
Hercules Metals Intersects 480 Meters of 0.47% Cu, 82 Ppm Mo, Including 55 Meters of 1.5% Cu

Hercules Metals Intersects 480 Meters of 0.47% Cu, 82 Ppm Mo, Including 55 Meters of 1.5% Cu

Hercules 金屬期貨交叉480米0.47% Cu,82 Ppm Mo,包括55米1.5% Cu
newsfile ·  10/10 19:00

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - October 10, 2024) - Hercules Metals Corp. (TSXV: BIG) (OTCQB: BADEF) (FSE: C0X) ("Hercules Metals" or the "Company") is pleased to announce multiple broad copper intercepts from its Phase III drilling program on the newly discovered Leviathan porphyry copper system in western Idaho ("Hercules" or the "Property").

Toronto,安大略(新聞簡報社 - 2024年10月10日) - 大力金屬公司(TSXV:BIG)(OTCQB:BADEF)(FSE:C0X)("大力金屬"或"公司")高興地宣佈,在愛達荷州西部新發現的利維坦斑岩銅系統的第三階段鑽探項目中發現了多個廣泛的銅截獲。



  • 140-meter step-out delivers similar hypogene enrichment to discovery hole HER-23-05, including 55 m of 1.5% Cu, within a broader intercept of 480 meters of 0.47% Cu, 82 ppm Mo, representing the longest intercept reported to date.
  • 140米的外推鑽孔提供了類似於發現孔HER-23-05的高原酸成礦富集,包括1.5%的5500萬銅,覆蓋了0.47%銅,82 ppm鉬,是迄今爲止報道的最長截獲。
  • Additional step-out holes planned to test its potential northeast-southwest trend extending towards HER-24-12, as well as down-plunge to the southeast (Fig. 1).
  • 計劃進行額外的外推鑽孔,以測試其向東北 - 西南延伸至HER-24-12的潛力,以及向東南沿傾的測試(圖1)。
  • Large step-out drilling outlines a 1.6 km x 1.1 km oval-shaped enrichment blanket which remains open.
  • 大範圍的外推鑽孔勾勒出一個長1.6公里,寬1.1公里的橢圓形富集帶,仍然未封閉。
  • Drilling continues to vector toward the potassic core of the system and test for additional centers to the east within a large untested soil anomaly.
  • 鑽探繼續朝向系統的鉀核心方向指引,並在尚未開展大規模的土壤異常內向東測試其他中心。
  • Legacy Drilling has successfully completed the first RC hole to significant depth in challenging ground, demonstrating the potential to increase drilling production and lower the overall costs.
  • Legacy Drilling成功完成了第一個在具有挑戰性地質條件下鑽探到重要深度的迴轉鑽孔,展示了增加鑽井產量和降低總成本的潛力。
  • Drilling progresses with two diamond core rigs and one RC rig and remains financed through to the end of 2025.
  • 鑽探進展順利,使用兩臺金剛石岩心鑽機和一臺迴轉鑽機,資金持續到2025年底。

Chris Paul, CEO and Director of the Company, noted: "We are pleased with the grade and continuity returned over broad intervals in the system. The phyllic cap and hypogene enrichment blanket have expanded now to 1.6 km x 1.1 km, leading to new interpretations of the potential geometry and scale of the system. We've been able to work through drilling challenges faced at the start of the season and are now seeing strong production with the addition of Legacy's RC rig. As production increases, it continues to generate new targets and vector us toward the core of the system.

公司的CEO和董事Chris Paul指出:“我們對該系統中廣泛間隙返回的品位和連續性感到滿意。具腐蝕性蓋層和次生濃縮蝕變毯的規模已擴大至1.6公里x 1.1公里,這導致了對該系統潛在幾何形態和規模的新解讀。我們已經成功克服了季節初面臨的鑽井挑戰,並隨着Legacy的RC鑽機的加入而開始看到產量強勁增長。隨着產量的增加,系統持續產生新目標,並將我們引向系統的核心部位。

As drilling moves into new target areas, we're able to further test extensions of the widespread hypogene enrichment blanket. Hypogene enrichment is a rare phenomenon that only occurs in a small number of systems globally, but can often significantly upgrade the overall metal endowment. It remains to be seen if it extends into an as yet undiscovered high-grade potassic core."


