
Inari Medical Announces Partnership With AVF and NBCA on DEFIANCE Trial

Inari Medical Announces Partnership With AVF and NBCA on DEFIANCE Trial

inari medical宣佈與AVF和NBCA合作進行DEFIANCE試驗
INARI ·  10/15 12:00
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IRVINE, Calif., Oct. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In recognition of World Thrombosis Day, Inari Medical, Inc. (NASDAQ: NARI) ("Inari") a medical device company with a mission to treat and transform the lives of patients suffering from venous and other diseases, today announced collaborative partnerships with the American Venous Forum ("AVF") and the National Blood Clot Alliance ("NBCA") on the DEFIANCE trial. This prospective, multinational, randomized controlled trial ("RCT") will evaluate and compare clinical outcomes in patients with deep vein thrombosis ("DVT") treated with Inari's ClotTriever System versus anticoagulation alone.

2024年10月15日,加州爾灣(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)- 納斯達克上市公司inari medical, Inc.(NASDAQ:NARI)(" 愛文思控股 ")是一家醫療器械公司,旨在治療和改善患有靜脈和其他疾病的患者的生活。今天,在世界血栓日的認知下,該公司宣佈與美國靜脈論壇(" AVF ")和國家血栓聯盟(" NBCA ")在「 DEFIANCE」試驗上建立合作伙伴關係。這項前瞻性、跨國、隨機對照試驗(" RCT ")將評估和比較使用inari medical的ClotTriever系統與單純抗凝治療治療深靜脈血栓(" DVT ")患者的臨床結果。

AVF is a non-profit society dedicated to improving the care of patients with venous and lymphatic disease, with members and leadership recognized internationally as thought leaders, expert investigators and top clinicians in the field. "AVF members pledge to practice evidence-based medicine, participate in scientific knowledge, and provide accurate information, so we commend Inari for their commitment to contributing high-quality evidence by conducting the first RCT for the use of mechanical thrombectomy in patients with DVT, comparing treatment with the ClotTriever System versus anticoagulation," said Dr. Ruth Bush, AVF President. "Early intervention with current mechanical thrombectomy devices has been widely adopted by our members, and since this treatment modality was introduced after DVT guidelines were last updated in 2012, this study is of great interest to our multi-disciplinary global community of venous experts." In collaboration with Inari, AVF will help create awareness of DEFIANCE and assist with the enrollment of this important trial through its members and stakeholders.

美國靜脈論壇(AVF)是一家致力於改善患有靜脈和淋巴疾病患者護理的非營利性社會組織,其成員和領導團隊在國際上被認爲是思想領袖、專業調查員和該領域頂尖臨床醫生。" AVF成員承諾實踐基於證據的醫學,參與科學知識,提供準確信息,因此我們讚賞inari投入進行了第一項針對使用ClotTriever系統與抗凝治療比較對深靜脈血栓患者機械血栓切除治療的RCT。" AVF主席Ruth Bush博士表示。"我們的成員普遍採用了目前的機械血栓切除裝置進行早期干預,自2012年DVt指南最近更新後,此治療方式已被廣泛採納,因此這項研究對於我們衆多的靜脈專家跨學科全球社區具有極大的興趣。" 在與inari的合作中,AVF將幫助提高「DEFIANCE」的知名度,並通過其成員和利益相關者協助招募這一重要試驗。

NBCA is the leading non-profit in the United States focused on building awareness and community among people who are affected by blood clots. "The vast majority of DVT survivors in the NBCA community were treated with the current standard of care, anticoagulation, and too many have developed the debilitating symptoms of post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) with swollen legs, difficulty walking, skin changes and poorly healing open wounds," said NBCA President and Board Chair, Leslie Lake. "NBCA commends Inari Medical for investing in DEFIANCE, a much-needed landmark trial with the potential to impact future treatment guidelines for DVT patients."

國家血栓聯盟(NBCA)是美國領先的非營利組織,致力於在受血栓影響的人群中建立意識和社區。" NBCA社區中絕大多數的深靜脈血栓倖存者接受了目前的標準護理- 抗凝治療,但太多人發展出深靜脈血栓後綜合症(PTS)的症狀--- 腳腫、步行困難、皮膚變化和傷口癒合緩慢," NBCA主席及董事長Leslie Lake表示。"NBCA讚揚inari medical投資進行了『DEFIANCE』,這是一項急需的具有里程碑意義的試驗,有可能影響未來深靜脈血栓患者的治療指南。"

"Our team is immensely proud to partner with two leading organizations representing patients and specialists - the largest national patient advocacy organization and a renowned global venous medical society, a testament to the importance of high-quality RCTs in this space," said Dr. Thomas Tu, Inari's Chief Medical Officer.

我們團隊非常自豪與兩家領先的代表患者和專家的組織合作 - 最大的國家患者倡導組織和一家著名的全球靜脈醫學協會,這證明了在這一領域開展高質量RCT的重要性。"inari medical首席醫療官Thomas Tu博士如是說。

About American Venous Forum
We are a diverse, dynamic, global organization committed to improving the care of those with venous and lymphatic disease. Our multi-specialty, multi-disciplinary membership of physicians, researchers and advanced practice providers embrace core values of integrity, inclusion, and scientific excellence in research. Those values drive us to provide increasingly quality care and seek ongoing improvement every day. The AVF support for industry-sponsored scientific research is grounded in the belief that collaboration between the private sector and the scientific community can drive innovation and discovery related to novel technologies. AVF support of research is independent of specific products.


About National Blood Clot Alliance
The National Blood Clot Alliance, established in 2003, is the nation's leading nonprofit, patient advocacy organization dedicated to advancing the prevention, early diagnosis, and successful treatment of life-threatening blood clots, such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE). Each year NBCA provides more than 3 million people with blood clot information, resources, and support. For more information about NBCA please contact or visit .


About Inari Medical, Inc.
Patients first. No small plans. Take care of each other. These are the guiding principles that form the ethos of Inari Medical. We are committed to improving lives in extraordinary ways by creating innovative solutions for both unmet and underserved health needs. In addition to our purpose-built solutions, we leverage our capabilities in education, clinical research, and program development to improve patient outcomes. We are passionate about our mission to establish our treatments as the standard of care for venous disease, including venous thromboembolism, chronic venous disease and beyond. We are just getting started. Learn more at and connect with us on LinkedIn, X (Twitter), and Instagram.

關於inari medical,Inc。
患者至上。沒有小計劃。互相關照。這些是Inari Medical理念的指導原則。我們致力於通過爲未滿足和未被服務的健康需求創造創新解決方案,以非同尋常的方式改善生活。除了我們量身打造的解決方案外,我們還利用我們在教育、臨床研究和項目開發方面的能力來改善患者預後。我們熱衷於使我們的治療成爲靜脈疾病的標準治療,包括靜脈血栓栓塞症、慢性靜脈疾病等等。我們只是剛剛開始。在此了解更多,並在LinkedIn、X(Twitter)和Instagram上與我們聯繫。

Investor Contact:
Marissa Bych
Gilmartin Group LLC

Marissa Bych

