
Lahontan Announces Increase in Mineral Resources at Santa Fe: 1,539,000 Au Eq Oz Indicated, and 411,000 Au Eq Oz Inferred

Lahontan Announces Increase in Mineral Resources at Santa Fe: 1,539,000 Au Eq Oz Indicated, and 411,000 Au Eq Oz Inferred

拉翰堤安公佈Santa Fe礦產資源增加:指明金當量153.9萬盎司,推測金當量41.1萬盎司
Accesswire ·  10/15 19:00

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / October 15, 2024 / Lahontan Gold Corp. (TSXV:LG)(OTCQB:LGCXF) (the "Company" or "Lahontan" ) is pleased to announce an updated Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") for its flagship Santa Fe Mine, a past-producing open pit, heap leach, gold and silver mine, located in Nevada's prolific Walker Lane. The MRE for Santa Fe is based upon 988 drill holes totaling 97,281 metres, including 79 drill holes totaling 19,151 metres drilled by Lahontan since 2021.

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / October 15, 2024 / Lahontan Gold Corp. (TSXV:LG)(OTCQB:LGCXF) (the "Company" or "Lahontan" ) is pleased to announce an updated Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") for its flagship Santa Fe Mine, a past-producing open pit, heap leach, gold and silver mine, located in Nevada's prolific Walker Lane. The MRE for Santa Fe is based upon 988 drill holes totaling 97,281 metres, including 79 drill holes totaling 19,151 metres drilled by Lahontan since 2021.

Highlights of the MRE include:

Highlights of the MRE include:

  • Project-wide pit constrained resources increase significantly: Indicated Mineral Resources of 1,539,000 contained gold equivalent ("Au Eq") ounces and Inferred Mineral Resources of 411,000 contained Au Eq ounces (assumptions for Au Eq are described in the Notes to Table 1).

  • Project-wide pit constrained resources increase significantly: Indicated Mineral Resources of 1,539,000 contained gold equivalent ("Au Eq") ounces and Inferred Mineral Resources of 411,000 contained Au Eq ounces (assumptions for Au Eq are described in the Notes to Table 1).

  • Indicated Resources increased by 427,000 Au Eq ounces compared to the 2023 MRE, an increase of 38% .

  • Indicated Resources increased by 427,000 Au Eq ounces compared to the 2023 MRE, an increase of 38% .

  • Project-wide average grade for the Indicated Mineral Resource is 0.99 g/t Au Eq ; the average grade of the Project-wide Inferred Mineral Resource is 0.76 g/t Au Eq (please see Table 1).

  • Project-wide average grade for the Indicated Mineral Resource is 0.99 g/t Au Eq ; the average grade of the Project-wide Inferred Mineral Resource is 0.76 g/t Au Eq (please see Table 1).

  • Shallow Slab-Calvada-York oxide resources expand dramatically: Indicated Oxide Resources total 9.72 Mt grading 0.65 g/t Au Eq for 204,000 Au Eqounces and Inferred Oxide Resources total 11.55 Mt grading 0.53 g/t Au Eq for 198,000 Au Eq ounces, accounting for 47% of the total oxide gold and silver resources at the project and nearly double the number ounces reported in the 2023 MRE.

  • Shallow Slab-Calvada-York oxide resources expand dramatically: Indicated 氧化 Resources total 9.72 Mt grading 0.65 g/t Au Eq for 204,000 Au Eqounces and Inferred 氧化 資源總量爲11.55百萬噸,品位爲0.53克/噸金當量,相當於198,000金當量盎司,佔項目總氧化金和銀資源的47%,幾乎是2023年礦產資源評估報告中報告的盎司數的兩倍。

  • The MRE block model shows that gold and silver mineralization extends well beyond the conceptual pit shells, generating high-quality targets for additional drilling and resource growth, especially the northern extension of the Slab deposit (please see map below).