Table 1: Significant Intercepts1


Hole ID From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Cu (%) Ag (g/t) Mo (ppm)
HER-24-01 256.37 411.24 154.87 0.44 10.87 64
including 256.37 339.85 83.48 0.67 18.88 67
including 256.37 286.51 30.14 1.11 48.48 32
HER-24-02 297.91 327.66 29.75 0.18 0.46 14
HER-24-03 207.9 224.52 16.62 0.47 0.67 6
HER-24-04 266.49 484.33 217.84 0.33 2.10 59
including 266.49 323.55 57.06 0.55 2.68 64
HER-24-06 471.53 509.32 37.79 0.53 17.9 97
AND 588.26 637.58 49.32 0.46 3.26 93
HER-24-08 242.32 721.77 479.55 0.47 0.67 82
including 242.32 388.62 146.3 0.84 0.77 61
including 242.32 296.88 54.56 1.47 0.95 39
孔ID 從(m) 到(m) 間隔(米)。 銅(%) Ag(g/t) Mo(ppm)
HER-24-01 256.37 411.24 154.87 0.44 10.87 64
包括 256.37 339.85 83.48 0.67 18.88 67
包括 256.37 286.51 30.14 1.11 48.48 32
HER-24-02 297.91 327.66 29.75 0.18 0.46 14
HER-24-03 207.9 224.52 16.62 0.47 0.67 6
HER-24-04 266.49 484.33 217.84 0.33 2.10 59
包括 266.49 323.55 57.06 0.55 2.68 64
HER-24-06 471.53 509.32 37.79 0.53 17.9 97
588.26 637.58 49.32 0.46 3.26 93
HER-24-08 242.32 721.77 479.55 0.47 0.67 82
包括 242.32 388.62 146.3 0.84 0.77 61
包括 242.32 296.88 54.56 1.47 0.95 39

Figure 1: Drill Plan with grade bars for copper (orange) and molybdenum (blue) for holes with assays received. Approximate surface projection of enrichment blanket shown in orange. System remains open. Potential planned holes shown in white collars.


Figure 2: 1:6500 scale view of drill holes in Figure 1, showing section lines for Figures 3 and 4.


Figure 3: Cross-section A - A' showing southwest dipping cover, erosional surface, leach cap and parallel enrichment blanket. The late porphyry dykes dip out of the page to the southeast, but have an apparent parallel dip as shown due to the orientation of the cross section.

圖3:A - A'剖面顯示向西南傾斜的覆蓋層、侵蝕表面、浸出帽和平行富集毯。晚期斑岩岩脈向東南方向褶出頁面,但由於剖面的取向,呈現出明顯平行傾角。

Figure 4: Cross-section B - B' showing southwest-dipping unconformity. The thickest leach cap observed lies below 23-21, but pinches out by 24-06. The late porphyry thickens below 23-21 and dips out of the page to the southeast. The thickest bornite ever intercepted at Hercules occurs as a wedge of enrichment and possible relict potassic alteration above the late porphyry in 23-21. It was affected by leaching from above and therefore copper grades were not as high as other holes. It was then truncated by the late porphyry below. Planned holes will now test if the bornite wedge thickens down plunge to the southeast, as it departs from the thick leach cap and the top of the late porphyry dips deeper.

圖4:b - B'剖面顯示向西南傾斜的不整合面。觀察到的最厚浸出巖帽位於23-21下方,但到24-06處消失。晚期斑岩在23-21下方變厚並向東南方向褶出頁面。在Hercules觀察到的最厚輝銅在23-21形成一塊富集和可能是殘留鉀質蝕變的楔形物,位於晚期斑岩上方。受到上方淋濾的影響,銅品位不如其他孔。然後在下方被晚期斑岩切斷。計劃的孔將測試這塊輝銅楔形是否向東南方向加厚,因爲它背離了厚浸出巖帽和晚期斑岩頂部變得更深的距離。

Spectral and Veining


Spectral readings taken throughout the porphyry system show a discernible pattern of increasing alteration temperature to the south and southeast. Drill holes HER-24-01 through -03, and 24-15 intersected low temperature phyllic and minor advanced argillic alteration, typical of the shallowest parts of a porphyry system. Veining in these holes is characterized by intense "D" vein stockworks, also typical of the margins of the system. Holes drilled to the south and southeast however intersect progressively higher temperature phyllic, and even observable relict potassic alteration. Densities of early quartz veins also increase in direct association with the increasing alteration temperatures. This pattern suggests that the Leviathan porphyry system has been tilted to the northwest.


