
LPI Capital Remains A Strong Contender Despite Steep Discount Stake Sale

LPI Capital Remains A Strong Contender Despite Steep Discount Stake Sale

Business Today ·  10/11 13:07

LPI Capital Bhd remains a strong contender in the financial services sector, maintaining its BUY recommendation and an unchanged target price of RM14.52, following the recent announcement of the Public Bank's acquisition of a 44.15% stake in the company. The acquisition, which involves 175,896,000 shares held by the estate of the late Tan Sri Datuk Sri Dr Teh Hong Piow and Consolidated Teh Holdings Sdn Bhd, is set to trigger a mandatory general offer (MGO) for the remaining shares for RM9.80 per share. However, this offer is perceived as unattractive due to its steep discount to LPI Capital's current market price of RM13.00.

在大衆銀行最近宣佈收購該公司44.15%的股份之後,LPI Capital Bhd仍然是金融服務領域的有力競爭者,維持其買入建議和14.52令吉不變的目標價。此次收購涉及已故丹斯里拿督Sri Dr Teh Hong Piow和聯合科技控股私人有限公司的遺產持有的175,896,000股股票,將觸發剩餘股份的強制性全面要約(MGO),價格爲每股9.80令吉。但是,由於與LPI Capital當前13.00令吉的市場價格相比有大幅折扣,該提議被認爲沒有吸引力。

The RM9.80 offer price represents a 24.6% discount based on the share's closing price prior to the trading suspension and a 23.7% discount on its five-day volume-weighted average price (VWAP) of RM12.84. Additionally, the offer implies a price-to-book value (P/BV) of 1.71x, which is lower than LPI Capital's existing P/BV of 2.3x. Given these figures, MIDF Amanah Investment Bank Bhd (MIDF Research) believe that minority shareholders are unlikely to show interest in the MGO, particularly when the current market price presents a more favourable exit option.

根據股票暫停交易前的收盤價,9.80令吉的要約價爲24.6%的折扣,爲期五天的折扣爲23.7% 成交量加權平均價格VWAP)爲12.84令吉。此外,該報價意味着賬面市盈率(P/BV)爲1.71倍,低於LPI Capital現有的2.3倍市盈率。鑑於這些數字,MIDF Amanah投資銀行有限公司(MIDF Research)認爲,少數股東不太可能對MGO表現出興趣,尤其是在當前市場價格提供更有利的退出選擇的情況下。

Despite the unattractive offer, LPI Capital is regarded as fundamentally strong, boasting a solid dividend yield that reflects its financial health. MIDF Research argue that the offer price does not accurately represent the company's fundamentals, which remain robust. The anticipated synergies from being part of a larger banking group could provide opportunities for growth in the future, although the current proposal has not sparked much enthusiasm among shareholders.

儘管該報價沒有吸引力,但LPI Capital被認爲基本強勁,其穩健的股息收益率反映了其財務狀況。MIDF Research認爲,要約價格並不能準確代表公司的基本面,而基本面仍然強勁。儘管目前的提案並未激發股東的太大熱情,但作爲大型銀行集團的一員所帶來的預期協同效應可能會爲未來的增長提供機會。

The research house has opted to keep its earnings forecasts unchanged, citing potential risks that could impact LPI Capital's performance, such as weak investment results, increased claims, and slower growth in gross written premiums. Nevertheless, LPI Capital's outlook remains positive, with its solid fundamentals and attractive dividends continuing to appeal to investors. The bank maintains a target price based on a forecasted FY25F P/BV of 2.42x, projecting an expected share price return of approximately 11.7%, alongside a dividend yield of 6.0%. This leads to a total expected return of 17.7%, reaffirming LPI Capital's position as a compelling investment opportunity in the finance sector.

該研究機構選擇維持其收益預測不變,理由是潛在的風險可能會影響LPI Capital的表現,例如投資業績疲軟,索賠增加以及總書面保費增長放緩。儘管如此,LPI Capital的前景仍然樂觀,其穩健的基本面和誘人的股息繼續吸引投資者。根據預測的 FY25F 市盈率2.42倍,該銀行維持目標價格,預計股價回報率約爲11.7%,股息收益率爲6.0%。這使總預期回報率爲17.7%,重申了LPI Capital在金融領域作爲引人注目的投資機會的地位。

