
Metro Bank Financial Crime Team Volunteers Support for The Passage Charity

Metro Bank Financial Crime Team Volunteers Support for The Passage Charity

Metro銀行金融犯罪團隊志願支持The Passage慈善機構
Metropolitan Bank ·  10/16 12:00

The UK's community bank, Metro Bank, gives every colleague a Day to Amaze – essentially a paid day off to support a local charity or good cause. Colleagues from Metro Bank's Financial Crime team recently volunteered their time to support The Passage, a charity dedicated to helping homeless individuals access vital services. The charity provides essential support such as shelter, job assistance, and help with health and wellbeing.

英國的社區銀行Metro Bank爲每位同事提供一個令人驚奇的一日 - 基本上是支持當地慈善機構或公益事業的帶薪休假。Metro Bank的反金融犯罪團隊最近志願投入時間支持The Passage,這是一家致力於幫助無家可歸者獲得重要服務的慈善機構。該慈善機構提供庇護所、就業援助以及健康和福祉等重要支持。


The team, comprised of Priya Gurung, Tim Freeman, Cara Morgan, Cynthia Tuck, Tim Smith, Emma Kent, Guiseppe Di Cecco, and Corey Mason, organized a cake sale at the Metro Bank Holborn store, while other colleagues collected donations at Holborn Station. Their efforts raised awareness of The Passage's critical work and generated about £200 in cake sales alone.

由Priya Gurung、Tim Freeman、Cara Morgan、Cynthia Tuck、Tim Smith、Emma Kent、Guiseppe Di Cecco和Corey Mason組成的團隊,在Metro Bank Holborn門店舉辦了蛋糕義賣活動,而其他同事則在Holborn車站收集捐款。他們的努力增加了關於The Passage關鍵工作的宣傳,並僅通過蛋糕銷售就籌集了約200英鎊。

Following the fundraising activities, the team visited The Passage's site in Victoria, where they received a tour and gained deeper insight into how their contributions are helping to make a difference in the lives of those facing homelessness.

在籌款活動後,團隊參觀了維多利亞的The Passage基地,他們接受了參觀,並深入了解他們的貢獻是如何在幫助面臨無家可歸者的人生中產生影響。

Priya Gurung, Metro Bank Financial Crime Advisor who organized volunteering efforts, said: "It was a humbling experience to lead this initiative. The funds we raised will support The Passage's vital work, and visiting their site truly highlighted the immense challenges homeless individuals face every day. We are proud to have contributed to such a meaningful cause."

組織志願活動的Metro Bank反金融犯罪顧問Priya Gurung表示:「領導這一舉措是一次令人印象深刻的經歷。我們籌集的資金將支持The Passage的重要工作,並參觀他們的基地真正突出了無家可歸者每天面臨的巨大挑戰。我們爲能爲如此有意義的事業做出貢獻感到自豪。」

