
FDA Approves Exact Sciences' Cologuard Plus Test, Setting a New Benchmark in Non-Invasive Colorectal Cancer Screening

FDA Approves Exact Sciences' Cologuard Plus Test, Setting a New Benchmark in Non-Invasive Colorectal Cancer Screening

FDA批准精密科學的Cologuard Plus測試,爲非侵入性結直腸癌篩查設定了新的基準
精密科學 ·  10/04 12:00

Cologuard Plus test raises the performance bar with sensitivities of 95% for colorectal cancer and 43% for advanced precancerous lesions at 94% specificity

Cologuard Plus 測試提高了性能標準,對結腸癌的敏感性爲 95%,對愛文思控股病變的敏感性爲 43%,特異性爲 94%

Cologuard Plus test will minimize unnecessary follow-up colonoscopies by reducing the likelihood of a false-positive screening test

Cologuard Plus 測試將通過降低虛假陽性篩查測試的可能性,從而減少不必要的後續結腸鏡檢查

Company expects to launch Cologuard Plus test with Medicare coverage and guideline inclusion in 2025

公司預計將於 2025 年推出具有醫保覆蓋和指南納入的 Cologuard Plus 測試

MADISON, Wis.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Exact Sciences Corp. (NASDAQ: EXAS), a leading provider of cancer screening and diagnostic tests, today announced the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the Cologuard Plus test, the company's next generation multitarget stool DNA test. The Cologuard Plus test is now approved for adults ages 45 and older who are average risk for colorectal cancer (CRC). 1

威斯康星州麥迪遜—(BUSINESS WIRE)—精密科學公司(納斯達克:EXAS)今天宣佈,美國食品和藥物管理局(FDA)已批准Cologuard Plus測試,這是該公司的下一代多靶標糞便DNA測試。Cologuard Plus測試現已獲批,適用於45歲及以上、普通風險結腸直腸癌(CRC)的成年人。

FDA approval was based on findings from the pivotal BLUE-C study, one of the largest prospective, head-to-head studies ever conducted in CRC screening. Among the subset of nearly 19,000 average-risk participants, the Cologuard Plus test demonstrated 95% overall cancer sensitivity and 43% sensitivity for advanced precancerous lesions at 94% specificity with no findings on colonoscopy. 1 * Results from BLUE-C also show the Cologuard Plus test significantly outperformed an independent fecal immunochemical test (FIT**) for overall CRC sensitivity, treatable-stage CRC (stages I-III) sensitivity, high-grade dysplasia sensitivity, and advanced precancerous lesion sensitivity. 2

FDA的批准基於BLUE-C關鍵研究的發現,這是有史以來在CRC篩查領域進行的最大的前瞻性、頭對頭研究之一。在近19,000名普通風險參與者中,Cologuard Plus測試表現出95%的整體癌症敏感性和43%的對94%特異性的高級癌前病變敏感性,結腸鏡檢查未發現異常。 結果顯示,BLUE-C研究也顯示,Cologuard Plus測試在整體CRC敏感性、可治療階段CRC(I至III期)敏感性、高級別異形增生敏感性和高級癌前病變敏感性方面,明顯優於獨立的糞便免疫化學檢測(FIT**)。

"To meaningfully improve outcomes in colorectal cancer, we must catch cancer early – when it is most treatable – and find advanced precancers, which can prevent cases of this cancer," said Thomas F. Imperiale, MD, professor of medicine at the Indiana University School of Medicine, research scientist at the Regenstrief Institute, and principal investigator for the BLUE-C study. "The high colorectal cancer sensitivity and specificity of the Cologuard Plus test gives me confidence in the test's ability to do just that while simultaneously maintaining a low risk of false positives. This makes the Cologuard Plus test a strong option for first-line screening of average risk patients."

"爲了在結直腸癌中實質性改善預後,我們必須在癌症最易治療時即早發現,並發現能夠預防該癌症病例的先進癌前病變,"印第安納大學醫學院醫學教授、Regenstrief 研究所研究科學家、BLUE-C 研究的主要研究員 Thomas F. Imperiale, MD 表示。"Cologuard Plus 測試對結直腸癌的高敏感性和特異性讓我對測試能夠做到這一點充滿信心,同時保持虛假陽性的低風險。Cologuard Plus 測試因此成爲普通風險患者首選的篩查方案。"

"Cologuard Plus sets a new performance standard in non-invasive colorectal cancer screening for patients," said Kevin Conroy, Chairman and CEO of Exact Sciences. "Cologuard Plus detects cancers and precancerous polyps with even greater sensitivity than Cologuard while reducing false positives by more than 30 percent. This breakthrough comes at a critical time, when 60 million Americans are not up to date with screening."

