
Amaze Teams Up With Adobe Express to Transform Creator Commerce

Amaze Teams Up With Adobe Express to Transform Creator Commerce

Amaze與adobe express合作,改變創作者的商業模式
PR Newswire ·  10/15 21:00

MIAMI, Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Amaze, a leader in creator-powered commerce solutions, announced today at Adobe Max a strategic integration with Adobe Express, the quick and easy create-anything app, to put Adobe's world-class creative tools right at the fingertips of creators directly on the Spring by Amaze platform. This integration is a game-changer, providing creators of all sizes with seamless access to professional-grade design features—directly within Spring—making it easier than ever to create and sell extraordinary products.

邁阿密,2024年10月15日/PRNewswire/ - Amaze,創作者動力商務解決方案領導者,今日在Adobe Max宣佈與Adobe Express戰略性整合,後者是一款快速易用的創作應用程序,可以讓創作者直接在Spring by Amaze平台上使用Adobe世界一流的創意工具。此次整合將改變遊戲規則,爲各種規模的創作者提供對專業級設計功能的無縫訪問—直接在Spring內—使他們更容易創建和銷售非凡產品。

A New Era of Seamless Creator Commerce


"We give creators the tools to unlock new revenue streams and build thriving businesses." -Aaron Day, CEO of Amaze

"我們爲創作者提供工具,開啓新的營收來源並打造繁榮的業務。" - Amaze首席執行官Aaron Day

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Starting today, Adobe Express will be integrated into Spring, allowing creators to design stunning graphics, apply them to products, and launch within one seamless platform—simplifying the entire process from idea to market. Creators can now elevate their products from great to extraordinary with the intuitive design tools Adobe Express is known for.

從今天開始,Adobe Express將集成到Spring中,讓創作者設計令人驚歎的圖形,將其應用於產品,並在一個無縫平台內發佈—從構思到市場的整個過程變得更簡單。創作者現在可以利用Adobe Express直觀的設計工具,將他們的產品從出色提升到非凡。

This integration couldn't come at a better time as the creator commerce landscape rapidly expands. According to Pew Research Center, creators are in a prime position to capitalize on their influence, with three in ten adult social media users reporting they've purchased something after seeing a post from an influencer or content creator. However, most of these purchases are for products made by other brands, meaning creators only earn a fraction of the profit through affiliate marketing or promotions. By launching and selling their own products, creators can unlock a more lucrative revenue stream, earning more from each sale while also strengthening their brand.


The challenge for many creators has been navigating the complexities of design, product development, and logistics, leading to missed opportunities. That's where this collaboration comes in. With Spring handling all printing, shipping, manufacturing, and distribution aspects, creators only need to focus on designing and promoting their products. Now, with the power of Adobe Express integrated into Spring, designing products their communities will love is easier than ever. The entire process—from concept to launching a live product—can be completed in minutes, all within the Spring platform. This integration is making it simpler than ever for creators to bring their ideas to life and start selling quickly.

多年來,許多創作者面臨的挑戰是如何應對設計、產品開發和物流的複雜性,導致錯失商機。這就是這次合作的價值所在。有了Spring負責所有印刷、運輸、製造和分銷方面,創作者只需專注於設計和推廣他們的產品。現在,藉助整合到Spring的Adobe Express的力量,設計出社區喜愛的產品變得比以往任何時候都更容易。從概念到推出生產產品的整個過程—都可以在幾分鐘內完成,全部在Spring平台內。這一整合使得創作者更加簡單地將他們的想法付諸實踐,並迅速開始銷售。

Simplifying Design, Amplifying Creator Success


Adobe Express brings more than just design capabilities—it brings a new level of creative freedom. With features powered by generative AI designed to be safe for commercial use, creators can effortlessly transform simple text prompts into eye-catching, professional-grade graphics in just a few clicks. This powerful blend of ease and functionality means that even those with little to no design experience can produce stunning visuals their online communities will love. With access to thousands of professionally designed templates, a vast library of Adobe assets, and powerful editing tools, creators can streamline the design process while creating a distinctive look.

Adobe Express 帶來的不僅僅是設計能力,更是全新的創意自由水平。藉助由生成式人工智能提供支持的功能,旨在確保商業使用安全,創作者可以輕鬆地將簡單的文本提示轉化爲引人注目、專業級別的圖形,只需點擊幾下。這種強大的簡易性和功能性融合意味着,即使是那些幾乎沒有設計經驗的人也能製作出令其在線社區喜愛的驚人視覺效果。通過訪問成千上萬專業設計的模板、龐大的 Adobe 資產庫和強大的編輯工具,創作者可以在創建獨特外觀的同時簡化設計流程。

"Our goal at Amaze has always been to empower creators by removing barriers to success," says Aaron Day, CEO of Amaze. "This collaboration with Adobe Express is a natural extension of that mission. By integrating Adobe's design tools directly into Spring, we're giving creators everything they need to succeed—all in one place. We believe that when creators have the right tools, they can turn their vision into reality, and, in doing so, unlock new revenue streams and build thriving businesses."