  • 礦產資源評估模型顯示,黃金和白銀礦化延伸遠遠超出概念坑殼,爲額外鑽探和資源增長提供高質量目標,特別是Slab礦牀的北部延展(請參見下方地圖)。

Kimberly Ann, Founder, Executive Chair, CEO, and President of Lahontan Gold Corp commented: "Lahontan is excited by the results of this updated MRE for the Santa Fe Mine, particularly the large growth of Indicated Resources and the continued expansion of the shallow Slab and Calvada oxide gold and silver deposits. The MRE will form the basis of a Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") of the Santa Fe Mine. The PEA will examine mining and process options for resuming production utilizing low-cost open-pit mining and heap leach processing. Our technical consultants, Kappes, Cassiday and Associates ("KCA") and RESPEC Company LLC ("RESPEC"), both based in Reno, Nevada, are well advanced at project planning, mine design, finalizing the process flow sheet, and optimizing crushing throughput. The Company has been using these preliminary designs to begin its State level mine permitting process while simultaneously completing it Exploration Plan of Operation ("EPOO") with the Federal Bureau of Land Management ("BLM"). Once the EPOO is submitted to the BLM, a draft Mine Plan of Operations ("MPOO") will be completed utilizing all the technical sections from the EPOO and both documents can proceed in parallel. With the release of the updated MRE and the soon to be completed PEA, Lahontan is at an exciting inflection point in its growth and we look forward to continuing our evolution from a junior explorer to a mine development company."

Lahontan Gold Corp的創始人、執行主席、首席執行官和總裁Kimberly Ann評論道:「Lahontan對聖菲礦山更新的礦產資源評估結果感到興奮,特別是指明資源的大幅增長和淺層Slab和Calvada氧化黃金和白銀礦牀持續擴展。礦產資源評估將成爲聖菲礦山初步經濟評估(「PEA」)的基礎。PEA將研究利用低成本露天開採和堆浸法進行生產的採礦和工藝選擇。我們的技術顧問Kappes、Cassiday和Associates公司(「KCA」)和RESPEC Company LLC公司(「RESPEC」)都位於內華達州雷諾,並且在項目規劃、礦山設計、最終工藝流程表的制定以及破碎通過量的優化方面均有很大進展。公司已經開始使用這些初步設計啓動其州級礦山許可進程,同時與聯邦土地管理局(BLM)完成其勘探經營計劃(「EPOO」)。一旦EPOO提交給BLM,將利用EPOO中的所有技術部分完成初步礦山經營計劃(「MPOO」),並行進行。隨着更新的礦產資源評估的發佈和即將完成的PEA,Lahontan正處於增長的激動點,我們期待着繼續從初級探索者發展爲礦業開發公司。」

Table 1: Project-wide Resources, Santa Fe Mine, Mineral County, Nevada.


Notes to Table 1:


  1. Mineral Resources have an effective date of October 9, 2024. The Mineral Resource Estimate for the Santa Fe Mine was prepared by Trevor Rabb, P.Geo., of Equity Exploration Consultants Ltd., an independent Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.

  2. Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. Inferred Resources are considered too speculative geologically to have economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be classified as Mineral Reserves. An Inferred Mineral Resource has a lower level of confidence than that applying to an Indicated Mineral Resource and must not be converted to a Mineral Reserve. It is reasonably expected that most of the Inferred Mineral Resources could be upgraded to Indicated Mineral Resources with continued exploration.

  3. Resources are reported in accordance with NI43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (BCSC, 2016) and the CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (CIM, 2014).

  4. Mineral Resources were estimated for gold, silver, and gold equivalent (Au Eq) using a combination of ordinary kriging and inverse distance cubed within grade shell domains.

  5. Mineral resources are reported using a cut-off grade of 0.15 g/t Au Eq for oxide resources and 0.60 g/t Au Eq for non-oxide resources. Au Eq for the purpose of cut-off grade and reporting the Mineral Resources is based on the following assumptions gold price of US$1,950/oz gold, silver price of US$23.50/oz silver, and oxide gold recoveries ranging from 45% to 79%, oxide silver recoveries ranging from 10% to 30%, and non-oxide gold and silver recoveries of 71%, mining costs for resource and waste of US$2.50/t, processing cost (oxide) US$3.49/t, processing cost (non-oxide) US$25/t.

