
Reported Earlier, Globe Life Reports Extortion Attempt Involving Customer Data From Subsidiary, American Income Life Insurance, Impacting 5,000 Individuals; Investigation Ongoing With No Material Impact On Operations

Reported Earlier, Globe Life Reports Extortion Attempt Involving Customer Data From Subsidiary, American Income Life Insurance, Impacting 5,000 Individuals; Investigation Ongoing With No Material Impact On Operations

據早前報道,globe life報告稱旗下子公司美國人壽保險遭到涉及來自子公司 American Income 保險企業客戶數據的勒索企圖,影響了5000名個人;調查仍在進行,對運營沒有實質影響。
Benzinga ·  10/17 22:36

Globe Life Inc. (the "Company") recently received communications from an unknown threat actor seeking to extort money from the Company in exchange for not disclosing certain information held and used by the Company and its independent agents. After becoming aware of this, the Company immediately activated its incident response plan and, with the assistance of experienced counsel and external cybersecurity experts, launched an investigation. The Company has reported this extortion attempt to and is cooperating with federal law enforcement.


Based on the Company's investigation to date, which remains ongoing, the Company believes that information relayed to the Company by the threat actor may relate to certain customers and customer leads that can be traced to the Company's subsidiary, American Income Life Insurance Company. This information includes certain personally identifiable information categories such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, postal addresses, and in some instances Social Security numbers, health-related data, and other policy information for approximately 5,000 individuals; however, the total number of potentially impacted persons or the full scope of information possessed by the threat actor has not been fully verified. This information does not appear to contain personally identifiable financial information such as credit card data or banking information. Most recently, the threat actor also shared information about a limited number of individuals to short sellers and plaintiffs' attorneys. The threat actor claims to possess additional categories of information, which claims remain under investigation and have not been verified.

根據截至目前公司的調查,公司認爲威脅行爲者傳達給公司的信息可能涉及可以追溯到公司子公司美國Life Insurance Company的某些客戶和客戶線索。這些信息包括某些可識別個人信息類別,如姓名、電子郵件地址、電話號碼、郵寄地址,以及在某些情況下的社會保障號碼、與健康有關的數據,以及其他大約5000名個人的保單信息;然而,威脅行爲者持有的潛在受影響人員總數或信息範圍尚未得到完全驗證。這些信息似乎不包含可識別的金融信息,如信用卡數據或銀行信息。最近,威脅行爲者還向做空者和原告律師分享了有關少數個人的信息。威脅行爲者聲稱持有其他類別的信息,這些聲稱仍在調查中,並未得到證實。

To date, the extortion attempts have not involved the use of ransomware or resulted in an interruption to the Company's systems, services, or business operations. The Company will notify individuals affected by this incident, take steps as needed to protect and remediate the impact for them, and continue to communicate with regulatory authorities. As of the date of this filing, the Company believes this incident has not materially impacted its operations and does not expect this incident is reasonably likely to have a material impact on the Company, including its financial condition or results of operations.