精密科學的董事長兼首席執行官凱文•康羅伊表示:「Cologuard Plus在非侵入性結直腸癌篩查方面樹立了新的性能標準,可檢測出癌症和癌前息肉,並且比Cologuard具有更高的靈敏度,同時將假陽性減少超過30%。這一突破性進展正值危急之時,因爲有6000萬美國人沒有及時進行篩查。」

CRC is often considered the most preventable, yet least prevented form of cancer. 3 It remains the second deadliest cancer in the United States. 4 The Cologuard Plus test will build on the success of the Cologuard test, which has been used more than 17 million times and helped meaningfully improve national CRC screening rates in the United States. 5,6 Upon launch in 2025, the Cologuard Plus test will be supported by Exact Sciences' commercial organization and industry-leading ExactNexus technology platform, making ordering and resulting seamless for more than 350 health systems. The innovative, non-invasive test is anticipated to be covered by Medicare, included in the U.S. Preventive Services Taskforce (USPSTF) guidelines, and included within quality measures.

CRC通常被認爲是最可預防但最不被預防的癌症形式。它仍然是美國第二致命的癌症。Cologuard Plus測試將建立在Cologuard測試的成功基礎上,該測試已被使用超過1700萬次,並幫助顯著提高了美國的國家CRC篩查率。2025年推出時,Cologuard Plus測試將得到Exact Sciences商業組織和行業領先的ExactNexus技術平台的支持,使超過350個醫療系統的訂單和結果無縫對接。這種創新的非侵入性測試預計將被聯邦醫療保險覆蓋,並列入美國預防服務任務部隊(USPSTF)指南,並納入質量措施。

*The Cologuard Plus test demonstrates 91% specificity including non-advanced findings, 93% specificity including no findings, and 94% specificity when age-weighted to the U.S. population with no findings on colonoscopy.

*Cologuard Plus測試顯示了91%的特異性,包括非進展性發現,93%包括無發現,以及94%特異性,根據美國人群年齡權重進行無結腸鏡發現時。

**Refers to the commercially available Polymedco OC-Auto Micro 80iFOB Test

**指商業可用的Polymedco OC-Auto Micro 80iFOb測試

About the BLUE-C Study


BLUE-C is a multi-center, prospective study (NCT04144738) of more than 20,000 adults 40 years of age and older. The trial was designed to evaluate the performance of the Cologuard Plus test (multi-target stool DNA or mt-sDNA) and Exact Sciences' blood-based colorectal cancer screening test. Using colonoscopy as a reference method, the robust study design directly compared the Cologuard Plus test and an independent fecal immunochemical test (FIT*). The BLUE-C study cohort is diverse and reflective of the U.S. population. About 40% of all participants identified as Hispanic or Latino, Black, Asian, American Indian or Alaska Native, or Pacific Islander. This enrollment diversity helps ensure that the BLUE-C findings and the Cologuard Plus test are relevant for all screen-eligible individuals, regardless of race or ethnicity. 2

BLUE-C是一個超過20,000名40歲及以上成年人的多中心前瞻性研究(NCT04144738)。該試驗的設計旨在評估Cologuard Plus測試(多重靶向糞便DNA或mt-sDNA)和Exact Sciences的基於血液的結直腸癌篩查測試的性能。使用結腸鏡檢查作爲參考方法,這一健壯的研究設計直接比較了Cologuard Plus測試和獨立的糞便免疫化學試驗(FIT*)。BLUE-C研究隊列多樣化,並反映了美國人口。約40%的所有參與者身份認同爲西班牙裔或拉丁裔、黑人、亞裔、美洲印第安人或阿拉斯加原住民,或太平洋島民。這種招募多樣性有助於確保BLUE-C的發現和Cologuard Plus測試對所有符合篩查條件的個體都具有相關性,無論其種族或族裔如何。

About the Cologuard Plus test

關於Cologuard Plus檢測

Developed in collaboration with Mayo Clinic, the Cologuard Plus test features novel biomarkers and improved laboratory processes. It also incorporates enhanced sample stability components to provide patients more time to return their sample to Exact Sciences' lab and increase the valid result rate. Exact Sciences is preparing for the commercialization of the Cologuard Plus test.

與Mayo Clinic合作開發的Cologuard Plus檢測採用了新穎的生物標誌物和改進的實驗室流程。它還融入了增強樣本穩定性元件,爲患者提供更多時間將樣本寄送回精密科學實驗室,提高有效結果率。精密科學正在準備Cologuard Plus檢測的商業化。

About the Cologuard test


The Cologuard test is a first-line colorectal cancer screening test for use in adults age 45 or older who are at average risk for the disease. It is included in national colorectal cancer screening guidelines by the American Cancer Society (2018) and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (2021).


The Cologuard test revolutionized colorectal cancer screening by providing a best-in-class, noninvasive testing option for those at average risk. The test looks for certain DNA markers and blood in the stool that are associated with colorectal cancer and precancer and was shown to effectively detect colorectal cancer and precancer in the pivotal DeeP-C study. The Cologuard test is easy to use, can be completed at home, and does not require any time off or special preparation.


About Exact Sciences Corp.

關於Exact Sciences Corp.

