
Media Advisory: BMO Presents ETF Market Insights for DIY Investors

Media Advisory: BMO Presents ETF Market Insights for DIY Investors

蒙特利爾銀行 ·  10/18 12:00
  • Annual Fall Into ETF Investing series features commentary and educational insights from some of Canada's top do-it-yourself (DIY) personal finance specialists and ETF professionals
  • 《年度ETF投資系列》提供來自加拿大頂尖DIY個人理財專家和ETF專業人士的評論和教育見解

TORONTO, Oct. 18, 2024 /CNW/ - BMO ETF Market Insights presents Fall Into ETF Investing, an annual series developed for Canadian DIY investors which features educational tips and insights to empower individual investors and help them make progress towards their investment goals.

多倫多,2024年10月18日/CNW/ - BMO ETF Market Insights推出了《投身ETF投資》(Fall Into ETF Investing),這是爲加拿大DIY投資者設計的年度系列,提供教育提示和見解,幫助個人投資者實現投資目標。

For over three years, BMO ETFs' YouTube channel ETF Market Insights has shared investing education and insights from a diverse group of industry players and market participants. Previous episodes have addressed a wide range of topics, including how to build resilient portfolios, active versus passive investing, new ETF tools, and many others, recognizing that many DIY investors are turning to digital channels to become better informed investors.

在過去三年中,BMO ETF的YouTube頻道ETF Market Insights分享了來自各行業參與者和市場參與者的投資教育和見解。之前的劇集涉及了許多話題,包括如何構建彈性投資組合,主動和被動投資的比較,新的ETF工具等,認識到許多DIY投資者正在轉向數字渠道以成爲更了解的投資者。

Fall Into ETF Investing is a four-week series built to provide insight and information that individual investors can use to navigate their investment journey; featuring thought-provoking discussions on topics such as:


  • The US election
  • Falling interest rates
  • The rise of covered call ETFs among retirees
  • Alternative investments
  • 美國大選
  • 利率期貨
  • 覆蓋通話ETF在退休人士中的崛起
  • 另類投資

Stream it live on BMO ETFs' YouTube channel or sign up for the newletter to get the information sent to your inbox.

在BMO etf的YouTube頻道上直播,或者註冊新聞通訊,將信息發送到您的收件箱。

Program Lineup: Fall Into ETF Investing


Friday, October 18, 2024 | 1:00PM ET

2024年10月18日星期五 | 下午1:00 ET

Episode One: The Run up to the US Election – ETF Strategies

第一集:美國大選之前 – etf策略

In this episode we are joined by finance influencer, Adrian Bar, CEO and Co-founder, Canadian In A T Shirt and Bipan Rai Managing Director, Portfolio Strategy, BMO Global Asset Management, to discuss November's U.S. Presidential Election and what it could mean for investment portfolios. Election years come with their fair share of market volatility as investors digest news of future policy changes. This episode looks at opportunities and risks within sectors and areas of the market.

在本集中,我們邀請了金融意見領袖Adrian Bar,加拿大In A t Shirt的首席執行官兼聯合創始人,以及蒙特利爾銀行全球資產管理部門投資組合戰略總監Bipan Rai,討論11月美國總統選舉以及對投資組合可能產生的影響。大選年伴隨着市場的波動,投資者在消化未來政策變化的消息。本集探討了市場各個領域內的機遇和風險。

Friday, October 25, 2024 | 1:00PM ET

2024年10月25日星期五 | 下午1:00 ET

Episode Two: Gain from Falling Rates – Positioning Equities, Sectors and Fixed Income

第二集:受益於利率下降– 定位權益、行業和固收

Special guest host Kornel Szrejber, from the Build Wealth Canada Podcast joins Markus Otema, CIBC Capital Markets, and Matt Montemurro, Head, Fixed Income and Equity Index ETFs, BMO Global Asset Management to discuss opportunities and challenges for investors seeking to maximize returns in a falling interest rate environment. This panel explores how falling rates affect different asset classes, including various equity sectors and fixed income, while providing insights into positioning strategies that may capitalize on a declining interest rate environment.