  6. An optimized open-pit shell was used to constrain the Mineral Resource and was generated using Lerchs-Grossman algorithm utilizing the following parameters: gold price of US$1,950/oz gold, silver price of US$23.50/oz silver, and selling costs of US$29.25/oz gold. Mining costs for resource and waste of US$2.50/t, processing cost (oxide) US$3.49/t, processing cost (non-oxide) US$25/t, G&A cost US$1.06/t. Royalties for the Slab, York and Calvada deposits are 1.25%, and maximum pit slope angles of 50 degrees.

  7. Totals may not sum due to rounding.

  1. 涉礦概念的有效日期爲2024年10月9日。聖菲礦山的礦產資源評估由Equity Exploration Consultants Ltd.的獨立合格人Trevor Rabb, P.Geo.編制,根據NI 43-101的定義。

  2. 涉礦概念不是礦業儲備,也沒有經濟可行性。推斷資源在地質上被認爲是太過投機,無法應用經濟考慮使它們被分類爲礦產儲備。推斷礦產資源的置信水平低於指示礦產資源,並且不得轉化爲礦產儲備。合理預期大多數推斷礦產資源可以通過持續勘探提升爲指示礦產資源。

  3. 資源報告符合NI43-101礦產項目披露標準(BCSC,2016)和礦產資源和礦產儲備CIm定義標準(CIm,2014)。

  4. 涉礦概念估算了黃金、白銀和等效黃金(Au Eq),使用普通克里金和倒距立方法結合等級殼域。

  5. 礦產資源報告使用氧化資源的0.15克/噸Au Eq和非氧化資源的0.60克/噸Au Eq的截止品位。爲了截止品位和報告礦產資源,Au Eq基於以下假設:黃金價格爲每盎司1950美元,銀價爲每盎司23.50美元,氧化黃金回收率爲45%至79%,氧化銀回收率爲10%至30%,非氧化黃金和銀的回收率爲71%,資源和廢物的開採成本爲每噸2.50美元,處理成本(氧化)爲每噸3.49美元,處理成本(非氧化)爲每噸25美元。

  6. 優化的露天礦殼用於限制礦產資源,並使用Lerchs-Grossman算法生成,使用以下參數:黃金價格爲每盎司1950美元,銀價爲每盎司23.50美元,黃金的銷售成本爲每盎司29.25美元。資源和廢物的開採成本爲每噸2.50美元,處理成本(氧化)爲每噸3.49美元,處理成本(非氧化)爲每噸25美元,管理費爲每噸1.06美元。斯拉布、約克和卡爾瓦達礦牀的版稅率爲1.25%,最大坑道邊坡角爲50度。

  7. 總數可能因四捨五入而不準確。

About the Santa Fe Mine:
The Santa Fe Mine is in the Walker Lane mineral belt of western Nevada approximately 50 km from the town of Hawthorne in Mineral County. Nearby operating gold and silver mines include Isabella Pearl (Fortitude Gold) and Borealis (Borealis Mining). The Santa Fe Mine consists of four past-producing open-pits, including the Santa Fe, Slab, Calvada East, and York deposits, within a 26.4 km 2 land package 100% controlled by Lahontan. The Santa Fe Mine had past production of 356,000 ounces of gold and 784,000 ounces of silver between 1988 and 1995 from open pit mines utilizing heap-leach processing (Nevada Division of Minerals, ) Mineralization occurs as disseminated gold and silver hosted by Triassic age calcareous rocks. Strong stratigraphic and structural controls of mineralization is evident. Considerable exploration potential remains at Santa Fe and the Company intends to continue its aggressive exploration and permitting program in 2024 and into 2025.

