
Little Saints Founder Megan Klein to Appear on Shark Tank Season 16 Premiere

Little Saints Founder Megan Klein to Appear on Shark Tank Season 16 Premiere

小聖創始人梅根·克萊因將出現在《 Shark Tank 》第16季首播節目中
PR Newswire ·  10/17 23:12

MIAMI, Oct. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Megan Klein, Miami-based visionary founder of Little Saints, a brand of non-alcoholic cocktails and spirits powered by functional mushrooms, will be featured on the highly anticipated season opener of Shark Tank, airing on October 18th at 8pm EST on ABC. Klein will present Little Saints to the panel of Sharks in hopes of securing an investment to fuel her mission to revolutionize the non-alcoholic cocktail and spirits market.

2024年10月17日,邁阿密,PRNewswire報道—邁阿密Little Saints品牌的創始人Megan Klein是一位具有遠見的人,其品牌生產由功能性蘑菇驅動的無酒精雞尾酒和烈酒,她將在備受期待的「Shark Tank」新一季首播中受到關注,該節目將於10月18日晚上8點ESt在ABC電視臺播出。Klein將向「Shark Tank」的投資人們展示Little Saints,希望獲得投資,支持她革新無酒精雞尾酒和烈酒市場的使命。

Little Saints delivers sophisticated, sugar-free, alcohol-free RTD cocktails powered by mushrooms.

Little Saints推出由蘑菇驅動的精緻、無糖、無酒精RTD雞尾酒。

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SHARK TANK - "1601"- The season 16 premiere features entrepreneurs hoping to score an investment deal with the Sharks. FRIDAY, OCT. 18 (8:00-9:01 p.m. EDT) on ABC. (Disney/Christopher Willard)MARK CUBAN, RASHAUN WILLIAMS, KEVIN O'LEARY, LORI GREINER, DAYMOND JOHN, MEGAN KLEIN
Shark ****目-「第1601集」-第16季首播邀請希望與投資人合作的企業家們參與競爭。本週五,10月18日(東部時間晚上8:00-9:01)在ABC電視臺播出。(Disney/Christopher Willard)馬克·庫班、拉肖恩·威廉姆斯、凱文·奧裏利、洛瑞·格萊納、戴蒙德·約翰、Megan Klein
Little Saints offers a line of premium non-alcoholic cocktails and spirits powered by functional mushrooms such as Reishi and Lion's Mane. With only 5 calories per serving, and no added sugars.
Little Saints提供一系列由靈芝和獅鬃等功能性蘑菇驅動的優質無酒精雞尾酒和烈酒。每份僅含5卡路里,無添加糖。

Launched in 2021, Little Saints offers a forward-thinking alternative to traditional alcohol, catering to the growing movement of people rethinking their drinking habits. Instead of settling for the usual sparkling water or soda, Little Saints delivers sophisticated, sugar-free, alcohol-free RTD cocktails powered by mushrooms in classic cocktail flavors including Spicy Margarita and Negroni Spritz, along with the fan-favorite non-alcoholic spirit St. Ember, which is inspired by the flavors of Mezcal.

Little Saints成立於2021年,提供了一個前瞻性的替代方案,針對那些正在重新考慮飲酒習慣的人群。與傳統的酒精相比,不是讓人滿足於通常的蘇打水或汽水,Little Saints推出了由蘑菇驅動的精緻、無糖、無酒精RTD雞尾酒系列,包括辣味瑪格麗特和尼格羅尼氣泡酒等經典雞尾酒口味,以及備受喜愛的非酒精烈酒St. Ember,靈感來自Mezcal的風味。

"Our mission at Little Saints is to provide a solution for those who want to have fun and feel good without compromising their health," said Klein. "We've taken the familiar taste and experience of beloved cocktails and reinvented them with functional mushrooms like Reishi and Lion's Mane. Plus, they're sugar-free and only 5 calories per serving, making them a guilt-free option for anyone."

