
Top Glove Rewards Through Proposed 1:20 Warrant, As Well As World-class ESG

Top Glove Rewards Through Proposed 1:20 Warrant, As Well As World-class ESG

Business Today ·  10/10 16:56

Top Glove has proposed a bonus issue of up to 405,964,951 warrants on the basis of 1 warrant for every 20 existing Top Glove shares to reward its shareholders by giving them the opportunity to increase their equity participation by exercising the warrants at a predetermined price, announced the group in its press statement on Thursday, adding that Top Glove will continue adhere to global ESG standards. (ESG refers to Environmental Stewardship, Social Responsibility and Governance Excellence)

Top Glove在週四的新聞聲明中宣佈,Top Glove提議在每20股現有Top Glove股票發行1份認股權證的基礎上,發行高達405,964,951份認股權證的紅利,以獎勵股東,讓他們有機會通過按預定價格行使認股權證來增加股權參與度,並補充說,Top Glove將繼續遵守全球ESG標準。(ESG 指環境管理、社會責任和卓越治理)

The proposed warrants are exercisable anytime within 5 years from the date of issuance. The exercise price will be announced at a later date.


The issuance of the warrants is subject to shareholders' approval at the upcoming Annual General Meeting, or AGM, in January (2025).


The exercise will strengthen the group's capital base, enabling it to raise additional funds without incurring additional interest expense, as compared to bank borrowings.


On the ESG front, Top Glove, in July 2024, successfully delivered its first shipment of sustainable natural rubber gloves to Europe fully traceable to their plantation origins, demonstrating the group's commitment to full compliance with the EU Deforestation Regulation, or EUDR, attained ahead of the 30 December 2024 deadline.

在ESG方面,Top Glove於2024年7月成功向歐洲交付了第一批完全可追溯其種植園來源的可持續天然橡膠手套,這表明該集團承諾在2024年12月30日截止日期之前完全遵守歐盟森林砍伐條例(EUDR)。

The group received an 'A' in the MSCI ESG Ratings in the same month of 2024, which is an improvement over its 'BBB' rating in 2023 and the highest achievement since Top Glove's participation in 2019.

該集團在2024年同月在摩根士丹利資本國際公司ESG評級中獲得了 「A」 級,這比其2023年的 「BBB」 評級有所提高,也是自2019年Top Glove參與以來的最高成就。

The MSCI ESG Rating measures a company's management of financially relevant ESG risk and opportunity, with assessment carried
out based on publicly available information.


Last month, the group also released the results of a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) report which evaluates the environmental impact of a product throughout its entire life cycle, from raw material extraction to disposal.


The LCA which was carried out on Top Glove's conventional nitrile powder free gloves and biodegradable nitrile powder free gloves, revealed that carbon emissions for its biodegradable nitrile powder free gloves were 8.3% lower than that of its conventional nitrile gloves.

對Top Glove的常規丁腈無粉手套和可生物降解的丁腈無粉手套進行的生命週期評估顯示,其可生物降解的丁腈無粉手套的碳排放量比其傳統丁腈手套低8.3%。

Top Glove also ranked 7th amongst the 20 winners of the National Corporate Governance & Sustainability Awards (NACGSA) in September 2024.

Top Glove還在2024年9月全國公司治理與可持續發展獎(NACGSA)的20名獲獎者中排名第七。