聖菲礦位於內華達西部的沃克萊恩礦產帶,距離密涵縣霍桑鎮約50公里。附近的黃金和白銀礦包括以著名的異邦帶着瑞金牌子的伊莎貝拉波爾(堅決的金)和璀璨礦業的波里亞里斯(波里亞里斯礦業)。聖菲礦包括了四個過去生產的露天礦坑,包括聖菲、Slab、Calvada East和York礦牀,全部都在由拉翰坦100%控制的26.4平方公里的土地包中。聖菲礦在1988年至1995年間曾經生產了35.6萬盎司的黃金和78.4萬盎司的白銀,利用堆浸法處理的露天礦井(內華達礦產管理局)。礦化作爲分散的黃金和白銀存在於三疊紀時代的鈣質岩石中。礦化的層序和構造控制非常明顯。聖菲仍然具有可觀的勘探潛力,公司打算繼續在2024年和2025年積極進行勘探和許可程序。

Location of MRE deposits with conceptual pit shells, Santa Fe Mine, Mineral County, Nevada.

Santa Fe Oxide Resources:
Oxide resources at the Santa Fe Mine occur at both the Santa Fe deposit and the Slab-Calvada Complex which includes the Slab, Calvada East, York, and Calvada Central deposits. The contained Au Eq oxide ounces for the Slab-Calvada Complex accounts for approximately 32% of the total Indicated Au Eq oxide ounces and over 90% of the total Inferred Au Eq oxide ounces. Mineral Resources at the Slab-Calvada Complex are shallow and locally exposed at surface, leading to potentially very low strip ratios. Oxide resources are open to the north and northeast of the Slab open pit, along the Calvada Fault, and at the York open pit.

聖菲礦的氧化資源分佈在聖菲礦牀及Slab-Calvada複合體之內,其中包括Slab、Calvada East、York和Calvada Central礦牀。Slab-Calvada複合體的氧化金等價盎司約佔總指示氧化金等價盎司的32%,總推斷氧化金等價盎司的90%以上。Slab-Calvada複合體的礦產資源淺層露出並且局部靠近地表,潛在的剝離比可能非常低。氧化資源向Slab露天礦的北部和東北部開放,沿着Calvada斷層帶,以及York露天礦的位置。

The balance of the oxide resources are within the Santa Fe deposit, accounting for 68% of Indicated contained Au Eq oxide ounces, and 10% of Inferred AuEq oxide ounces. Oxide Mineral Resources within the Santa Fe deposit are primarily located in the northeast high wall of the Santa Fe open pit. The average grade of the Santa Fe deposit Indicated oxide resource is 0.70 g/t Au Eq, with locally higher grade zones that may serve as a starting point for future mining operations. Oxide resources at the Santa Fe deposit are open to the northeast, south, and southeast.


Santa Fe Non-Oxide Resources:
Non-oxide resources at the Santa Fe Mine are principally located in the Santa Fe deposit below the oxide resources and within the resource pit shell. The average grade of the Santa Fe deposit Indicated non-oxide resource is 1.45 g/t Au Eq and the Santa Fe deposit Inferred non-oxide mineral resource is 1.55 g/t Au Eq. Gold is very fine-grained and associated with pyrite. Within the southeastern portion of the Santa Fe deposit, higher-grade gold and silver resources may positively influence future project economics. Higher grade gold and silver mineralization extends to the southeast of the Santa Fe deposit, along strike and down-rake, providing excellent exploration opportunities to grow the non-oxide resources at Santa Fe.

Santa Fe非氧化物資源:
Santa Fe礦牀的非氧化物資源主要位於氧化物資源下方和資源礦坑內。 Santa Fe礦牀指示性非氧化物資源的平均品位爲1.45克/噸Au Eq,Santa Fe礦牀推論性非氧化物礦產資源爲1.55克/噸Au Eq。黃金非常細粒,並與黃鐵礦相關。在Santa Fe礦牀的東南部,高品位的金銀資源可能對未來的項目經濟產生積極影響。高品位的金銀礦化延伸至Santa Fe礦牀的東南部,沿着走向和傾角向下延伸,爲擴展Santa Fe的非氧化物資源提供了絕佳的勘探機會。

Metallurgical Domains:
Modelling criteria for the oxide metallurgical domain is based on the ratio of gold by fire assay to gold by cyanide leach (extraction values). The ratio thresholds for the oxide metallurgical domain in the Santa Fe deposit used values of 80% and greater, and 60% and greater for Calvada (Slab, Calvada Central, Calvada East and York). Modelling the transitional metallurgical domain used ratios of less than 80% and greater than 50% for Santa Fe, and less then 60% to 30% for Calvada. The non-oxide metallurgical domain ("fresh" rock) was defined by ratios of less than 50% for Santa Fe and less than 30% for the Calvada area deposits.

