
Amazon-Style Return To Office Policy Doesn't Await Spotify Employees: 'Can't Spend A Lot Of Time Hiring Grown-Ups And Then Treat Them Like Children'

Amazon-Style Return To Office Policy Doesn't Await Spotify Employees: 'Can't Spend A Lot Of Time Hiring Grown-Ups And Then Treat Them Like Children'

Benzinga ·  10/10 18:01

Spotify Technology SA (NYSE:SPOT) is sticking to its work-from-anywhere policy, diverging from the trend of companies such as Inc. that are calling employees back to the office.

Spotify Technology SA (紐交所:SPOT) 堅持其雲辦公政策,與亞馬遜等公司要求員工返公司的趨勢背道而馳。

What Happened: Spotify's chief human resources officer, Katarina Berg, emphasized in an interview with Raconteur, that work is not limited to a specific location.

發生的事情: Spotify的首席人力資源官Katarina Berg在接受Raconteur的採訪中強調,工作並不侷限於特定地點。

Berg stated, "You can't spend a lot of time hiring grown-ups and then treat them like children," reinforcing Spotify's stance on flexibility. The company introduced its WFA policy in February 2021, allowing employees to choose between working from home, the office, or a hybrid model.


Spotify's policy has reportedly led to a 15% reduction in employee attrition and enhanced workplace diversity by 2022, as noted by Fortune. Despite the challenges of virtual collaboration, Spotify is collaborating with the Stockholm School of Economics to study remote work's impact on innovation.


While companies like Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co. enforce in-office schedules, Spotify remains committed to its flexible approach, resisting the trend of increased office attendance.


Why It Matters: The decision by Spotify to maintain its WFA policy comes at a time when many companies are reversing remote work policies. Google has also assured employees it will not follow Amazon's strict return-to-office mandate, highlighting a divide in corporate strategies.

爲什麼重要: Spotify決定保持其雲辦公政策,正值許多公司正在取消遠程辦公政策之際。谷歌也向員工保證不會遵循亞馬遜的嚴格返公司命令,突顯了企業策略上的分歧。

Amazon's recent decision to require employees to return to the office full-time has sparked concern among its workforce, with a survey indicating that 73% of Amazon employees are considering leaving due to the policy.


This trend is part of a broader movement where some companies use return-to-office mandates as a strategy to encourage voluntary turnover, as noted in a survey by Bamboo HR.

這一趨勢是一個更廣泛運動的一部分,一些公司利用返公司命令作爲鼓勵自願離職的策略,正如Bamboo HR的調查所指出的。

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This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Kaustubh Bagalkote

本報道使用Benzinga Neuro生成,並由Kaustubh Bagalkote

