NBA Legend's Eco-Friendly Hemp Packaging Shakes Up Auto Industry: Unveiled At Detroit Showcase
NBA Legend's Eco-Friendly Hemp Packaging Shakes Up Auto Industry: Unveiled At Detroit Showcase
One World Products, Inc. (OTCQB:OWPC) led by NBA Legend Isiah Thomas, recently showcased fully validated hemp-based molded containers, developed for an initial order of 1,400 units from Flex-N-Gate, a tier 1 supplier to the automotive industry.
由NBA傳奇人物伊賽亞·托馬斯領導的One World Products, Inc. (OTCQB:OWPC)最近展示了完全經過驗證的基於大麻的成型容器,爲汽車行業一級供應商Flex-N-Gate的首批訂單開發了1,400個單位。
The presentation took place in Detroit. The containers represent "a significant milestone in OWP's efforts to deliver renewable material solutions for automotive part packaging applications," the company said in Tuesday's press release.
The production-ready reusable containers are developed in partnership with Flex-N-Gate, ORBIS Corporation and West Michigan Compounding (WMC).
這些可供投入生產的可重複使用容器是與Flex-N-Gate、ORBIS Corporation和West Michigan Compounding (WMC)合作開發的。
The automotive industry has used reusable containers and pallets to move and protect parts in the supply chain.
OWP's proprietary hemp-based renewable materials developed in collaboration with Flex-N-Gate, ORBIS and WMC seek to replace conventional plastics with sustainable alternatives.
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These innovations allow automakers to lower their carbon footprint and enhance environmental efforts throughout the automotive supply chain.
"The initial order from Flex-N-Gate highlights the trust our partners place in our solutions and sets the stage for future opportunities," Thomas, who serves as chairman and CEO of One World Products, said. "Our work with Flex-N-Gate, ORBIS, and West Michigan Compounding demonstrates our collective capability to drive innovation in renewable materials for automotive applications."
One World Products的董事長兼首席執行官伊賽亞·托馬斯表示:"Flex-N-Gate的首批訂單突顯了合作伙伴對我們解決方案的信任,併爲未來機會奠定了基礎。" "我們與Flex-N-Gate、ORBIS和West Michigan Compounding的合作證明了我們在汽車應用的可再生材料方面驅動創新的能力。"
Thomas' company has been working on hemp car parts for years.
As per an earlier agreement with Stellantis (NYSE:STLA), one of the largest automakers worldwide and owner of Chrysler, Citroën, Dodge, Fiat, Jeep, Peugeot and other portfolio brands, One World Products agreed to develop and supply hemp-based bioplastic components for vehicle interiors and exteriors.
根據早前與紐交所STLA的聯合協議,全球最大的汽車製造商之一、克萊斯勒、雪鐵龍、道奇、菲亞特、吉普、標緻等品牌的所有者Stellantis,與One World Products達成協議,同意開發和供應基於工業大麻的生物塑料零件用於汽車內飾和外飾。
"I envision a future where the Fords, the GMs, the Stellantis' of the world take plastics out of their automobiles and infuse them with industrial hemp to replace those plastics, thus reducing their carbon footprint," Thomas said in 2022.
「我設想未來,福特、通用、Stellantis等汽車巨頭會將塑料替換爲工業大麻,從而降低汽車碳排放。」 Thomas在2022年表示。
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