
Short Seller Showdown: The Bear Cave Accuses Hindenburg Of Plagiarism

Short Seller Showdown: The Bear Cave Accuses Hindenburg Of Plagiarism

Benzinga ·  00:23

The Bear Cave's Edwin Dorsey has publicly accused short seller Hindenburg Research of plagiarism on the heels of both firms targeting video game stock Roblox.

看淡洞穴的Edwin Dorsey公開指責空頭機構Hindenburg Research剽竊,其後兩家公司都以羅布樂思爲目標。

What To Know: Dorsey publishes bearish reports on public companies through The Bear Cave newsletter, which is popular among short sellers. Dorsey says he doesn't short the companies he publishes on.

需要知道:Dorsey通過《Bear Cave通訊》發佈對上市公司的看淡報告,這在空頭賣方中很受歡迎。Dorsey表示他並不對自己發表報告的公司開空。

On Tuesday, Dorsey published a report titled "Problems at Hindenburg Research," accusing Hindenburg's Nate Anderson of not properly acknowledging that the short seller uses information from The Bear Cave for its reports.

週二,Dorsey發佈了一份題爲《Hindenburg Research存在問題》的報告,指控Hindenburg的Nate Anderson未能恰當承認空頭賣方使用《Bear Cave通訊》的信息來撰寫報告。

Dorsey said Anderson has failed to cite The Bear Cave in its own reports multiple times, most recently in the firm's coverage of Roblox Corp (NYSE:RBLX).

Dorsey表示Anderson在自己的報告中多次未將《Bear Cave通訊》進行引用,最近一次是在該公司對紐交所股票羅布樂思的報道中。

"At times, Hindenburg used virtually identical reporting, wording, sourcing, and research methods in its Roblox report yet doesn't mention The Bear Cave once in its 16,405-word report," Dorsey said.

「Hindenburg在羅布樂思的報告中使用了幾乎相同的報道、措辭、信息來源和研究方法,但在其長度爲16,405個詞的報告中沒有一次提及《Bear Cave通訊》,」Dorsey表示。

Dorsey went on to highlight several instances in which Hindenburg published similar research on companies after The Bear Cave. He repeatedly took issue with similar wording, and even highlighted the use of identical company descriptions related to Axos Financial.

Dorsey接着強調了幾起Hindenburg在《Bear Cave通訊》之後發表有關公司的類似研究的情況。他多次對相似措辭提出異議,並甚至強調了與Axos Financial相關的相同公司描述的使用。

Anderson posted a response to Dorsey's report on X this week, stating that the report "falsely and ridiculously alleged" Hindenburg plagiarized his work. Anderson said he doesn't read Dorsey's blog and has never used any of his work for Hindenburg research.


Interestingly enough, Anderson said he spoke with Dorsey on the phone last week before Dorsey published his report alleging plagiarism by Hindenburg.


"He could easily see the evidence for himself in front of him. He acknowledged this when we spoke, but instead, decided to ignore it and shamelessly lob false allegations of plagiarism anyway," Anderson said.


He shared a screenshot of a deleted tweet from Dorsey last week in which Dorsey confirms the call with Anderson and refers to him as a "good guy" before saying, " I don't think there was any bad intent here."


An X user asked Dorsey why he deleted the tweet. Dorsey said, "I slept on it and then realized there were a lot more issues than originally discussed I also felt like the call was not entirely truthful as I evaluated more information."

一位X用戶問多西爲什麼刪除了推文。 多西說:「我想了一晚上,然後意識到存在比最初討論更多的問題,我也覺得通話並沒有完全如我評估到的信息那樣真實。」

Dorsey responded to Anderson's X post Tuesday afternoon, further accusing Anderson of improper disclosure and claiming he made false allegations in his post defending Hindenburg's reporting practices. Still, the response was largely focused on The Bear Cave getting the credit Dorsey believes it deserves.

週二下午,多西回覆了安德森的X帖子,進一步指責安德森不當披露,並聲稱在其辯護亨德堡報道實踐的帖子中提出了虛假指控。但回覆主要集中在多西認爲The Bear Cave應得到的榮譽。

"We can have different views on the right approach, but that in no way means you can't or shouldn't cite The Bear Cave when appropriate," Dorsey said.

"我們可能對正確的方法有不同看法,但這絕不意味着你不能或不應在適當時引用The Bear Cave,"多西說。

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