A leading provider of cancer screening and diagnostic tests, Exact Sciences gives patients and health care professionals the clarity needed to take life-changing action earlier. Building on the success of the Cologuard and Oncotype tests, Exact Sciences is investing in its pipeline to develop innovative solutions for use before, during, and after a cancer diagnosis. For more information, visit, follow Exact Sciences on X (formerly known as Twitter) @ExactSciences, or find Exact Sciences on LinkedIn and Facebook.

精密科學是癌症篩查和診斷測試的領先提供者,爲患者和醫護專業人員提供了更清晰的信息,以便更早採取改變生活的行動。在Cologuard和Oncotype檢測取得成功的基礎上,精密科學正在投資其管道,開發在癌症診斷前、期間和後使用的創新解決方案。欲了解更多信息,請訪問, 關注X(之前稱爲Twitter)@ExactSciences,或在LinkedIn、Facebook上找到精密科學。

NOTE: Exact Sciences, Cologuard and Cologuard Plus are trademarks or registered trademarks of Exact Sciences Corporation. Oncotype, Oncotype DX, Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score, RSClin, and Recurrence Score are trademarks or registered trademarks of Genomic Health, Inc. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. The Cologuard and Cologuard Plus tests are not available outside of the U.S.

注意: Exact Sciences、Cologuard和Cologuard Plus是Exact Sciences Corporation的商標或註冊商標。Oncotype、Oncotype DX、Oncotype DX乳腺癌復發評分、RSClin和復發評分是Genomic Health, Inc.的商標或註冊商標。所有其他商標和服務標記爲其各自所有者所有。 Cologuard和Cologuard Plus檢測不在美國以外地區提供。

Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains forward-looking statements concerning our expectations, anticipations, intentions, beliefs, or strategies regarding the future. These forward-looking statements are based on assumptions that we have made as of the date hereof and are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, conditions, and events to differ materially from those anticipated. Therefore, you should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Examples of forward-looking statements include, among others, statements regarding our expectations for the commercialization of Cologuard Plus, the performance of Cologuard Plus in a commercial setting, and Cologuard Plus' receipt of Medicare coverage and inclusion in guidelines. Risks and uncertainties that may affect our forward-looking statements are described in the Risk Factors sections of our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and any subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, and in our other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. We undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether written or oral, that may be made from time to time, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise.

本新聞發佈包含對我們對未來的期望、預期、意圖、信念或策略的前瞻性聲明。這些前瞻性聲明基於我們在此日期製作的假設,並受到已知和未知的風險和不確定性的影響,可能導致實際結果、狀況和事件與預期有重大不同。因此,您不應過度依賴前瞻性聲明。前瞻性聲明的示例包括:就Cologuard Plus的商業化預期、Cologuard Plus在商業環境中的表現以及Cologuard Plus獲得醫保覆蓋和納入指南的聲明。可能影響我們前瞻性聲明的風險和不確定性在我們最近的年度10-K表格、任何隨後的季度10-Q表格的風險因素部分中有描述,並在我們向證券交易委員會提交的其他報告中有描述。我們將不承擔公開更新任何可能因新信息、未來發展或其他原因不時所作的書面或口頭前瞻性聲明。



  1. Cologuard Plus Instructions for Use. Exact Sciences Corporation. Madison, WI.
  2. Imperiale TF, Porter K, Zella J, et al. Next-generation multitarget stool DNA test for colorectal cancer screening. New Engl J Med. 2024;390(11):984-993.
  3. Itzkowitz SH. Incremental advances in excremental cancer detection tests. JNCI. 2009;101(18)1225-1227.
  4. ACS. Cancer facts & figures 2024. Atlanta: American Cancer Society; 2024.
  5. National Institutes of Health. The Cancer Trends Progress Report.. Accessed July 29, 2024.
  6. Ebner DW, Finney Rutten LJ, Miller-Wilson LA, et al. Trends in Colorectal Cancer Screening from the National Health Interview Survey: Analysis of the Impact of Different Modalities on Overall Screening Rates. Cancer Prev Res (Phila) . 2024;17(6):275-280.
  1. Cologuard Plus使用說明。Exact Sciences Corporation。麥迪遜,WI。
  2. Imperiale TF,Porter k,Zella J等。新一代多靶點糞便DNA篩查腸癌檢測。新英格蘭醫學雜誌。2024;390(11):984-993。
  3. Itzkowitz SH。排泄癌症檢測測試方面取得了漸進性進展。JNCI。2009;101(18)1225-1227。
  4. ACS。2024年癌症事實與數據。亞特蘭大:美國癌症學會;2024。
  5. 國家衛生研究所。癌症趨勢進展報告。2024年7月29日訪問。
  6. Ebner DW,Finney Rutten LJ,Miller-Wilson LA等。國家健康採訪調查中結直腸癌篩查趨勢:分析不同方式對總體篩查率的影響。癌症預防研究(費城)。2024年;17(6):275-280。

Media (U.S.):
Lindsey Dickinson
+1 608-690-0383
Erik Holznecht
+1 608-800-6605

Lindsey Dickinson
+1 608-690-0383
Erik Holznecht
+1 608-800-6605

Source: Exact Sciences Corp.
資訊: 精密科學

