
North Carolina Farm Is Poised for the Future With Spectrum Broadband

North Carolina Farm Is Poised for the Future With Spectrum Broadband

北卡羅來納州農場正準備好迎接未來,享受 Spectrum 寬帶服務。
特許通訊 ·  10/15 12:00

News and ViewsOctober 15, 2024


North Carolina Farm is Poised for the Future with Spectrum Broadband

北卡羅來納農場憑藉 Spectrum 寬帶服務爲未來做好準備

A rural family farm established in 1860 can grow with the times with Spectrum high-speed internet.

一家建於1860年的鄉村家庭農場可以藉助 Spectrum 高速互聯網與時俱進。

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Nestled along a two-lane country road deep in Vale, North Carolina, sits a lush farm filled with rows of corn, grain bins and cattle. A beautiful and peaceful 760 acres, Wyant Farm feels tucked far away from Charlotte, one of the fastest-growing cities in the Southeast, yet only an hour away.

位於北卡羅來納州維爾深處的雙車道鄉間小路旁,坐落着 Wyant 農場,這是一個鬱鬱蔥蔥的農場,種滿了玉米,存放着糧倉和牛群。 Wyant 農場佔地760英畝,美麗而寧靜,彷彿遠離了查爾斯頓這個東南部發展最快的城市之一,但只有一個小時的車程。

Established in 1860, Wyant Farm is run by Jerry and Linda Wyant, their sons Tommy and David and their wives, and six grandchildren. The farm has grown considerably over the years in acreage, and with the recent expansion of Spectrum broadband to the property in 2024, the farm is ready to grow in the digital age.

Wyant農場創建於1860年,由Jerry和Linda Wyant、他們的兒子Tommy和David及他們的妻子以及六個孫輩共同經營。農場的耕地面積多年來不斷擴大,隨着2024年Spectrum寬帶進駐,農場已準備好邁入數字時代。

"With broadband service, we can continue to expand all of our technologies," said Jerry, who was named North Carolina Farmer of the Year in 2023. "We can use automatic watering systems at the barn for our cattle and irrigation water on our pastures at the touch of a button. I am so excited for the future and how we can grow."

"有了寬帶服務,我們可以繼續發展我們所有的技術," 2023年被評爲北卡羅來納州年度農民的Jerry說到。"我們可以在穀倉使用自動澆水系統,爲我們的牲畜提供灌溉水,只需輕輕一按。我對未來和我們的成長充滿期待。"

How a North Carolina Farm Evolved


Life on the farm looked a lot different in the 1800's when Jerry's great-grandfather bought the land and began farming. Back then, a shovel was used to dig ditches for water runoff, a job now performed by large machinery. Tractors were pulled by horses in the open air, and each row of corn was planted one-by-one with a tiller. Today, fifth-generation farmer Tommy Wyant can plant up to 30 rows at a time from the air-conditioned cab of his tractor.

在1800年代,Jerry的曾祖父購買了這片土地並開始種植時,農場的生活與今天大不相同。那時,人們使用鐵鍬挖渠道,而現在這項工作則由大型機械完成。拖拉機由馬匹拉動在戶外工作,每排玉米都要用耕耘機一行一行地種。如今,第五代農民Tommy Wyant可以在他的拖拉機空調駕駛室內同時種植多達30排玉米。

The town of Vale is one of the many previously underserved rural communities Spectrum is connecting to broadband through the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund, as well as state and local programs like North Carolina's GREAT Grant Program.

Vale鎮是許多之前未得到服務的農村社區之一,Spectrum通過農村數字機會基金以及北卡羅來納州的GREAt Grant計劃連接到寬帶的衆多社區之一。

Spectrum crews finished the buildout in Vale well ahead of schedule and, after working through the fall, connected Wyant Farm this past January – just in time for the spring planting season.


Since being connected, the Wyant family has been learning about new technological advances in farming equipment. They plan to purchase new software for their grain storage bin with a 24-hour wireless monitoring system. The software will enable the family to remotely track their grain storage to make informed decisions. Grain storage management is a round-the-clock job that requires someone to check on the bins every three hours, even in the middle of the night. Soon, that task will be done automatically and the Wyants will get real-time alerts if there are any issues. Reliable broadband also enabled Jerry's granddaughter to post on Facebook, introducing the family to social media marketing and online sales capabilities.


"We've been selling a lot of beef now, whereas before we'd make two sales every six months," said Jerry. "Now we are sold out through the summer. It's just great."


A Future on Solid Ground


From the 1800's to the present day, the Wyant Farm has required dedication of all family members, and Jerry's dream is to keep the farm in the family. With the availability of high-speed internet, he believes its legacy will continue.


"The future of agriculture is promising," said Jerry. "I think the children will always have some sort of a role here, and I hope they decide to take it over, keep it going and be the sixth generation to run the farm."


More information about Spectrum's commitment to expanding broadband access can be found here.


