
NOVUS Leverages Ginkgo Bioworks to Develop Innovative Feed Additives for Animal Agriculture

NOVUS Leverages Ginkgo Bioworks to Develop Innovative Feed Additives for Animal Agriculture

NOVUS利用Ginkgo Bioworks開發創新的動物農業飼料添加劑
Ginkgo Bioworks ·  09/24 12:00

BOSTON and CHESTERFIELD, Mo., Sept. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA), which is building the leading platform for cell programming and biosecurity, announced its new partnership with NOVUS International, an innovator and leader in intelligent nutrition, to develop advanced feed additives designed to meet the evolving needs of the animal agriculture industry. By utilizing 極盛生物工程酶服務, NOVUS will work with Ginkgo to build more efficient enzymes that can be produced cost-effectively.


With the agricultural sector facing heightened volatility, including rising feed costs and tightening margins, NOVUS is committed to supporting its customers by optimizing the health and performance of livestock. This partnership aims to bring cutting-edge technologies to market, enhancing the sustainability and efficiency of animal production systems. These innovations are intended to improve the overall well-being of chickens, pigs, and cows, thereby supporting producers in delivering nutritious and affordable animal products to consumers.

Abishek Shingote, Associate VP of Global Strategic Marketing, Technology, and Innovation at NOVUS, highlighted the partnership's potential: "With the challenges and volatility facing the agriculture industry, a multifactorial approach is needed for producers to meet their financial goals and end customers to continue to enjoy nutritious and affordable meat, milk, and eggs. This multifactorial approach requires advanced technologies combined with application knowledge. The partnership with Ginkgo Bioworks puts NOVUS on the path to create innovative technologies that support health and performance consistency in chickens, pigs, and cows. The products we're working to develop came out of conversation with NOVUS customers and deep analysis of industry needs. Innovation is at the heart of NOVUS. Sustaining thriving livestock is a challenge, especially against economic, environmental and regulatory headwinds. We make it our mission to find new and novel ways to support our stakeholders and the industry."

Ginkgo Bioworks的商業副總裁Dan Rosmarin表示:「與NOVUS合作爲我們提供了在一個非常重要領域應用Ginkgo酶發展服務的激動人心的機會。我們可以共同加快創新產品的開發,爲動物農業行業提供切實的好處,有望提高生產力和可持續性。這種合作將充分利用Ginkgo的研究創新平台,結合NOVUS的動物飼料應用知識,使我們在創建滿足畜牧業不斷髮展需求的創新技術的道路上更上一層樓。我們對Ginkgo在這個項目上所做的科學進步感到非常興奮,並感謝有機會爲NOVUS的下一代創新飼料添加劑做出貢獻。」

要了解更多如何將創新的生物解決方案付諸實踐,請閱讀更多信息,請閱讀更多信息,請 閱讀更多信息,請 閱讀更多信息,請閱讀更多信息,請 閱讀更多信息,請 閱讀更多信息,請 閱讀更多信息,請 閱讀更多信息,請 閱讀更多信息,閱讀 更多信息,請 閱讀更多信息,請 閱讀更多信息,請 閱讀更多信息,請 閱讀更多實信息, 閱讀更多信息,閱讀一 一 一 閱讀更多信息 閱讀更多信息 您 閱讀更多信息, 閱讀 達 閱讀 ,請 閱讀更多信息, 閱讀 。 極盛生物工程酶服務.

Ginkgo Bioworks 正在建立一個平台,使客戶能夠像編程計算機一樣編程細胞。公司的平台正在實現在各個市場中應用生物技術,從食品和農業到工業化學品再到製藥業。Ginkgo 還積極支持多項 COVID-19 應對舉措,包括 K-12 商湯測試、疫苗製造優化和治療發現等。有關更多信息,請訪問:
Ginkgo Bioworks是領先的細胞編程橫向平台,爲各個行業的組織提供靈活的端到端服務,解決從食品和農業到製藥和工業特種化學品的挑戰。Ginkgo Biosecurity正在構建和部署全球領導者需要預測、檢測和應對各種生物威脅的下一代基礎設施和技術。更多信息,請訪問: ginkgobioworks.com和頁面。ginkgobiosecurity.com閱讀我們博客,或在社交媒體頻道關注我們,如X(@Ginkgo),(@ConcentricByGBW)Ginkgo銀杏生物安全),Instagram(@GinkgoBioworks),Threads(@GinkgoBioworks)或GinkgoBioworksGinkgoBioworks,或LinkedIn.


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