
Be Alert for DTE Energy Impersonators

Be Alert for DTE Energy Impersonators

GlobeNewswire ·  10/12 06:48

DTE encourages customers to know the red flags of impersonators and alert the police to suspicious activity


Detroit, Oct. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- DTE Energy is urging all media outlets to make their audiences aware of DTE impersonators. On October 11, 2024, a homicide took place in Rochester Hills allegedly committed by imposters representing themselves as DTE employees. Our hearts go out to the victims of this horrific and tragic event, and we hope the perpetrators are quickly apprehended and brought to justice.

底特律,2024年10月11日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --dte 能源正在敦促所有媒體機構讓他們的受衆意識到dte冒名者。2024年10月11日,一起謀殺案發生在羅切斯特山,據稱是冒充dte員工的騙子所爲。我們向這起可怕和悲慘事件的受害者表示哀悼,希望罪犯能夠迅速被拘捕並受到公正的制裁。

If anyone arrives at your home or business claiming they are from DTE, please ask to see a badge with a photo ID. If the person refuses to show their badge, do not allow them entry into your home. If the person becomes agitated or acts in a strange manner, call 911 immediately.


DTE customers should keep the following information in mind when dealing with someone who identifies themselves as a DTE employee and wants to enter your home.


  • Know your gas provider. Just because DTE supplies your electricity, it does not mean they supply your gas as well. Impersonators aren't always aware of our service territory. Please note that while DTE does not provide residential gas distribution in Rochester Hills, it does operate gas transmission pipelines in the area.
  • Before DTE makes a routine visit to your home, we will make every effort to contact you in advance, either through a phone call from our call center or via email or text message.
  • It is very rare that a DTE employee would need to enter your home, but it does happen. DTE will use every opportunity to make you aware of any work needing to be done at your home and if possible will contact you in advance to schedule time for the work to be completed.
  • Prior to allowing a person claiming to work for DTE in your home or on your property, you should look for and do the following:
    • All DTE Electric and DTE Gas employees and contractors carry photo identification badges, and are required to show their badge when asked.
    • Customers should ask the employee why they are there and, if necessary, call 800-477-4747 to confirm before allowing entry or access to their property. Keep your door locked while you are making the call, and only speak through a locked screen door if it's necessary to talk to the person.
    • If an employee/contractor refuses to show their badge, the customer should refuse service and call 800-477-4747 to verify whether or not DTE is scheduled to be on site or at their home.
    • In regards to gas service, the only reason a DTE employee would need to enter your home is if your gas meter is indoors. This is common in older homes.
  • 了解您的燃料幣供應商。僅因爲dte供應您的電力,並不意味着他們也提供您的燃料幣。冒名者並不總是了解我們的服務範圍。請注意,儘管dte在羅切斯特山不提供住宅燃料幣配送服務,但它在該地區運營燃料幣傳輸管道。
  • 在dte進行例行拜訪您家之前,我們將盡一切努力提前與您聯繫,無論是通過我們的呼叫中心的電話、電子郵件還是短信。
  • dte員工需要進入您家居住的情況非常罕見,但這種情況確實存在。dte將充分利用機會讓您了解家中需要做任何工作,並在可能的情況下提前與您聯繫,安排完成工作的時間。
  • 在允許聲稱爲dte工作人員進入您的家居住或財產之前,您應該查找並執行以下操作:
    • 所有dte電力和dte燃料幣的員工和承包商都持有照片身份證,當被要求時必須出示自己的工作證。
    • 客戶應詢問員工到底爲何到訪,如果必要,在允許進入或使用財產之前,請致電800-477-4747進行確認。撥打電話時,請保持門鎖住,在打電話時只能通過鎖着的屏門說話,如果有必要才能與對方交流。
    • 如果員工/承包商拒絕出示工作證,客戶應拒絕提供服務,並致電800-477-4747確認是否安排dte前來現場或家中。
    • 關於燃料幣服務,dte員工需要進入您家中的唯一原因是如果您的燃氣表放在室內。這種情況在老房子中很常見。

About DTE Energy


DTE Energy (NYSE:DTE) is a Detroit-based diversified energy company involved in the development and management of energy-related businesses and services nationwide. Its operating units include an electric company serving 2.3 million customers in Southeast Michigan and a natural gas company serving 1.3 million customers across Michigan. The DTE portfolio also includes energy businesses focused on custom energy solutions, renewable energy generation, and energy marketing and trading. DTE has continued to accelerate its carbon reduction goals to meet aggressive targets and is committed to serving with its energy through volunteerism, education and employment initiatives, philanthropy, emission reductions and economic progress. Information about DTE is available at,, and

dte能源(紐交所:DTE) 是一家總部位於底特律的多元化能源公司,涉及全國範圍內能源相關業務和服務的開發與管理。其運營單位包括一家爲密歇根東南部230萬客戶提供服務的電力公司,以及一家爲密歇根全境130萬客戶提供服務的天然氣公司。 DTE投資組合還包括專注於定製能源解決方案、可再生能源發電和能源營銷貿易的能源業務。DTE已繼續加快減排目標的實施,以實現激進的目標,並致力於通過志願服務、教育和就業計劃、慈善事業、減排和經濟進步來提供其能源服務。有關DTE的信息可在、、和獲取。

CONTACT: Dan Miner
DTE Energy

