
National Grid Renewables Hosts "Solar Harvest Festival" In Celebration of Expanded Ohio Portfolio

National Grid Renewables Hosts "Solar Harvest Festival" In Celebration of Expanded Ohio Portfolio

PR Newswire ·  10/16 20:00

120 MW Ross County Solar Project and 47.5 MW Fayette Solar Project will begin operation in late 2024


MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Last week, National Grid Renewables hosted an event to celebrate the construction of two additional projects in their Ohio portfolio. Ross County Solar (Ross) is a 120 megawatt (MW) solar project located in Ross County, Ohio, and the Fayette Solar Project (Fayette) is a 47.5 MW solar project located in nearby Fayette and Highland counties. The fall-themed event provided an opportunity for project partners, landowners and community members to take a short tour of the Ross solar project to learn more about the inner workings of a solar farm.

明尼阿波利斯,2024年10月16日 / PRNewswire / - 上週,英國國家電網可再生能源公司舉辦了一場活動,慶祝了他們在俄亥俄州投資組合中另外兩個項目的建設。羅斯縣太陽能項目(羅斯)是位於俄亥俄州羅斯縣的一個120兆瓦(MW)太陽能項目,而費耶特太陽能項目(費耶特)是位於附近的費耶特和海蘭德縣的一個47.5兆瓦太陽能項目。這個以秋季主題爲主題的活動爲項目合作伙伴、土地所有者和社區成員提供了一個參觀羅斯太陽能項目的機會,更多了解太陽能農場的內部運作。

National Grid Renewables Hosts "Solar Harvest Festival" in celebration of two new Ohio solar projects.

"It's really exciting to see our footprint in Ohio expanding to include the Ross County and Fayette Solar Projects," said Lindsay Smith, Vice President of External Affairs and Communications. "In addition to the new tax revenue, landowner income and charitable giving that will result from these projects, all of the panels were manufactured right here in the state of Ohio, furthering our commitment to boosting sustainable economic growth in communities across America. We're proud to be contributing to that impact in the Buckeye state."

「看到我們在俄亥俄州的足跡擴張,包括羅斯縣和費耶特太陽能項目,真的很激動,」 英國國家電網公司外部事務和通信副總裁 Lindsay Smith 說道。「除了新稅收、土地所有者收入和慈善捐贈,這些項目還將給當地帶來所有面板都在俄亥俄州製造,進一步踐行我們對促進整個美國社區可持續經濟增長的承諾。我們很自豪能爲俄亥俄州帶來這種影響。」

Combined, the Ross and Fayette projects are anticipated to contribute approximately $73 million in direct impact over the first 20 years of operation, which includes $29.5 million in new tax revenue to be distributed to the local counties, emergency services, school districts and additional funding for the Ohio PILOT Program.

組合而成,羅斯和費耶特項目預計在運營的頭20年中將共貢獻大約7300萬美元的直接影響,其中包括2950萬美元的新稅收,將分配給當地縣、應急服務、學區以及俄亥俄州 PILOt 計劃的額外資助。

"We at Ohio University Chillicothe have benefited from our partnership with National Grid Renewables," said Roberta Milliken, Dean of Campus and Community Relations. "The support we have received has allowed us to enhance instruction in certain key areas related to renewable energies like science and education. These opportunities have a positive impact on both our students as well as many of our local teachers in that they help to keep them engaged, competitive, and current."

「我們在俄亥俄大學奇利科西分校與英國國家電網可再生能源公司的合作中受益匪淺,」校園和社區關係主任 Roberta Milliken 表示。「我們收到的支持使我們能夠在與科學和教育等可再生能源相關關鍵領域的教學上有所提升。這些機會對我們的學生以及許多本地教師都產生了積極影響,因爲它們有助於使他們保持參與、具競爭力和緊跟潮流。」

Also present at the event were representatives from Kiewit Power Constructors, the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) partner on both projects. The construction of these projects employed approximately 300 workers, the majority of which were local Ohio residents.

此次活動還有Kiewit Power Constructors的代表,他們是這兩個項目的工程、採購和施工(EPC)合作伙伴。這些項目的施工吸納了大約300名工人,其中大多數是俄亥俄州當地居民。

"As the EPC partner in the Ross and Fayette Solar projects, Kiewit is proud to collaborate with skilled union tradespeople from Ohio," Kiewit Power Constructors Vice President Brian Koller said. "These projects have created not only jobs but long-term opportunities for career growth within the local union workforce. We believe that by supporting union labor, we're investing in high-quality work that will have a lasting impact on the region's economic and renewable energy future."

"作爲Ross和Fayette太陽能項目的EPC合作伙伴,Kiewit很榮幸能與俄亥俄州熟練的工會技工合作," Kiewit Power Constructors副總裁Brian Koller說道。"這些項目不僅創造了就業機會,而且爲當地工會勞工的職業發展提供了長期機會。我們相信,通過支持工會勞工,我們正在投資於對該地域經濟和可再生能源未來將產生持久影響的高質量工作。"

National Grid Renewables' commitment to community was evident at the Solar Harvest Festival, as the organizers used several local businesses to source the event, including a tasty barbeque lunch catered by Old Canal Smokehouse and live music from Ohio native, Ken Scwartz.

National Grid Renewables對社區的承諾在Solar Harvest Festival上得到體現,活動組織者使用了幾家當地企業來籌辦活動,包括由Old Canal Smokehouse提供的美味燒烤午餐以及俄亥俄州本地音樂家Ken Scwartz的現場音樂表演。

Prior to the event, National Grid Renewables announced its pledge to donate $670,000 in charitable funding through the Ross and Fayette Projects over the first twenty years of operation. Donations from the Ross charitable fund will be managed through The Chillicothe-Ross Community Foundation, while donations from the Fayette charitable fund will be distributed by The Greenfield Foundation. Representatives from both organizations were present at the event and provided commemorative checks to signify the upcoming charitable donations.

在活動之前,National Grid Renewables宣佈承諾通過Ross和Fayette項目在首個二十年的運營期間捐贈67萬美元的慈善資金。來自Ross慈善基金的捐款將由切利科西的Ross社區基金會管理,而來自Fayette慈善基金的捐款將由格林菲爾德基金會分發。兩個組織的代表出席活動並頒發紀念支票,以示即將進行的慈善捐款。

About National Grid Renewables
National Grid Renewables develops, owns and operates large-scale renewable energy assets across the United States, including solar, wind, and energy storage. As a farmer-founded and community-focused business, National Grid Renewables repowers America's electricity grid by reigniting local economies and reinvesting in a sustainable, clean energy future. National Grid Renewables supports National Grid's vision of being at the heart of a clean, fair, and affordable energy future for all. To learn more about National Grid Renewables, visit or follow the company on LinkedIn.

英國國家電網公司負責全美範圍內的大型可再生能源資產的開發、擁有和運營,包括太陽能、風能和儲能。 作爲一個由農場主創立並以社區爲重點的企業,英國國家電網公司通過重啓當地經濟並再投資於可持續、清潔能源未來來重新供電美國的電網。 英國國家電網公司支持英國國家電網邁向爲所有人實現清潔、公平和負擔得起的能源未來的願景。 要了解更多有關英國國家電網公司的信息,請訪問 或在LinkedIn上關注該公司。

Media Inquiries
Contact: Emily Morissette
Senior Manager, Marketing & Communications
National Grid Renewables
[email protected]

聯繫人:Emily Morissette
National Grid Renewables
[email protected]

SOURCE National Grid Renewables

來源:National Grid Renewables




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