特邀嘉賓主持人Kornel Szrejber,來自Build Wealth Canada Podcast的Markus Otema,加拿大帝國商業銀行資本市場的CIBC,以及蒙特利爾銀行全球資產管理部門股本etf和固定收入指數首席運營官Matt Montemurro,討論在利率下降環境中尋求最大回報的投資者所面臨的機會和挑戰。本專題探討了利率下降如何影響不同資產類別,包括各種股票行業和固定收入,同時提供了關於可利用下降利率環境的定位策略的見解。

Friday, November 1, 2024 | 1:00PM ET

2024年11月1日星期五 | 下午1:00 ET

Episode Three: Cashflow & Growth – The Key to Retirement

第三集:現金流與增長 - 養老的關鍵

Special guest host Pat Bolland, former Business News anchor and host of The Just Word Podcast and Kevin Prins, Head of Distribution, ETFs and Digital Distribution, BMO Global Asset Management discuss how covered call strategies allow investors to enhance the level of cash flow in their portfolio, making them an effective solution for retirees. They look at the different trade-offs that investors should know and the different approaches to covered call writing.

特約主持人帕特·博蘭,前商業新聞主持人和《Just Word Podcast》主持人,以及BMO全球資產管理的ETF和數字化業務分銷主管凱文·普林斯,討論覆蓋看漲策略如何讓投資者增加投資組合的現金流水平,使其成爲退休人士的有效解決方案。他們探討投資者應了解的不同權衡和覆蓋看漲寫作的不同方法。

Friday, November 8, 2024 | 1:00PM ET

2024年11月8日星期五 | 下午1:00 ET

Episode Four: Beyond The Stock Market: Alternative Assets Explained


In a world where traditional stock market investments may not always offer the diversification or returns investors seek, alternative assets have become increasingly attractive. Erin Allen, VP, Online ETF Distribution with BMO Global Asset Management hosts Andres Rincon, TD Securities and Jimmy Xu, Managing Director, Head of Liquid Alts, BMO Global Asset Management to dive into the evolving landscape of alternative investments. They will discuss how innovation in this space is shaping the ETF and broader investment industry, providing new and exciting opportunities for investors looking to go beyond conventional investments.


About BMO Global Asset Management
BMO Global Asset Management is a brand name under which BMO Asset Management Inc. and BMO Investments Inc. operate. Certain of the products and services offered under the brand name, BMO Global Asset Management, are designed specifically for various categories of investors in Canada and may not be available to all investors.


About BMO Financial Group
BMO Financial Group is the eighth largest bank in North America by assets, with total assets of $1.4 trillion as of July 31, 2024. Serving customers for 200 years and counting, BMO is a diverse team of highly engaged employees providing a broad range of personal and commercial banking, wealth management, global markets and investment banking products and services to 13 million customers across Canada, the United States, and in select markets globally. Driven by a single purpose, to Boldly Grow the Good in business and life, BMO is committed to driving positive change in the world, and making progress for a thriving economy, sustainable future, and inclusive society.




Commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with investments in exchange traded funds. Please read the ETF Facts or prospectus of the BMO ETFs before investing. Exchange traded funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

投資於交易所交易基金可能涉及佣金、管理費用和開支。在投資之前,請閱讀BMO etf的《etf事實》或招股說明書。交易所交易基金不具有擔保,其價值經常變動,過往業績不代表未來表現。

For a summary of the risks of an investment in the BMO ETFs, please see the specific risks set out in the BMO ETF's prospectus. BMO ETFs trade like stocks, fluctuate in market value and may trade at a discount to their net asset value, which may increase the risk of loss. Distributions are not guaranteed and are subject to change and/or elimination.

有關投資於BMO etf的風險摘要,請參閱BMO etf招股說明書中列明的具體風險。BMO etf的交易方式類似於股票,市值波動並可能以淨資產價值折價交易,這可能增加損失風險。分配金不具有擔保,並可能發生更改和/或取消。

BMO ETFs are managed by BMO Asset Management Inc., which is an investment fund manager and a portfolio manager, and a separate legal entity from Bank of Montreal.

BMO etf由BMO資產管理公司管理,該公司是一家投資基金管理公司和投資組合管理公司,與蒙特利爾銀行是獨立的法律實體。

Any statement that necessarily depends on future events may be a forward-looking statement. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of performance. They involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Although such statements are based on assumptions that are believed to be reasonable, there can be no assurance that actual results will not differ materially from expectations. Investors are cautioned not to rely unduly on any forward-looking statements. In connection with any forward-looking statements, investors should carefully consider the areas of risk described in the most recent prospectus.


"BMO (M-bar roundel symbol)" is a registered trademark of Bank of Montreal, used under licence.

"BMO (M-bar roundel symbol)"是蒙特利爾銀行的註冊商標,被許可使用。

SOURCE BMO Financial Group