Porphyry Intrusions


A quartz porphyry intrusion, interpreted to be a late phase of the porphyry system, is intersected in a number of drill holes. Preliminary modeling suggests a southeast plunging geometry, consistent with the interpretation that the system is tilted to the northwest. It also appears to pinch out to the northwest in a series of finger-like dykes. The late quartz porphyry is slightly grade dilutive relative to the volcanic wall rock, and drilling aims to target near its margins, or in its hanging wall, as it plunges off to the southeast. It should be noted that drilling has not yet identified the earliest porphyry intrusion, which is typically the highest grade and introduces the bulk of copper mineralization early in porphyry systems.


Drill Hole Summaries


HER-24-08 intersected strong mineralization in a 140-meter step-out northeast from 23-05. A trend of prospective mineralization has been noted from other holes drilled to the northeast, including HER-24-12. Additional drilling is warranted to test if the trend continues northeast of 24-12. Three core holes, HER-07, HER-24-09 and 24-09b, were lost in Jurassic cover, with HER-24-09 testing a step-out to the southwest of 23-05. Legacy's RC drill will use the same pad to test the southwest extension of the trend. HER-24-12 did not intersect late quartz porphyry, which adds to the targets prospectivity.


HER-24-01 was drilled into a low temperature halo of D veining to the northwest, but also overlapped the margin of the enrichment blanket and graded 155m of 0.44% Cu and 11 g/t Ag, including 30m of 1.11% Cu and 48 g/t Ag.


HER-24-04 intersected late quartz porphyry, grading 0.33% Cu over 218m, including 57m of 0.54% Cu within the enrichment blanket.


HER-24-05 was drilled into a circular chargeability low and intersected a low-grade plug of late quartz porphyry, with trace copper sulfide. High barren quartz vein densities in the plug suggest a potential deep core may have been faulted in here.


HER-24-06 tested a chargeability high outside of HER-24-05 and encountered hypogene enrichment followed by a short interval of late porphyry. Copper grade increases after exiting late porphyry into biotite altered volcanics. A badly damaged post-mineral fault zone forced the hole to be terminated in 0.6% Cu.


Silver-Lead-Zinc in Jurassic Cover Sequence


Broad zones of disseminated silver-lead-zinc occur within the Hercules Rhyolite, an important unit of the Jurassic cover sequence. Although no longer the primary target, with commodities prices on the rise, the near surface silver mineralization may play an important role in potential future development scenarios.


Table 2: Silver-Lead-Zinc in Cover Sequence


Hole ID From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Ag (g/t) Pb (%) Zn (%) Pb+Zn (%)
HER-24-01 72.76 258.59 185.83 28.78 .09 .28 0.37
including 72.76 131.37 58.61 67.89 .28 .86 1.14
including 78.85 89.52 10.67 205.04 0.40 0.48 0.88
HER-24-04 118.45 133.65 15.20 24.40 0.21 1.29 1.50
HER-24-05 312.88 317.91 5.03 93.01 - - -
HER-24-08 3.02 96.68 93.66 9.88 0.19 0.17 0.36
including 42.4 96.7 54.30 13.04 0.25 0.13 0.38
孔ID 從(m) 到(m) 間隔(米)。 Ag(g/t) 鉛(%) 鋅(%) 市淨率+鋅(%)
HER-24-01 72.76 258.59 185.83 28.78 .09 0.28 0.37
包括 72.76 131.37 57.33 67.89 0.28 0.86 1.14
包括 78.85 89.52 10.67 205.04 0.40 0.48 0.88
HER-24-04 118.45 133.65 15.20 24.40 0.21 1.29 1.50
HER-24-05 312.88 317.91 5.03 93.01 - - -
HER-24-08 3.02 96.68 93.66 9.88 0.19 0.17 0.36
包括 42.4 96.7 54.30 13.04 0.25 0.13 0.38

