
Press Announcement: AIMed24 Announces Strategic Partnership With Frost & Sullivan

Press Announcement: AIMed24 Announces Strategic Partnership With Frost & Sullivan

PR Newswire ·  10/17 22:50

SAN ANTONIO, Oct. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- AIMed24, the premier event for artificial intelligence and healthcare innovation, is excited to announce its strategic partnership with Frost & Sullivan. This collaboration will further enhance AIMed24's mission to advance healthcare with cutting-edge AI technologies. The conference will take place from November 17-19, 2024, at the Caribe Royale Orlando.

美國時間2024年10月17日,SAN ANTONIO / PRNewswire/ -- AIMed24是人工智能和醫療創新的首要活動,很高興宣佈與Frost & Sullivan建立戰略合作伙伴關係。這種合作將進一步增強AIMed24通過尖端人工智能技術推動醫療的使命。會議將於2024年11月17日至19日在奧蘭多的Caribe Royale舉行。

With over 60 years of supporting client growth, Frost & Sullivan has established itself as a leader in growth strategy and innovation through its unique Ecosystem of Content, Community, and Coaching. Frost's Growth Pipeline as a Service (GPaaS) empowers companies, governments, and investors to maximize their economic potential while navigating emerging trends and pursuing sustainable growth. This partnership aligns perfectly with AIMed24's focus on future-proofing healthcare through innovation.

Frost & Sullivan在支持客戶增長方面擁有60多年的經驗,通過其獨特的內容生態系統、社區和輔導,已經確立自己作爲成長策略和創新領域的領導者。Frost的增長管道服務(GPaaS)賦予公司、政府和投資者最大化其經濟潛力的能力,幫助他們在新興趨勢中導航並追求可持續增長。這種合作與AIMed24致力於通過創新來未雨綢繆醫療保健的焦點完美契合。

Dr. Anthony Chang, founder of AIMed and Chief Intelligence and Innovations Officer at Children's Hospital of Orange County, said, "Partnering with Frost & Sullivan brings immense value to AIMed24. Their expertise in fostering growth and innovation across industries, including healthcare, complements our mission to lead the conversation on AI's transformative impact on patient care. Together, we're shaping the future of medicine with pioneering ideas and real-world solutions."

AIMed的創始人、橙縣兒童醫院首席情報及創新官張安東博士表示:「與Frost & Sullivan合作對AIMed24帶來巨大價值。他們在促進各行業增長和創新方面的專業知識,包括醫療保健,與我們引領人工智能對患者護理轉變影響對話的使命相輔相成。我們共同塑造着具有開創性思想和現實解決方案的醫學未來。」

Greg Caressi, Senior Vice President of Global Client Services at Frost & Sullivan, shared his enthusiasm, stating, "We are thrilled to partner with AIMed24, a conference that has consistently brought together the brightest minds in AI and healthcare. This partnership aligns with our commitment to creating opportunities for sustainable growth and innovation, and our focus on AI in healthcare and life sciences applications. We look forward to contributing to the exchange of knowledge that will inspire the next wave of healthcare advancements."

Frost & Sullivan全球客戶服務高級副總裁Greg Caressi興奮地表示:「我們很高興與AIMed24合作,這個會議一直彙集了人工智能和醫療保健領域最傑出的頭腦。這種合作符合我們致力於爲可持續增長和創新創造機會的承諾,以及我們專注於醫療保健和生命科學應用中的人工智能。我們期待爲啓發下一波醫療保健進步的知識交流做出貢獻。」

AI Med, a leading event that brings together experts at the intersection of artificial intelligence and healthcare, will serve as a platform for Greg Caressi to share his deep expertise in digital health transformation and AI-driven healthcare innovations. As a recognized thought leader in healthcare technology and innovation, Greg has spent decades analyzing emerging trends and fostering strategic initiatives that enhance data transformation and utilization of data to drive health outcomes.