氧化冶金領域的建模標準是基於火試金法黃金與氰化浸出法黃金的比率(提取值)。 Santa Fe礦牀氧化冶金領域的比率閾值使用了80%及以上的數值,並且Calvada(Slab,Calvada Central,Calvada East和York)使用了60%及以上的數值。過渡冶金領域的建模使用了少於80%及大於50%的比率用於Santa Fe,以及30%至60%的比率用於Calvada。非氧化物冶金領域(「新鮮」岩石)的定義使用了Santa Fe少於50%的比率和Calvada區域礦牀少於30%的比率。

Estimation Approach:
Lithology and gold and silver bearing domains were modelled using Leapfrog 2024. These domains are mainly defined by logged jasperoid and limestone-breccia lithologies and continuity of gold grades above 0.1 g/t gold. Metallurgical domains for oxide, transition and non-oxide were modelled based on ratio of cyanide leachable gold assay values to fire assay gold values in addition to drillhole logs recording abundance of pyrite and oxidation intensity. Transition material represents approximately 25% of oxide tonnes and comes almost entirely from the Santa Fe deposit. Transition domain material is included in the oxide resource. Domains representing lithology, weathering and mineralization models were assigned to a block model with a block size of 5 m x 5 m x 6 m. Average bulk densities representative of the mineralization and lithology models were assigned to the block model and vary from 2.4 t/m 3 to 2.6 t/m 3 .

巖性和含金銀礦域使用Leapfrog 2024進行建模。這些域主要由登錄的磨積巖和石灰岩角礫岩巖性以****位大於0.1克/噸金的連續性所定義。氧化物,過渡和非氧化物的冶金領域的建模是基於氰化可浸出黃金試金值與火試金黃金值之比,另外還有記錄黃鐵礦丰度和氧化強度的鑽孔記錄。過渡物料大約佔氧化噸位的25%,幾乎全部來自Santa Fe礦牀。過渡領域物料包括在氧化物資源中。代表巖性,風化和礦化模型的領域被賦予了塊模型,塊大小爲500 x 500 x 600萬。代表礦化和巖性模型的平均散體密度分配給了塊模型,從2.4 t/m 3到2.6 t/m 3不等。

Grade capping and outlier restrictions were applied to gold and silver values and interpolation parameters respectively. Top cut values for gold and silver were evaluated for each domain independently prior to compositing to 1.52 m lengths that honor domain boundaries. Estimation was completed using Micromine Origin with Ordinary Kriging (OK) and Inverse Distance cubed (ID 3 ) interpolants. Blocks were classified in accordance with the 2014 CIM Definition Standards. The nominal drillhole spacing for Indicated Mineral Resources is 50 m or less. The nominal drillhole spacing for Inferred Mineral Resources is 100 m or less.

對黃金和白銀價值以及插值參數分別應用了等級上限和異常值限制。在合併至152萬長度之前,對每個區域的黃金和白銀進行了頂部截取值評估,以尊重區域邊界。估算是使用愛文思控股的Micromine Origin,採用普通克里金(OK)和反距離立方(ID 3 )插值進行的。塊按照2014年CIM定義標準分類。指示礦產資源的名義鑽孔間距爲5000萬或更少。推斷礦產資源的名義鑽孔間距爲10000萬或更少。

Prospects for eventual economic extraction were evaluated by performing pit optimization using Lerchs-Grossman algorithm with the following parameters: gold price of US$1,950/oz gold, silver price of US$23.50/oz silver, selling costs of US$29.25/oz gold. Mining costs for resource and waste of US$2.50/t, processing cost (oxide) US$3.49/t, processing cost (non-oxide) US$25/t, G&A cost US$1.06/t. Royalties for the Slab, York and Calvada deposits are 1.25%. Maximum pit slope is 50 degrees. Processing recoveries range from 45% to 79% for oxide, silver recoveries range from 10% to 30% for oxide and non-oxide gold and silver recoveries are 71%.