Table 3: Reported Drill Hole Locations


Hole ID Easting Northing Elevation Depth (m) Azimuth Dip
HER-24-01 511023 4956683 1288 411.2 114.9 -69.7
HER-24-02 511283 4956956 1354 411.5 115.4 -70.2
HER-24-03 511132 4956841 1277 516.3 115.12 -69.8
HER-24-04 511203 4956466 1359 484.3 90.17 -68.4
HER-24-05 511237 4955710 1255 601.0 59.6 -75.3
HER-24-06 511206 4956076 1361 637.6 239.36 -75.6
HER-24-08 511289 4956754 1364 721.8 81.5 -70.2
孔ID 504 北緯(m) 海拔高度(masl) 深度(米) 方位角(度) 傾角
HER-24-01 511023 4956683 1288 411.2 114.9 -69.7
HER-24-02 511283 4956956 1354 411.5 115.4 -70.2
HER-24-03 511132 4956841 1277 516.3 115.12 -69.8
HER-24-04 511203 4956466 1359 484.3 90.17 -68.4
HER-24-05 511237 4955710 1255 601.0 59.6 -75.3
HER-24-06 511206 4956076 1361 637.6 239.36 -75.6
HER-24-08 511289 4956754 1364 721.8 81.5 -70.2

Sample Analysis and QAQC


All drill core samples were prepped and analyzed at MSA Labs in Langley, British Columbia, an ISO 17025 and ISO 9001 certified laboratory. Samples were dried and crushed to 2mm, from which a 250g sub-sample split was then pulverized to 85% passing a 75 micron sieve. Following preparation, assays were determined by the IMS-230 method. A 0.25g aliquot of the prepared pulp was digested in a 4-acid solution consisting of hydrochloric, nitric, perchloric and hydrofluoric acids. 4-acid is a near total digest and only the most highly resistant minerals are not dissolved. The resulting solution was analyzed via ICP-MS and ICP-ES for 48 elements and was corrected for inter-element spectral interferences. Lower detection limits for this procedure are 0.01 ppm for silver, 0.5 ppm for lead, 2 ppm for zinc, and 0.2 ppm for copper. Mercury is not reported due to volatilization in reaction with hydrofluoric acid and gold is not reported due to the small, 0.25g aliquot size being insufficient to overcome the nugget effect.

所有鑽孔巖芯樣品在位於不列顛哥倫比亞省蘭利的MSA實驗室進行預處理和分析,該實驗室是ISO 17025和ISO 9001認證實驗室。樣品被幹燥並粉碎至2mm,然後取250g亞樣本分裂,並粉碎至85%經過75微米篩網。在準備完成後,通過IMS-230方法確定化驗。準備好的漿樣中取0.25g,用鹽酸、硝酸、高氯酸和氫氟酸組成的4酸溶液消解。4酸是近乎完全消解,只有最抗蝕礦物不溶解。然後用ICP-MS和ICP-ES分析結果溶液中的48個元素,並進行元素間的光譜干擾修正。該過程的最低檢出限爲0.01 ppm的銀,0.5 ppm的鉛,2 ppm的鋅和0.2 ppm的銅。由於汞在與氫氟酸反應中揮發,金由於0.25g的樣本量太小,無法克服金塊效應而未報告。

Gold was analyzed by FAS-111, a 30-gram fire assay fusion with AAS finish. No significant results were reported.


Samples with initial results beyond the upper detection limit of the IMS-230 method were analyzed by procedures ICF-6Ag, ICF-6Cu, ICF-6Pb and ICF-6Zn. The thresholds are 100 ppm for silver, and >1% for copper, lead and zinc.

初步結果超過IMS-230方法的上限檢測限的樣品將通過ICF-6Ag,ICF-6Cu,ICF-6Pb和ICF-6Zn程序進行分析。銀的閾值爲100 ppm,銅、鉛和鋅的閾值爲>1%。

MSA Labs employs internal quality control standards, duplicates and blank samples at set frequencies.


Blind certified reference materials (CRMs) and blank samples were systematically inserted by the Company into the sample stream and analyzed as part of the Company's quality assurance/quality control protocol.


Qualified Person


The scientific and technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved for disclosure by Christopher Longton BS, CPG, Hercules' Vice President, Exploration. Mr. Longton is a "Qualified Person" for Hercules Metals within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新聞資訊的科學和技術信息已由Hercules Metals的副總裁勘探Christopher Longton BS、CPG審核並批准披露。 Longton先生是符合43-101號國家規定礦產項目披露標準的「合格人員」 。

About Hercules Metals Corp.

關於Hercules Metals corp.

Hercules Metals Corp. (TSXV: BIG) (OTCQB: BADEF) (FSE: C0X) is an exploration Company focused on developing Idaho's newest copper and silver district.

