
'Google Moves Gemini App Team to DeepMind Unit in Latest Reorg' - Axios

'Google Moves Gemini App Team to DeepMind Unit in Latest Reorg' - Axios

谷歌將Gemini應用團隊調入DeepMind部門進行最新的重組 - Axios
Benzinga ·  01:06

Google notified staff on Thursday that it is moving the team behind the Gemini App into the company's broader AI subsidiary, Axios has learned.


Why it matters: The move puts the team developing its consumer generative AI tools within Google DeepMind, the heart of the company's AI research effort.

爲什麼重要:這一舉措將該團隊移至Google DeepMind,這是公司人工智能研究工作的中樞,該團隊正在開發其消費者生成式人工智能工具。

Google announced the move in a memo from CEO Sundar Pichai, who also outlined a handful of other organizational changes.

Google在首席執行官桑達爾·皮查伊(Sundar Pichai)的備忘錄中宣佈了這一舉措,他還概述了其他幾項組織變革。

  • The Gemini App team, led by Sissie Hsiao, will join Google DeepMind under Demis Hassabis.
  • Prabhakar Raghavan — who as head of knowledge and information products has overseen a wide swath of Google products including search, ads, Gemini, shopping and maps — will become chief technologist, a new strategy role reporting to Pichai.
  • The move puts Raghavan closer to his academic roots but also takes him away from direct oversight of many of the company's key products.
  • Most of Raghavan's current responsibilities, aside from Gemini, will shift to 21-year company veteran Nick Fox, who led the introduction of Google Fi, among other efforts.
  • Gemini應用程序團隊由Sissie Hsiao領導,將加入Demis Hassabis領導的Google DeepMind團隊。
  • 普拉巴卡爾·拉加萬(Prabhakar Raghavan)——作爲知識和信息產品負責人,監督了Google的許多產品,包括搜索、廣告、Gemini、購物和地圖——將成爲首席技術官,這是一個向皮查伊彙報的新的策略角色。
  • 這一舉措將拉加萬更接近他的學術背景,但也讓他遠離了對公司許多關鍵產品的直接監督。
  • 除了Gemini之外,拉加萬目前的大部分職責將轉移到擁有21年公司經驗的Nick Fox,他曾領導Google Fi的推出,還開展了其他工作。