「Amaze一直以來的目標是通過消除成功障礙來賦予創作者力量,」 Amaze CEO Aaron Day說。「與Adobe Express的合作是這一使命的自然延伸。通過將Adobe的設計工具直接整合到Spring中,我們爲創作者提供了成功所需的一切,一站式服務。我們相信,當創作者擁有正確的工具時,他們可以將自己的願景變爲現實,並藉此開闢新的收入來源,打造蓬勃發展的企業。」

Key Features of the Amaze and Adobe Express Integration:

Amaze 和 Adobe Express 整合的關鍵功能:

  • Intuitive Design Tools: Professional-grade design tools are now available directly within the Spring product launcher, making it easy for creators to design graphics for their products without ever leaving the platform.
  • Generative AI Capabilities: Advanced AI features allow creators to transform simple text prompts into stunning visuals and unique text effects, streamlining the design process. Adobe Express features powered by Adobe Firefly generative AI are built to be commercially safe so creators can confidently use them for their businesses.
  • Vast Creative Library: Creators can access Adobe's extensive collection of fonts, templates, and images to elevate product designs and create professional-quality products.
  • Exclusive Offer for Spring Creators: Spring users can take advantage of a 3-month free trial of Adobe Express Premium, unlocking even more advanced design features and creative possibilities.
  • 直觀設計工具:專業級設計工具現在直接可在 Spring 產品啓動器內使用,使創作者可以在不離開平台的情況下爲其產品設計圖形。
  • 生成式人工智能功能:先進的人工智能功能讓創作者可以將簡單的文本提示轉化爲驚豔的視覺效果和獨特的文本效果,簡化設計流程。由 Adobe Firefly 生成式人工智能提供支持的 Adobe Express 功能專爲商業安全而設,因此創作者可以自信地將其用於業務。
  • 龐大的創意庫:創作者可以訪問 Adobe 廣泛的字體、模板和圖像收藏,提升產品設計並創作專業品質產品。
  • Spring 創作者專屬優惠:Spring 用戶可以免費試用 Adobe Express Premium 3個月,解鎖更多高級設計功能和創作可能性。

Building the Future of Creator Commerce


Adobe's mission has always been to make creativity accessible to everyone, and this integration with Amaze is a testament to that commitment. "We're excited to partner with Amaze and bring the power of Adobe Express to the creator economy," says Rob Cohee, Director of Product Management at Adobe. "By integrating directly into Spring, we're giving creators the tools they need to create high-quality products that resonate with their audience—and turn those products into real business success."

Adobe一直致力於讓創意觸手可及,與Amaze的合作是對這一承諾的證明。Adobe產品管理總監Rob Cohee表示:「我們很高興與Amaze合作,將Adobe Express的強大功能帶給創作者經濟。通過直接整合到Spring,我們爲創作者提供了創造高質量產品所需的工具,並將這些產品轉化爲真正的商業成功。」

Amaze is not just leading the charge in creator commerce—it's breaking down walls that once held creators back and opening doors to new possibilities. The path to building a brand, growing a community, and achieving financial freedom is now a reality for every creator. With the tools and support Amaze provides, there are no limits to what creators can achieve.


About Amaze
Amaze Software, Inc. is an all-in-one, end-to-end commerce solution for any creator looking to generate sustainable monetization and depth of community connection. Our creator-powered commerce solutions include a product creation platform, advanced commerce tools, and scalable managed services that help anyone sell anything, anywhere. We believe anyone can be a creator and that everyone should be empowered to tell their unique story, cultivate deeper connections with their audience, and create authentic, shoppable experiences that allow them to monetize their passion.

Amaze Software, Inc.是一家面向任何試圖實現可持續盈利和深度社區連接的創作者的全方位商務解決方案。我們提供由創作者驅動的商務解決方案,包括產品創建平台、高級商務工具和可伸縮的託管服務,幫助任何人在任何地方銷售任何產品。我們相信任何人都可以成爲創作者,每個人都應該被賦予講述自己獨特故事、與觀衆建立更深連接、創造真實、可購買體驗的力量,從而實現對他們的激情實現商業化。

We're on a mission to unleash potential and make it easy to create, share, and sell products and services. Build a no-code web page at or launch a free store at . For press inquiries, please email [email protected].

我們的使命是釋放潛力,讓創造、分享和銷售產品和服務變得容易。在 no-code網頁 中構建網頁,或在 免費商店中發佈免費商店。媒體查詢,請發送電子郵件至 [email protected]。






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