
UPDATE: The last time this 'clear danger sign' flashed in the stock market was in 1999, and we all know what happened next

UPDATE: The last time this 'clear danger sign' flashed in the stock market was in 1999, and we all know what happened next

道琼斯 ·  2020/01/18 21:44

MW UPDATE: The last time this 'clear danger sign' flashed in the stock market was in 1999, and we all know what happened next


By Shawn Langlois, MarketWatch

作者:肖恩·朗格洛斯(Shawn Langlois),MarketWatch

"When pigs squeal, feed them."


Brad Lamensdorf, portfolio manager for AdvisorShares Ranger Equity Bear ETF(HDGE) , used that expression to describe what he sees in his "Chart of the Week (," which, he says, should give investors cause for concern.

AdvisorShares Ranger Equity Bear ETF的投資組合經理布拉德·拉門斯多夫(Brad Lamensdorf)用這句話來形容他在“本週圖表(,”中看到的情況,他説,這應該讓投資者感到擔憂。

The chart, pulled from a recent Wall Street Journal story (, essentially shows how much red ink is spilling in the IPO market. As you can see, the last time this "clear danger sign" popped up was on the brink of the dot-com implosion in 1999.

這張圖表摘自《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)最近的一篇報道(,,從本質上講,它顯示了新股發行市場上有多少赤字。正如你所看到的,上一次出現這種“明確的危險信號”是在1999年,當時網絡公司正處於崩潰的邊緣。

As the Journal pointed out, 42% of these money-losers come from the health-care sector, where investors look to make a killing on smaller biotech stocks with big upside. Another 17% come from the technology sector.


"Over-priced IPOs usually occur toward the end of a long bull run when stocks in general become very overpriced," Lamensdorf wrote. "Why does this happen? Generally because investors have lost their sense of reality. They are willing to buy stocks on hyped stories instead of the facts."


In other words, investment bankers, he explained, pounce on the opportunity to stuff the stock market -- or, as the expression goes, feed the pigs -- with overpriced companies as long as the public has an appetite for risk.


Investors showed some risk appetite in Wednesday's trading session, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average , S&P 500and Nasdaq Compositeall moving nicely higher.

投資者在週三的交易時段表現出一些風險偏好,道瓊斯工業平均指數(Dow Jones Industrial Average)、標準普爾500指數(S&P500)和納斯達克綜合指數(Nasdaq Composite)都出現了不錯的上漲。

-Shawn Langlois; 415-439-6400;

-肖恩·朗格洛斯(Shawn Langlois);電話:415-439-6400;電子郵件

(END) Dow Jones Newswires


January 18, 2020 08:44 ET (13:44 GMT)


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