
Electromagnetics Software Release Targets E-Mobility and Communications Markets

Electromagnetics Software Release Targets E-Mobility and Communications Markets

Altair Engineering ·  10/14 12:00
Altair (Nasdaq:ALTR) has released the 2018 versions of leading electromagnetic (EM) simulation software FEKO, WinProp, Flux and FluxMotor. These electromagnetic solver tools, part of Altair's HyperWorks, The Platform for Innovation, are widely used to accelerate the global design process for the automotive, aerospace, defense, communications, consumer electronics, energy, and healthcare industries.
Altair (納斯達克代號:ALTR) 推出了 2018 版本的領先電磁(EM)仿真軟件 FEKO、WinProp、Flux 和 FluxMotor。這些電磁求解器工具是 Altair HyperWorks 的一部分,這是一個用於加速汽車、航空航天、軍工股、通信-半導體、消費電子-半導體、能源和醫療保健等全球設計流程的創新平台,被廣泛應用。

"We are excited by the latest release of our electromagnetic tools to support our customers as they move toward broad deployment of products relevant to e-mobility and communications, Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things. The range of applications covers electromagnetic problems across the whole frequency range from DC into THz, integrated within Altair's multiphysics modeling environment for multidisciplinary system optimization," said Ulrich Jakobus, Senior VP for EM Solutions at Altair.
「我們對我們的電磁工具的最新版本發佈感到興奮,以支持客戶向與電動汽車和通信、工業4.0以及物聯網相關的產品廣泛部署的過程。應用範圍涵蓋了直流到太赫茲整個頻率範圍的電磁問題,在 Altair 多物理建模環境中進行綜合優化,」 Altair 高級副總裁 Em Solutions Ulrich Jakobus 表示。

The rich set of features in the 2018 release of the HyperWorks electromagnetic simulation solutions portfolio broadens functionality, simplifies workflows, and enhances the user experience. For example, a novel workflow has been implemented in FEKO 2018, that facilitates characterizing multi-layered dielectrics. With this, transmission loss and bore-sight error can be computed for arbitrarily shaped radomes more efficiently and with greater flexibility than ever before. Another example is the addition of new features in Flux 2018 bringing new capabilities for CAD geometry simplification and meshing, improving workflow, and increasing flexibility with the ability to solve faster in 3D using new HPC resources.
HyperWorks 2018 版本的電磁仿真解決方案組合中豐富的功能集擴展了功能,簡化了工作流程,增強了用戶體驗。例如,在 FEKO 2018 中實現了一種新穎的工作流程,有助於表徵多層介質。藉助這一功能,可以更有效地計算任意形狀雷達罩的傳輸損耗和瞄準誤差,比以往更加靈活和高效。另一個例子是在 Flux 2018 中增加了新功能,爲 CAD 幾何簡化和網格化帶來了新的能力,改進了工作流程,並通過利用新的高性能計算資源實現了更快的 3D 求解的靈活性增強。

Long-term Flux customer Valeo, is a leading automotive supplier working on e-mobility. "After a short online presentation, I was able to connect my Flux project to HyperStudy optimization software and obtain my first results in 30 minutes. I was very pleasantly surprised," notes Jean-Claude Mipo, Advanced Technology Manager at Valeo.
長期使用 Flux 的客戶 Valeo 是一家領先的汽車供應商,專注於電動汽車技術。Valeo 高級技術經理 Jean-Claude Mipo 表示:「在線短暫演示後,我能夠將我的 Flux 項目連接到 HyperStudy 優化軟件,並在 30 分鐘內獲得我的第一個結果。我感到非常驚喜。」

Watch the complete webinar series to learn more about applications from smart control design to powertrain electrification and vehicle architecture studies, and how Altair's solutions enable multidomain optimization throughout the product development cycle.
觀看完整的網絡研討會系列,了解從智能控制設計到動力系統電氣化和車輛架構研究等各種應用,以及 Altair 的解決方案如何在產品開發週期中實現多領域優化。

