstock

照片 – Yuri A/shutterstock