Hercules Metals Corp. (創業公司: BIG) (OTCQB: BADEF) (FSE: C0X) 是一家專注於開發愛達荷州最新銅和白銀地區的勘探公司。

The 100% owned Hercules Project located northwest of Cambridge, hosts the newly discovered Leviathan porphyry copper system, one of the most important discoveries in the region to date. The Company is well positioned for growth through continued drilling, supported by extensive historical and current exploration and a strategic investment by Barrick Gold.


With the potential for significant scale, the Company's management and board of directors aims to build on its proven track record which includes the discovery and development of numerous precious metals projects worldwide.


For further information please contact:


Nisha Hasan
Investor Relations
Telephone +1 (604) 425-1408

Nisha Hasan

Chris Paul
CEO & Director
Telephone +1 (604) 670-5527

Chris Paul

This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities in the United States. Any securities referred to herein have not and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to U.S. Persons unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws of an exemption from such registration is available.


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關於前瞻性信息的免責聲明本新聞稿可能含有前瞻性聲明。這些聲明包括涉及公司的管理團隊和董事會,Sanoukou Gold Project,Tilemi磷酸鹽項目以及公司未來計劃和目標的影響。這些聲明基於目前的預期和假設,面臨着風險和不確定性。實際結果可能因爲在我們的中期和最近的年度財務報告的管理討論和分析部分或其他報告和文件及TSX Venture Exchange和適用的加拿大證券法規中所討論的因素而有所不同。我們不承擔任何更新前瞻性聲明的義務,除非法律規定。

This news release contains certain information that may be deemed "forward-looking information" with respect to the Company within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Such forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the Company's actual results, performance or achievements, or developments in the industry to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Forward-looking information includes statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "believes," "intends," "estimates," "projects," "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will," "would," "may," "could" or "should" occur. Forward-looking information contained in this press release may include, without limitation, the expected execution of future exploration programs on the Property; assay results of future drill holes; results of operations, and the expected financial performance of the Company.


Although the Company believes the forward-looking information contained in this news release is reasonable based on information available on the date hereof, by its nature, forward-looking information involves assumptions and known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements, or other future events, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking information.


Examples of such assumptions, risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, assumptions, risks and uncertainties associated with general economic conditions; the Covid-19 pandemic; adverse industry events; the receipt of required regulatory approvals and the timing of such approvals; that the Company maintains good relationships with the communities in which it operates or proposes to operate, future legislative and regulatory developments in the mining sector; the Company's ability to access sufficient capital from internal and external sources, and/or inability to access sufficient capital on favorable terms; mining industry and markets in Canada and generally; the ability of the Company to implement its business strategies; competition; the risk that any of the assumptions prove not to be valid or reliable, which could result in delays, or cessation in planned work, risks associated with the interpretation of data, the geology, grade and continuity of mineral deposits, the possibility that results will not be consistent with the Company's expectations, as well as other assumptions risks and uncertainties applicable to mineral exploration and development activities and to the Company, including as set forth in the Company's public disclosure documents filed on the SEDAR+ website at .

此類假設、風險和不確定性的例子包括但不限於與一般經濟狀況、COVID-19大流行、不利行業事件、獲得所需監管批准及其時間、公司與其運營所在或擬在運營的社區保持良好關係、採礦業部門未來的立法和監管發展、公司從內部和外部渠道獲得足夠的資本或無法以優惠條件獲得足夠的資本; 加拿大和全球的採礦業和市場;公司實施其業務策略的能力; 立場決定無效或不可靠的風險,這可能會導致計劃工作推遲或停止,與數據解釋相關的風險,礦物質儲量地質學、等級和連續性的可能性,結果可能與公司的預期不一致,以及適用於礦物勘探和開發活動以及公司的其他假設風險和不確定性,包括在公司在SEDAR+網站上提交的公開披露文件中所載明的內容。


此新聞稿中包含的前瞻性信息代表Hercules Metals截至本新聞稿日發佈的預期,因此可能隨之發生變化。讀者不應太重視前瞻性信息,並不應將此信息視爲任何其他日期的信息。雖然Hercules Metals可能會選擇,在符合適用法律規定的情況下更新此信息,但在任何特定時間都沒有此義務。

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1 Drill hole HER-24-07 was lost in Jurassic cover. HER-24-05 returned no significant results.


