
New IFS Cloud Sustainability Management Module, in Collaboration With PwC*, Launches to Support Customer ESG Disclosure Challenges

New IFS Cloud Sustainability Management Module, in Collaboration With PwC*, Launches to Support Customer ESG Disclosure Challenges

新的IFS Cloud可持續性管理模塊,與普華永道合作推出,旨在支持客戶的esg披露挑戰
PR Newswire ·  10/15 22:02

Powerful combination of IFS Cloud's single source of data truth and PwC's ESG expertise will help customers navigate the new requirements of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

IFS Cloud的單一數據真相與PwC的esg專業知識的強大結合,將幫助客戶應對企業可持續性報告指令(CSRD)的新要求。

ORLANDO, Fla., Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- IFS UNLEASHED IFS, the leading provider of enterprise cloud and Industrial AI, today announces that a new Sustainability Management Module is available in the 24R2 version of IFS Cloud as part of a collaboration with PwC*. The powerful module includes new features which have been developed to help customers simplify and efficiently manage sustainability data collection and performance tracking across the organization.

IFS UNLEASHED是IFS,企業雲和工業人工智能領先提供商,今天宣佈與PwC*合作,在IFS Cloud 24R2版本中推出新的可持續管理模塊。這一強大模塊包括新功能,旨在幫助客戶簡化和高效管理整個組織的可持續性數據收集和績效跟蹤。

Many large companies operating in the EU are obliged to comply with the CSRD from 2025, requiring urgent readiness action now. A key area which is holding organizations back is in data management. IFS Cloud provides the confidence that all data being used to measure and support reporting is accurate and up to date.

許多在歐盟運營的大公司從2025年開始必須遵守CSRD,現在需要採取緊急的準備行動。一個阻礙組織發展的關鍵領域在於數據管理。IFS Cloud提供了確保用於衡量和支持報告的所有數據是準確和最新的信心。

Designed for ease-of-use, the Sustainability Management Module streamlines complex data collection, with IFS Cloud providing a single source of organization-wide data that is essential for accurate reporting.

可持續管理模塊以易用性爲設計重點,簡化了複雜的數據收集,IFS Cloud提供了組織範圍數據的單一來源,這對於準確報告至關重要。

The Sustainability Management Module has been designed in collaboration with PwC's ESG experts to ensure features are comprehensive, standardized and can become interoperable with other forthcoming directives in the future. IFS Cloud customers will also have the option to use PwC's expert ESG advisory services, including entity scoping, double materiality assessments, gap assessments, and implementation planning to support compliance with the CSRD and with the implementation of their sustainability reporting strategy.

可持續管理模塊是與PwC的ESG專家合作設計的,以確保功能是全面的、標準化的,並且未來可與其他即將出台的指令進行互操作。IFS Cloud客戶還將有機會使用PwC的專家ESG諮詢服務,包括實體範圍界定,雙重重要性評估,差距評估和實施規劃,以支持符合CSRD要求以及實施可持續性報告戰略。

Insights from the module will empower organizations to drive sustainability action that supports greater ESG transparency and provide companies with a competitive edge by helping to optimize resources and minimize waste, delivering long-lasting business value.


Key Features of IFS Cloud Sustainability Management Module:

IFS Cloud可持續管理模塊的主要特點:

  • One central location for sustainability related data across organizational entities
  • An extensive KPI catalog with "out of the box" CSRD metrics to easily select those most relevant to the business and operations. "Create your own" also available
  • Ability to set long-term organizational goals and track performance
  • Allow customers to create sustainability plans with targets linked to customer's agreed KPIs
  • Transparently disclose progress and outcomes for each reporting period
  • 在組織實體間集中一個可持續相關數據的中心位置
  • 提供廣泛的KPI目錄,包括「開箱即用」的CSRD指標,便於輕鬆選擇與業務和運營最相關的指標。也可「創建自己的」
  • 能夠設定長期的組織目標並跟蹤績效
  • 允許客戶創建與客戶已同意的KPI相關聯的可持續計劃目標
  • 透明地披露每個報告期間的進展和成果

A crucial component of the Sustainability Management Module is the KPI Catalog, which facilitates the comprehensive management of sustainability KPIs. The KPI Catalog ensures that organizations can track relevant sustainability metrics consistently and accurately. Furthermore, the module streamlines the management of sustainability data and goals, offering a comprehensive solution that ensures sustainability initiatives are fully integrated into the organization's overall business strategy. This integration helps organizations meet regulatory requirements, respond to stakeholder expectations, and achieve their long-term sustainability objectives effectively.