「Little Saints的使命是爲那些想要享樂又健康無損的人提供解決方案,」Klein表示。「我們採用了深受喜愛的雞尾酒口味和體驗,並用靈芝和獅鬃等功能性蘑菇重新演繹了它們。此外,它們不含糖,每份僅5卡路里,是任何人都能放心選擇的無負擔選項。」

With the rise in the sober curious movement, Little Saints is quickly becoming a staple for those looking to drink less alcohol without sacrificing flavor or enjoyment. In fact, Little Saints sales have grown 500% year over year, placing them at a high seven figure run rate and making them among the fastest growing brands in the non-alcoholic beverage category. The brand has sold over one million beverages since its inception with 80,000 orders on its website alone, with an average order value of over $85, and a returning customer rate exceeding 25%. Now, with St. Ember becoming the best-selling product by single SKU, and a robust digital presence delivering a 2-3x return on ad spend, Little Saints is well-positioned for continued growth.

隨着戒酒運動的興起,Little Saints迅速成爲那些希望少喝酒又不失口味和樂趣的人們的主打選擇。事實上,Little Saints的銷售額每年增長500%,使其年化銷售額達到高七位數,成爲無酒精飲料類別中增長最快的品牌之一。品牌自成立以來共售出一百萬份飲品,僅在其網站上就接到了8萬份訂單,平均訂單價值超過85美元,回頭客率超過25%。現在,St. Ember成爲最暢銷的單一SKU產品,以及強大的數字媒體推廣帶來2-3倍的廣告支出回報,Little Saints爲持續增長做好了充分準備。

While 85% of Little Saints sales come through digital channels, Little Saints recently launched at Sprouts Farmers Market as its first major nationwide retailer, with great success. "Little Saints was the best-performing non-alcoholic brand in our Innovation Centers from July-September 2024. We were very pleased with the results; the brand will be graduating from the Innovation Centers to our everyday non-alcoholic set found in our wine department. The Negroni and Paloma SKUs will be available in over 390 stores starting in mid-November," said Karen Martinez, Director of Alcoholic Beverage/Adult N-A at Sprouts Farmers Market.

雖然聖小子的85%銷售額來自於數碼渠道,但近期聖小子在sprouts farmers market成功上市,成爲首個全國性大型零售商,取得了巨大成功。"從2024年7月至9月,聖小子在我們的創新中心表現最佳,這讓我們非常滿意;品牌將從創新中心畢業,進入我們的葡萄酒部門的日常無酒精系列。Negroni和Paloma SKU將從11月中旬開始在超過390家門店銷售," sprouts farmers market的酒精/成人無酒精飲料董事Karen Martinez說。

In addition to Sprouts, Little Saints can be found at over 300 bars, restaurants, and stores throughout the United States, including Erewhon, Brooklyn Fare and numerous non-alcoholic bottle shops.

除了sprouts farmers market,聖小子還可以在全美超過300家酒吧、餐廳和商店找到,包括Erewhon、Brooklyn Fare和衆多無酒精瓶子店。

Tune in to ABC on October 18th at 8pm EST to watch Shark Tank Season 16 and see what happens when Megan Klein shares her vision with the Sharks and the world.

請於10月18日晚上8點在美國農業銀行(ESt)收看鯊魚池第16季,看看Megan Klein向投資人和世界分享她的願景時會發生什麼。

About Little Saints
Launched in 2021 by Megan Klein, Little Saints offers a line of premium non-alcoholic cocktails and spirits powered by functional mushrooms such as Reishi and Lion's Mane. With only 5 calories per serving and no added sugars, these beverages allow consumers to enjoy sophisticated, alcohol-free cocktails and spirits while supporting their wellness. For more information, visit and follow Little Saints on Instagram at .

由Megan Klein於2021年創立,聖小子提供一系列由靈芝和獅鬃等功能性蘑菇提供動力的優質無酒精雞尾酒和烈酒。每份僅含5卡路里,不添加糖分,這些飲料讓消費者在支持健康的同時享受精緻、無酒精的雞尾酒和烈酒。欲獲取更多信息,請訪問[網站鏈接]並在Instagram上關注聖小子。

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