AI Med是一個彙集人工智能和醫療保健領域專家的領先活動,將爲Greg Caressi提供一個平台,分享他在數字健康轉型和以人工智能爲驅動的醫療保健創新方面的深厚專業知識。作爲醫療保健技術和創新領域的公認思想領袖,Greg已經花費數十年分析新興趨勢,並促進增強數據轉換和利用數據推動健康結果的戰略舉措。

AIMed24 is the must-attend conference for healthcare professionals, AI innovators, and technology leaders. With strategic partnerships like Frost & Sullivan, this year's event promises to deliver an immersive experience, featuring groundbreaking keynote speakers, hands-on workshops, and unparalleled networking opportunities. The collaboration highlights AIMed's global impact, with representation from all five continents and over 50 countries throughout its history. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn from industry experts and gain insights into AI's role in shaping the future of healthcare.


Why This Partnership Matters: AIMed24 is committed to building long-term partnerships with key organizations that share its vision of improving healthcare through AI. Frost & Sullivan's expertise in identifying growth opportunities and their forward-looking approach to industry trends makes them an ideal partner. Together, AIMed24 and Frost & Sullivan will deliver a unique, high-value experience for attendees, ensuring they leave equipped with actionable strategies and insights to drive AI innovation in healthcare.

爲何這種合作很重要: AIMed24致力於與那些分享通過人工智能改善醫療服務願景的關鍵組織建立長期夥伴關係。Frost&Sullivan在識別增長機會方面的專業知識和對行業趨勢的前瞻性方法使他們成爲理想的合作伙伴。一起,AIMed24和Frost&Sullivan將爲與會者提供獨特且高價值的體驗,確保他們離開時裝備了可實施的策略和洞察力,以推動醫療領域的人工智能創新。

Scholarships and Global Representation: AIMed24 is proud to continue its tradition of supporting clinicians and students from around the world through special scholarships. This initiative ensures that financial barriers do not prevent the brightest minds from participating in this world-class event.

獎學金和全球代表: AIMed24自豪地繼續支持來自世界各地的臨床醫生和學生,通過特別獎學金。該倡議確保金融障礙不會阻止最聰明的頭腦參與這一世界級活動。

Register Today: Don't miss out on AIMed24! To learn more about the event and secure your tickets, visit .

立即註冊: 不要錯過AIMed24!要了解更多關於活動並確保您的門票,歡迎訪問 .

About Frost & Sullivan
For over six decades, Frost & Sullivan has guided the world's top companies toward transformational growth journeys that result in a stream of innovative growth opportunities. Frost's Growth Pipeline as a Service (GPaaS) value proposition allows customers to maximize their economic potential, navigate emerging megatrends, and shape a future based on sustainable growth. Learn more.

關於Frost & Sullivan
六十多年來,Frost&Sullivan引導世界頂尖公司走向轉型性增長之路,從而獲得一系列創新增長機會。Frost的增長管道即服務(GPaaS)價值主張使客戶能夠最大化其經濟潛力,應對新興的超級趨勢,並塑造一個基於可持續增長的未來。 更多了解.

About AIMed24
AIMed24 is where AI and medicine's brightest minds converge to shape the future of healthcare. Join us at the Caribe Royale Orlando from November 17-19 for groundbreaking keynotes, hands-on workshops, and exceptional networking opportunities with industry leaders.

AIMed24是人工智能和醫學領域最傑出的人才聚集地,致力於塑造醫療保健的未來。加入我們,從11月17日至19日在奧蘭多Caribe Royale,參加開創性的主題演講、實踐研討會,並與行業領袖進行卓越的社交交流。

Founded by Dr. Anthony Chang, AIMed is a clinician-led community advancing AI in health. AIMed24 will showcase impactful smart healthcare solutions, facilitate connections with AI trailblazers, and engage with top institutions and innovators.

由Anthony Chang博士創立,AIMed是一個由臨床醫生領導的社區,推動人工智能在醫療健康領域的發展。AIMed24將展示有影響力的智能醫療解決方案,促進與人工智能開拓者的聯繫,並與頂尖機構和創新者互動。

Be at the forefront of healthcare innovation. Learn more.

走在醫療創新的前沿。 更多了解.

SOURCE Frost & Sullivan

來源:Frost & Sullivan




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