Sophie Graham, Chief Sustainability Officer, IFS commented: "Business success extends beyond profit margins, in lockstep with championing environmental stewardship for lasting impact. We are proudly leading the charge in embedding environmentally conscious practices into core operations by helping to support growing regulations while also providing customers with a competitive edge. This is only achievable if enterprises have full confidence in their data source and if the process is demystified. The introduction of the Sustainability Management Module enables our customers to make a huge leap towards achieving their sustainability goals and see value quickly."

IFS首席可持續發展官Sophie Graham評論道:「企業成功不僅僅關乎利潤率,還需與倡導環保的持久影響步調一致。我們自豪地引領將環保意識實踐融入核心業務運作,旨在幫助支持不斷增加的法規併爲客戶提供競爭優勢。只有企業對其數據來源完全信任,並且該過程被澄清,才能實現這一目標。可持續管理模塊的推出使我們的客戶能夠大步邁向實現可持續發展目標並迅速看到價值。」

Iain Anderson, ESG Technology & Data Leader, PwC UK, said:

PwC英國ESG技術與數據負責人Iain Anderson表示:

"Accurate and comprehensive ESG data is essential for organisations to monitor progress, identify improvement opportunities, and comply with regulations. Reliable data also enables businesses to make informed decisions, be transparent with stakeholders, and build trust. Through our collaboration with IFS and their Sustainability Management Module in IFS Cloud, we leverage our PwC ESG expertise and regulatory knowledge to provide valuable guidance, insights and support. This enables organisations to effectively deliver their corporate sustainability objectives, and navigate the evolving regulatory landscape."

準確全面的esg數據對於組織監控進展、識別改進機會和遵守法規至關重要。可靠的數據還使企業能夠做出明智決策,與利益相關者透明溝通,並建立信任。通過我們與IFS的合作以及他們在IFS Cloud中的可持續管理模塊,我們利用我們的PwC esg專業知識和監管知識,提供有價值的指導、見解和支持。這使得組織能夠有效實現其企業可持續發展目標,並應對不斷變化的監管環境。

About IFS


IFS is the world's leading provider of Industrial AI and enterprise software for hardcore businesses that make, service, and power our planet. Our technology enables businesses which manufacture goods, maintain complex assets, and manage service-focused operations to unlock the transformative power of Industrial AI to enhance productivity, efficiency, and sustainability.

IFS是全球領先的工業人工智能和企業軟件提供商,爲製造、服務和驅動我們的星球的核心企業提供技術支持。我們的技術使製造業生產商品、維護複雜資產和管理面向服務的業務能夠釋放工業智能的轉化力,以增強生產力、效率和可持續性。IFS Cloud是一個完全的可組合的AI動力平台,旨在實現對客戶特定要求和業務演變的終極靈活性和適應性。它涵蓋了企業資源計劃(ERP)、企業資產管理(EAM)、供應鏈管理(SCM)、信息技術服務管理(ITSM)和現場服務管理(FSM)的需求。IFS技術利用人工智能、機器學習、實時數據和分析,使我們的客戶能夠做出明智的戰略決策,勝任服務時刻。

IFS Cloud is a fully composable AI-powered platform, designed for ultimate flexibility and adaptability to our customers' specific requirements and business evolution. It spans the needs of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Enterprise Asset Management (EAM), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Information Technology Service Management (ITSM), and Field Service Management (FSM). IFS technology leverages AI, machine learning, real-time data and analytics to empower our customers to make informed strategic decisions and excel at their Moment of Service.


IFS was founded in 1983 by five university friends who pitched a tent outside our first customer's site to ensure they would be available 24/7 and the needs of the customer would come first. Since then, IFS has grown into a global leader with over 7,000 employees in 90+ countries. Driven by those foundational values of agility, customer-centricity, and trust, IFS is recognized worldwide for delivering value and supporting strategic transformations. We are the most recommended supplier in our sector. Visit to learn why.


IFS Press Contacts:
EUROPE / MEA / APJ: Adam Gillbe
IFS, Director of Corporate & Executive Communications
Email: [email protected]

IFS 新聞稿聯繫人:
歐洲/中東/非洲/亞太區:Adam Gillbe
IFS通信 -半導體和執行董事
電子郵件:[email protected]

IFS, Director of Corporate & Executive Communications
Email: [email protected]

北美洲/拉丁美洲:Mairi Morgan
IFS通信 -半導體和執行董事
電子郵件:[email protected]

* Where "PwC" is referenced in this press release it relates specifically to the collaboration with IFS and PwC UK, the UK member firm, part of the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity.

* 在本新聞稿中提及「PwC」時,特指與IFS和普華永道英國的合作,後者是普華永道網絡的成員公司。 每個成員公司都是獨立的法律實體。

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