
Singtel First Globally to Unveil New Network Slicing Features to Help Enterprises Prioritise Connectivity Resources

Singtel First Globally to Unveil New Network Slicing Features to Help Enterprises Prioritise Connectivity Resources


Samsung leads rollout as first device manufacturer to support the technology


Singapore, 15 October 2024 – Singtel today announced that it has unlocked new features in its network slicing technology which enables enterprises to prioritise connectivity resources for apps and specific users – a global first. The technology, known as User Equipment Route Selection Policy (URSP), has been configured for enterprises to prioritise specific apps that support their business needs. URSP is deployed through the Mobile Device Management (MDM) platform and works with smartphones on the latest operating systems. To ensure compatibility with device manufacturers, Singtel worked with Samsung Electronics Singapore to successfully trial the technology, paving the way for widespread commercial adoption of URSP.

新加坡,2024年10月15日——新加坡電信今天宣佈,它已解鎖其網絡切片技術的新功能,使企業能夠優先爲應用程序和特定用戶分配連接資源——這是全球首創。這項技術被稱爲用戶設備路由選擇策略 (URSP),已針對企業進行了配置,可以優先考慮支持其業務需求的特定應用程序。URSP 通過移動設備管理 (MDM) 平台部署,可與搭載最新操作系統的智能手機配合使用。爲了確保與設備製造商的兼容性,新加坡電信與新加坡三星電子合作,成功試用了該技術,爲URSP的廣泛商業應用鋪平了道路。

The enhanced feature of URSP gives enterprises greater flexibility and makes it easier to allocate network resources for priority users and critical apps, even in extremely demanding network conditions that may result in congestion. Such capabilities are crucial for business continuity and mission-critical applications like disaster recovery, incident response, as well as for industries where downtime in their day-to-day operations is not an option. It is also increasingly useful for organisations with a growing hybrid workforce that depends on communication apps and collaboration tools to operate and be productive.

URSP 的增強功能爲企業提供了更大的靈活性,即使在可能導致擁塞的極端苛刻的網絡條件下,也能更輕鬆地爲優先用戶和關鍵應用程序分配網絡資源。這些功能對於業務連續性和關鍵任務應用程序(例如災難恢復、事件響應)以及無法在日常運營中停機的行業至關重要。對於依賴通信應用程序和協作工具來運營和提高工作效率的混合員工隊伍的組織來說,它也越來越有用。

"We're proud of this achievement as implementing URSP requires eco-system alignment - support from the network, operating systems and mobile device management platforms and more – which isn't an easy feat. URSP is a gamechanger that allows organisations to tap into the advanced features of the 5G network to meet their specific needs. The high degree of customisability is easy for businesses to implement and enhances customer engagement while driving costs down. Every organisation can benefit from this technology."

「我們爲這一成就感到自豪,因爲實施URSP需要協調生態系統——網絡、操作系統和移動設備管理平台等的支持——這不是一件容易的事。URSP 是一個遊戲規則改變者,它允許組織利用 5G 網絡的高級功能來滿足其特定需求。高度的可定製性易於企業實施,在降低成本的同時增強了客戶參與度。每個組織都可以從這項技術中受益。」

Ng Tian Chong,
Chief Executive Officer,
Singtel Singapore


Mr Ng Tian Chong, CEO, Singtel Singapore, said, "We're proud of this achievement as implementing URSP requires eco-system alignment - support from the network, operating systems and mobile device management platforms and more – which isn't an easy feat. URSP is a gamechanger that allows organisations to tap into the advanced features of the 5G network to meet their specific needs. The high degree of customisability is easy for businesses to implement and enhances customer engagement while driving costs down. Every organisation can benefit from this technology."

新加坡電信首席執行官吳天衝表示:「我們爲這一成就感到自豪,因爲實施URSP需要生態系統協調——網絡、操作系統和移動設備管理平台等的支持——這不是一件容易的事。URSP 是一個遊戲規則改變者,它允許組織利用 5G 網絡的高級功能來滿足其特定需求。高度的可定製性易於企業實施,在降低成本的同時增強了客戶參與度。每個組織都可以從這項技術中受益。」

Boosting enterprise productivity and efficiency


The first device manufacturer to support URSP, Samsung, has configured its Galaxy S24 Ultra, Galaxy Z Fold6 and Galaxy Z Flip6 to be URSP-ready, and plans to extend the roll-out to its other devices. Enterprises can choose to optimise and prioritise bandwidth via Knox Manage, an MDM platform by Samsung, which allows IT admins to manage and monitor fleet devices easily. Through Knox Manage, administrators can assign additional bandwidth to specific apps or users, with a view to address business priorities.

三星是第一家支持URSP的設備製造商,已將其Galaxy S24 Ultra、Galaxy Z Fold6和Galaxy Z Flip6配置爲支持URSP,並計劃將其推出範圍擴大到其他設備。企業可以選擇通過三星推出的MDM平台Knox Manage來優化和確定帶寬的優先級,該平台使IT管理員可以輕鬆管理和監控艦隊設備。通過 Knox Manage,管理員可以爲特定的應用程序或用戶分配額外的帶寬,以解決業務優先事項。

Mr Dennis Jang, President of Samsung Electronics Singapore, said, "Connectivity advancements like network slicing can be transformative in the digital age, as more businesses require stable network for communication and productivity needs. This is even more crucial as we embrace more digital services that rely heavily on network connectivity. Through this partnership, we hope to offer seamless, dedicated and reliable experiences for enterprises on our Galaxy devices with Samsung Knox, complemented with Singtel's continuous innovation to create new possibilities with 5G."


Mr Daniel Ode, Head of Ericsson Singapore, Philippines and Brunei says, "As a connectivity technology leader, we are very delighted to work with Singtel and Samsung, to make URSP available for enterprises. The ability to assign a Smartphone or Computer with multiple profiles within an enterprise takes the potential of 5G to a new level. It will allow employees within enterprises to get prioritised access based on their work profile, even when they are on the go. This successful implementation will also pave the way for the creation of tailored, differentiated 5G offerings."


Leading advancements in network slicing to support business goals


Singtel has been unlocking new 5G technology features to help businesses streamline operations and achieve their mission-critical objectives.


From 2021 to 2023, Singtel worked with public sector agencies to conduct 30 5G trials at Sentosa. The trials involved public and private sector organisations in the construction, homeland security, tourism and other industries successfully activating network slices to exploit 5G's fast speeds and low latency connections to test new uses and applications.


At the recent 2024 Singapore Grand Prix Formula 1 event, Singtel deployed Automated Radio Resource Partitioning, a new feature of network slicing that dynamically allocates network resources, ensuring customers enjoyed extra bandwidth and double the connectivity speed. This allowed Singtel's subscribers to livestream and share content of the race with friends and family in a highly congested network environment.


Please visit Singtel Network Slicing for more information.