About Lahontan Gold Corp and Filing of Report:
Lahontan Gold Corp. is a Canadian mine development and mineral exploration company that holds, through its US subsidiaries, four top-tier gold and silver exploration properties in the Walker Lane of mining friendly Nevada. Lahontan's flagship property, the 26.4-km 2 Santa Fe Mine project, had past production of 356,000 ounces of gold and 784,000 ounces of silver between 1988 and 1995 from open pit mines utilizing heap-leach processing (Nevada Division of Minerals, ). The Santa Fe Mine has a Canadian National Instrument 43-101 compliant Indicated Mineral Resource of 1,539,000 oz Au Eq(grading 0.99 g/t Au Eq) and an Inferred Mineral Resource of 411,000 oz Au Eq (grading 0.76 g/t Au Eq), all pit constrained (Au Eq is inclusive of recovery, please see Lahontan Press Release dated October 15, 2024). The Company will continue to aggressively explore Santa Fe during 2024 and complete a Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") evaluating development scenarios to bring the Santa Fe Mine back into production.

關於Lahontan Gold Corp和報告的提交:
Lahontan Gold Corp.是一家加拿大礦山開發和礦產勘探公司,通過其美國子公司,在礦業友好的內華達州的沃克連峽持有四個頂級黃金和白銀勘探項目。Lahontan的旗艦項目爲26.4平方公里的聖菲礦山項目,於1988年至1995年間從露天礦山中成功生產了35.6萬盎司黃金和78.4萬盎司白銀,採用堆浸法進行處理(內華達州礦物局)。聖菲礦山擁有符合加拿大43-101號法規的指示性礦產資源,金當量爲153.9萬盎司(品位爲0.99克/噸Au當量),推斷性礦產資源爲41.1萬盎司Au當量(品位爲0.76克/噸Au當量),均受礦坑約束(Au當量包含回收,詳見Lahontan於2024年10月15日發佈的新聞稿)。公司將繼續積極探索聖菲礦山,並完成初步經濟評估(PEA),評估發展方案以使聖菲礦山重新投入生產。

To support this Santa Fe MRE, a technical report prepared according to National Instrument 43-101 ("Report") will be filed on SEDAR within the next 45 days. The independent Qualified Person responsible for the MRE disclosure for the Santa Fe Mine is Trevor Rabb, P.Geo., of Equity Exploration Consultants Ltd., in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. In accordance with National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, Quentin J. Browne, P.Geo., Consulting Geologist to Lahontan Gold Corp., is the Qualified Person for the Company and approved the technical content of this news release.

爲了支持這個Santa Fe MRE,將根據43-101國家儀器的要求,於接下來的45天內在SEDAR上提交一份技術報告("報告")。負責Santa Fe礦MRE披露的獨立合格人士是Equity Exploration Consultants Ltd.的P.Geo. Trevor Rabb,根據43-101國家儀器的《礦產項目披露標準》。根據43-101國家儀器的《礦產項目披露標準》,Lahontan Gold Corp.的勘探地質師P.Geo. Quentin J. Browne是公司的合格人士,並批准了本新聞稿的技術內容。

On behalf of the Board of Directors
Kimberly Ann
Executive Chair, Founder, CEO, and President

Kimberly Ann

Lahontan Gold Corp.
Kimberly Ann
Executive Chair, Founder, CEO, and President
Phone: 1-530-414-4400

Lahontan Gold Corp。
Kimberly Ann

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements:
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Except for statements of historic fact, this news release contains certain "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities law. Forward-looking information is frequently characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate" and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates at the date the statements are made and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements including, but not limited to delays or uncertainties with regulatory approvals, including that of the TSXV. There are uncertainties inherent in forward-looking information, including factors beyond the Company's control. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change except as required by law. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties that could affect financial results is contained in the Company's filings with Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at


SOURCE: Lahontan Gold Corp

來源:Lahontan Gold Corp

