
MADD Unveils Bold Rebrand to Strengthen Lifesaving Efforts to End Impaired Driving

MADD Unveils Bold Rebrand to Strengthen Lifesaving Efforts to End Impaired Driving

PR Newswire ·  10/15 22:30

The National Nonprofit Revitalizes Mission to Reach a New Generation of Drivers


IRVING, Texas, Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- For more than four decades, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) has led one of the most critical public safety movements in history. Today, MADD proudly announces a bold new brand identity — a dynamic, energized logo and tagline Impaired Driving Ends Here.

德克薩斯州歐文,2024年10月15日 / PRNewswire / - 四十多年來, 母親反對酒後駕駛(MADD) 一直領導着歷史上最關鍵的公共安全運動之一。 今天,MADD自豪地宣佈了一個大膽的全新品牌形象 - 一個充滿活力、充滿活力的標誌和口號,即「酒駕截止於此。」

MADD logo and tagline changes.

With drunk and drugged driving posing a serious risk to every community, MADD's rebrand is designed to resonate with all generations and backgrounds — fostering unity in a collective effort to make safer choices on roads and waterways. Empowered by the historic passage of the HALT Act in 2021, which mandates lifesaving anti-drunk driving technology in all new vehicles, MADD is poised to nearly eliminate this crime in our lifetime.

隨着酗酒和吸毒駕駛對每個社區構成嚴重風險,MADD的重新品牌旨在與所有代際和背景 reson — 在公路和水路上做出更安全的選擇的集體努力中培養團結。受2021年的HALt法案的歷史性通過啓發,該法案要求所有新車輛中配備拯救生命的反醉酒駕駛技術,MADD準備在我們的一生中幾乎消除這種犯罪。 HALt法案 在2021年通過了HALt法案,該法案要求所有新車輛中配備拯救生命的反醉駕技術,MADD準備在我們的一生中幾乎消除這種犯罪。

For the first time in decades, the logo will move away from the martini glass and car keys. The brand refresh reflects MADD's fierce determination to change behaviors and make safer choices. Within the wordmark there is a triangle which is inspired by international warning standards. The triangle also represents change or difference, capturing MADD's resolute yet dynamic desire to help make our world a safer place.


MADD partnered with Blue State, a full-service, purpose-driven creative and strategy agency, to develop the new brand identity. Leaders of this collaborative effort aimed to build awareness and urgency with the next generation of drivers while recognizing the achievements of the storied institution.

MADD與 Blue State,一家全方位、以目標爲驅動的創意和策略機構,合作開發了新的品牌形象。這個合作努力的領導者旨在引起下一代司機的認識和緊迫感,同時認可這家歷史悠久機構的成就。

"Our mission to eliminate impaired driving and create a future free from this tragedy has never wavered," said MADD CEO Stacey D. Stewart. "This rebranding not only honors our incredible history but energizes our vision for the future — engaging new generations and challenging everyone to step up and help end this crisis."

「我們消除酒駕並創造一個擺脫這一悲劇的未來的使命從未動搖,」MADD首席執行官Stacey D. Stewart說。「這次重新品牌不僅尊重了我們不可思議的歷史,而且激發了我們對未來的願景——吸引新一代人,挑戰每個人積極行動,幫助結束這一危機。」

For 44 years, MADD has led advocacy, education, prevention, and equitable enforcement efforts, providing unwavering support for victims and survivors — becoming the nation's largest traffic safety advocacy organization. MADD's steadfast efforts have saved approximately 475,000 lives, reduced drunk driving deaths by nearly 40%, and provided essential services to nearly one million victims and survivors of impaired driving.


"Now is not the time to become numb to this issue. We all deserve to be safe on our roads," Stewart emphasized. "MADD's rebrand is not just about a fresh look — it's a renewed call to action. By building strong partnerships and resonating with younger generations, we can solve this problem once and for all."


Impaired driving remains the leading cause of deaths on U.S. roadways. Since 2019, drunk driving fatalities have surged by 33%. Every 78 seconds, someone is killed or injured in an impaired driving crash.


Lifesaving anti-drunk driving technology already exists and is critical to ending impaired driving for good. Mandating this technology, through the HALT Act, will save more than 10,000 lives per year and prevent hundreds of thousands of injuries, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

拯救生命的防醉駕技術已經存在,並且對結束酒後駕駛至關重要。通過HALt法案強制執行這項技術將每年拯救超過10,000人的生命,並預防數十萬起傷害,根據 Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

MADD is doubling down on prevention efforts including education around the consequences of getting behind the wheel impaired, fighting for stronger laws, and providing victims and survivors with vital assistance.


Central to these efforts is The MADD Network, a groundbreaking initiative that unites powerhouse MADD supporters who share one vital goal — eliminate impaired driving. Through these strategic partnerships, MADD is expanding its reach and educating communities about the dangers of impaired driving. With influential partners such as Uber, Diageo North America, Nationwide, Amica Insurance, the NFL, and UKG, The MADD Network is fueling lifesaving work and strengthening public safety across the nation.

這些努力的核心是 MADD網絡,這是一個開創性的倡議,彙集了強大的MADD支持者,他們共同擁有一個重要目標 —— 消除酒駕。通過這些戰略伙伴關係,MADD正在擴大其影響力,教育社區有關酒後駕駛的危險。藉助諸如此類的有影響力的夥伴, Uber, 帝亞吉歐北美, 萬國(Nationwide)指出,上個月房價有所增長。, Amica保險國家橄欖球聯盟英國紳士MADD網絡正在推動拯救生命的工作,並加強全國範圍內的公共安全。

As MADD enters a new era, the message is clear: Impaired Driving Ends Here. Together, with its dedicated staff, volunteers, partners, and supporters, MADD is ready to create lasting change and build safer communities across the nation.


About MADD


Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is a national nonprofit leading the movement to end impaired driving for good. Since 1980, MADD has helped reduce drunk driving deaths in America by nearly 40%, saved more than 475,000 lives, and served more than one million victims and survivors. The organization is committed to leading prevention efforts with young adults, collaborating with law enforcement to keep our roads safe from impaired drivers, as well as advocating for stricter sentencing and stronger laws, including the HALT Act that mandates anti-drunk driving technology in every new car. MADD continues to provide support services to victims and survivors of impaired driving at no charge through victim advocates and the 24-Hour Victim Help Line 1-877-MADD-HELP. For more information or to donate, visit and follow MADD on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn.

對抗酒後駕車(MADD)是一個全國性非營利組織,領導着終結酒後駕駛運動。自1980年以來,MADD幫助美國減少了近40%的酒後駕車死亡人數,拯救了超過475,000條生命,併爲超過一百萬名受害者和倖存者提供服務。該組織致力於在青少年中領導預防措施,與執法部門合作,使我們的道路免受酗酒駕駛者的威脅,並倡導更嚴格的判決和更嚴厲的法律,包括HALt法案,該法案要求每輛新車配備防醉駕技術。MADD繼續通過受害者辯護和24小時受害者求助熱線1-877-MADD-HELP免費提供支持服務給酗酒駕駛的受害者和倖存者。欲了解更多信息或捐贈,請訪問 ,關注MADD Facebook, Instagram, 推特, TikTok, 領英。

SOURCE Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)

資訊 母親反對酒後駕駛(MADD)




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